Home Sweet Home

Home Is Where The Heart Is

"S.E.O.U.L. hamkke bulleobwayo kkumi irweojil areumdaun sesang~" Yoomi sang to herself.

The plane had just landed in Seoul International Airport, and Yoomi had just finished listening to "Seoul Song" by Super Junior and SNSD. She had vowed to herself many years ago when the song first came out that she would listen to that song the moment she was in Seoul. Promise fulfilled.

As a junior in college, Yoomi decided she would study abroad in South Korea. Her major was engineering, and she wanted to get some hands on experience at the Samsung headquarters while attending Sungkyunkwan Scandal University. Though Samsung's HQ was in Daegu, she could ride the train every month once or twice to check out the place. Plus she would be residing in Suwon which has a large Samsung factory about 30km (19 mi) south of Seoul. She was excited, but first she needed to find her way to the townhouse where she would be living.


Meanwhile, Siwan was in class listening to an extremely boring lecture about the history of who knows what. Luckily though, after this class he could leave and go to his next scheduled filming. He was making a guest appearance on a variety show today. Though variety shows were a little awkward for him since his best friend and band mate Kwanghee excelled at them, it was another opportunity for him to make money. His only thoughts consisted of money and studies. For now being an idol star could bring him good profits, and of course logically speaking good looks don't last forever so he studies engineering in order to make a lot of money in the future and take care of his family. With his sister gone and married in Vancouver, it was up to him to help his parents pay for his brother's tuition. His parents sold food in the market in Busan; however, it was never enough to make ends meet. Siwan vowed to make lots of money in order to live a good life and give great things to his posterity.


Yoomi had been walking for 2 hours and still she could not find the townhouse.

"Ugh, I'm tired and hungry. Ugh, it's so hot. Ugh, darn that jet lag."

As Yoomi continued to complain, a taxi stopped at a stop light. Yoomi wondered why none of the taxis had stopped for her before, but she wasn't going to question it now.

"Ahjussi, can you take me to Suwon?"

"Ah, yes, Agasshi, it'll be a bit more expensive though."

"It's fine. Take me to Haengbok Townhouse please and thank you."

Yoomi got into the back seat and started singing "Mr. Taxi" in her head as the taxi driver drove.


"I'm sorry Manager Moon, I'll be at the studio in an hour! Crap, I can't believe I forgot my script and change clothes back in the townhouse."

"Siwan, it'll be okay if you're not on time. Everyone knows how punctual you always are. Just make sure this doesn't ever happen again."

"Yes sir, I am truly sorry for the trouble, but don't worry. I'll keep my punctual record, since I take work just as seriously as school."

Siwan hung up the phone as he rode his bike up the hill to Haengbok Townhouse. He swung the door open and clammored up the stairs.

"Hey, what brings you home?" Jaejoong casually asked while coming out of the kitchen.

Jaejoong was wearing an adorable pink, checkered apron with just a man tank top underneath and some boy shorts. He held chopsticks in one hand as he went up the stairs to see what Siwan was doing.

"Oh, sorry Jae, can't stay. Gotta go and film. Bye~!" Siwan mustered to yell out as he ran past Jaejoong, with his script in his mouth as he pulled his pants on before reaching the great outdoors.

Jaejoong looked after him bewilderedly, but shrugged and went back to his cooking while singing and dancing "Cooking Cooking" by Super Junior.


"I'm sorry Agasshi, I can't seem to find this Haengbok Townhouse. I will ask someone for directions."

"Ah, okay. Thank you, Ahjusshi." Yoomi replied as she looked at her phone and began to search for other routes.

Just at this moment Siwan parked his bike and locked it at a nearby bike ramp and began to walk towards the bus stop. Luckily he knew that the bus would make another round in 5 minutes, and he would be able to make it in time for filming while reviewing the script on the bus.

"Excuse me sir!" cried the taxi driver.

Siwan looked up and saw the taxi driver waving at him to come closer.

"Yes?" Siwan asked.

"Do you perhaps know the way to Haengbok Townhouse?"

Siwan gave a surprised expression for a moment and wondered who could be going there. He tried to look through the tinted glass of the back seat, but whoever was in there was just playing around with their phone.

"Make a right here and go straight up that hill. There will be a sign that says Haengbok Townhouse."

"Thank you."

"No problem, Ahjusshi."

The taxi drove away and Siwan wondered who could be going there, but before he could ponder much longer the bus arrived and he got on not realizing that he had dropped his phone at the bottom of the hill.


"Agasshi, this is as far as I can take you. The hill is too steep for the taxi to go up."

"Thank you Ahjusshi, how much do I owe you?"

Yoomi paid the price, took out her stuff, and began the tedious march up the hill to her new home.

"Here I am, here I am~Here I am, here I am~Nomaneul wihae, sesangkkutkkaji~Here I am, here I am~Shawty know I want cha~"

"Omo!" Yoomi jumped and dropped her bags as she heard ZE:A's "Here I Am" play all of a sudden. She looked around and saw a phone on the ground vibrating the melody loudly. Carefully walking towards it, she picked it up and answered the incoming call.

"Um, hello?"

"Hello? Oh, thank goodness. Um, I seem to have left or lost my phone, and I really need it. Could you tell me where you are?"

"Uh, in Suwon..."

"Really?! Great, I'm busy right now, but I can probably meet you to pick up my phone later tonight. Do you think you can meet me in that park near Haengbok Townhouse?"

"Oh, that's not far at all, yeah. What time?"

"I'll try to be there by 8pm. Thanks!"

"No problem, will see you then."

Siwan and Yoomi both hung up and went on their own ways. Siwan carried on with his filming thinking he was being really careless that day, and Yoomi trudged up the hill examining the phone.

"Hmm...the phone locked itself again, but it's really cute!" Yoomi exclaimed as she looked at the screensaver of an adorable chibi.


Yoomi reached Haengbok Townhouse, but when she got there, no one seemed to be home.

"Hello~ Hello~ anyone home?"

No response. Jaejoong had fallen asleep after eating a hearty dinner and watching The Notebook, and everyone else in the house was out doing who knows what, except for Seo Hee (another occupant of the Haengbok Townhouse) who had been so immersed in her fanfic that she didn't realize someone had rung the door bell.

"Shoot, I guess I'll go wait at that park for another hour."

By this time, Yoomi was exhausted, hungry, and in a crappy mood. Thus she began to complain as she sat in the swing.

"I remember I told those people that I'd be arriving today! What's with the services these days! I have to unpack and get ready for school the day after tomorrow too! Ugh~"

However, as the cool breeze blew her anger away, Yoomi stopped complaining and realized she should be more grateful. Honestly, she was in Korea right now! How amazing is that! Sure she was Korean American, but this was her first time in South Korea since basically all of her relatives had moved to the U.S. She decided to enjoy the idea of being in Korea, especially since two guys had been walking home and stared at her strangely when she was complaining. Awkward.


"We're home!~" Jonghyun announced when he and L.Joe entered the house.

Seo Hee slowly opened the door of her room and skipped down the stairs (how does that even work?). Unfortunately, since gravity is always around and skipping down the stairs is dangerous, Seo Hee skips and falls to the ground.

"Welcome home guys." Seo Hee muttered from the ground.

Jonghyun laughed, "Gosh Seo Hee, I know I'm great, but you don't need to bow down to me."

L. Joe helped her up as she glared at Jonghyun and responded, "I wasn't bowing to you. By the way, your feet smell."

Before the two could bash it out, Jaejoong, the oldest, woke from his nap on the couch, and yelled,"Shut the **** up! Do you all want to die?!"

Everyone froze, when Jaejoong wakes up he's the scariest being alive. No one ever messes with him when his blood pressure is low. Fortunately, the phone rang, and Jaejoong quickly altered his voice as to sound nice again.


It was dark by this time, and Yoomi saw the lights flicker on for some time at Haengbok Townhouse.

"It's almost 8, I guess this guy should be here soon."

Footsteps started approach, and Yoomi's woman senses were tingling. She snapped around, slightly startled to see a tall, handsome man in front of her.

"Hello, are you the one with Siwan's phone?"

"Huh?" Yoomi was slightly lost for words at being astounded to see such a pretty man in the street light.

"I'm here to pick up my friend's phone."

"Oh, yes! Here it is." Yoomi handed the phone to the man.

"Thanks." Jaejoong stood still staring at Yoomi.

Yoomi began to feel self conscious of Jaejoong's eyes, then he spoke,"Are you Hong Yoomi?"

She looked up and replied, "Yes, how do you know me?"

"I just remembered you're suppose to take the vacant room upstairs at Haengbok Townhouse."

Yoomi grimaced, "Yes, I came earlier, but no one was home."

"Sorry, people are always in and out of our house or ....asleep." Jaejoong smiled bashfully, "Let me help you with some of that." He grabbed some of her bags.

Yoomi couldn't help but smile back, and the two laughed as they walked up the rest of the hill home.


"Hey guys I want to introduce you to someone."

Jonghyun, L. Joe, and Seo Hee peeked out from the kitchen each with some cookies stuffed in their mouths. They had been trying to steal some of Jaejoong's cookies before he got home, and they all panicked and stuffed their mouths. Jaejoong looked at them.

"YAH! How dare you guys go eating my cookies! Those are specifically for me when I watch my movies! How dare you guys?! Do you all want to die right now?! HUH?! THOSE ARE MY COOKIES!!!! MY COOKIES!!! YOU ALL WILL DIE????!!!!!!!"

Yoomi watched in horror as Jaejoong transformed from a gentle guy to whatever this yelling, cookie monster was. He backed the three of them into a back room and no sound came out for about a minute. Eventually the door opened again, and Jaejoong smiled at Yoomi.

"Sorry about that, there are certain rules one must follow while living here." Jaejoong glared at the three troublemakers.

Seo Hee's eyes lit up as she saw that Yoomi was a fellow girl, "Are you the new tenant? OMG, we're gonna have so much fun together! What's your name?"

Yoomi smiled at the innocent seeming, yet tall girl interrogating her. "My name is Yoomi."

Jonghyun walked up to the girls and said, "Yoomi. How about you, me (did you catch that pun?) get it on, the name's Jonghyun."

Seo Hee kicked Jonghyun, "Don't listen to him, he's just a player with too much money."

Yoomi gave an awkward smile and looked at L. Joe.

"L.Joe" L. Joe said with a curt bow.

"Nice to meet you all." Yoomi smiled feeling slightly overwhelmed at the interesting characters of the house.

"Your room is upstairs down the hall on your left." Jaejoong prompted to say when he saw Yoomi yawn.

Yoomi looked at him gratefully, she would have time to get to know everyone else later. For now she just wanted some sleep.

"Thanks, good night everyone, I'll see you all in the morning."

She trudged up the stairs with her stuff and declined any help. Thus everyone sat back down in the living room.

"I hope she likes reading..." Seo Hee stated wishfully "" she muttered to herself.

"She's cute, but not quite my type." Jonghyun said, before getting pinched by Seo Hee.

"I'm home." Siwan entered looking tired, but content from earning lots of money.

"Here's your phone." Jaejoong handed Siwan the cellular device.

"Thanks, sorry for the trouble. I generally keep appointments, but since this has nothing to do with school or work I figured I could count on you."

"No problem, honestly. I should be thanking you." Jaejoong smiled as he thought about Yoomi.

Siwan gave a surprised expression, but then asked "Is someone else in our house right now? Is it Haneul?" when he saw the extra pair of shoes at the door step.

"Oh, no. It's the finder of your phone." Jaejoong responded.

Siwan looked even more bewildered, "What?"

"I think I mentioned this before to everyone, but you may have been out of the house at the time. We have a new tenant living in the vacant room across from your's."

"Oh, well thanks for keeping me informed." Siwan exclaimed sarcastically.

"Sorry, you can meet her tomorrow, she seemed a bit jet lagged."

"Yeah, whatever, I'm going to bed. I need to rest up so my beauty doesn't fade."

L. Joe glanced with big eyes at Siwan.

"Hey don't judge me! Looks are important, and I need to stay pretty."

Siwan went upstairs before he heard L. Joe's next words, "That's not manly."

Normally, Siwan would study longer, but he had no school the next day thus he decided to turn in early and get some shut eye. However, just as he returned from the bathroom, not even bothering to turn on his night lamp before crawling into bed, he felt something or rather someone weird in his blankets.

"AAAAHHHH!" Siwan screamed like a girl.

Yoomi opened her eyes and yelled, "Oh my gosh!"

"Who are you?! and what are you doing in my bed?!"

"Your bed? I'm renting this room!"

The other four ran upstairs from the living room and saw the awkward situation.

"Oh, did I say left? I meant to say your room was on the right...sorry Yoomi." Jaejoong intervened, as he avoided eye contact with Siwan and Yoomi.

Jonghyun just rolled on the ground laughing while L. Joe stared. Seo Hee, tried to stiffle her giggles, but she was partly laughing at how ridiculous Jonghyun looked on the floor pounding his fist to the ground, seriously who actually laughs like that?

"Thanks." Yoomi replied stiffly/sarcastically.

Everyone dispersed, and Yoomi went to her room. Siwan and Yoomi glared at eachother from across the hall, but then Yoomi apologized realizing that making enemies would do her no good.

"It's fine, but how could you have not realized that this was a boy's room?"

"Well...I don't know, it had a mirror with make up products and ..." Yoomi stopped talking.

"I'm an idol star."

"Yeah, I realize that now that I see your face more clearly...Siwan of ZE:A, right?"

"Yeah, well I'm gonna sleep now."

"Same. Good night."


The two closed the door behind them and made their way into their own beds.

Home sweet home? Yoomi thought to herself as she drifted away into a midnight summer's dream.


I don't know if there was even a lot of comedy at all in this, and sorry about the frequent POV changes in the beginning. Hopefully the story was still enjoyable to read, please give me advice on how to improve my writing for the chapters to follow! :)

Chapter 2 Preview: more interactions between the characters, meeting Haneul (their neighbor), college life

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UPDATE THIS SOMETIME after aps lol tho
update soon mofo. (lol sorry i wont curse no more)
beccachuu #3
but goodness the boy and his 'manliness'
sweatdrop. well hello there. aaaa. i'm leaving. bye.
karmaaa 'msolame
So point counts up now:
Jaejoong: +100000 FOR TAKING HIS SHIRT OFF I LOVE THAT MAN (or +1 in reality), +1 FOR BEING AN ADORABLE ‘DOG’ AND SHAKING OFF THE WATER <3 +1 for annoying Siwan~~ AND ANOTHER FREAKING +1 FOR THE JARJOONG LMAO. Plus another for recording Siwan and for playing around with Yoomi, -1 for being a bit mean I guess (BUT I STILL LOVE HIM SO I DON’T CARE) LOLOL; so tally now is 10~~
Siwan is an idiot and still wants to get together with IU. -1. He wants to make the relationship public. What. -1. He’s kinda listening to Yoomi (I guess) so +1. He’s a total stick in the mud so -1 again. I want to minus one because he freaking put SAND IN JAEJOONGS BULGOGI but I’ll be unbiased and say he’s cool for pranking Jae and add one (BUT I REALLY WANT TO SUBTRACT ONE BECAUSE ITS JAE). omg he sang lonely and danced. plus a point there. O_O now he's at 5…
Jonghyun made a deep and heartfelt comment <3 +1. Add one for back muscles and abs~~~ <3 OMG HE SAID HE CARED ABOUT HER PLUS A BAJILLION (one). BUT THEN HE RUINS IT WITH A CONSTIPATION JOKE SO MINUS ONE. Now he’s at 6~
L.Joe is a MANLY MAN AND CAN CARRY HIS LUGGAGE. +1. And he's freaking hilarious and formal so plus another point! Now he's at 5! :DDDD
Oh yeah. So Jaejoong's in the lead by a heck of a lot, with Jonghyun second, and L.Joe a nd Siwan tied for last xD
lol commenting on this for karma points now dont mind me~~ :D
Chapter 6: lol. now that jaejoong's my bias, I'm reading this WITH A WHOLE NEW LIGHT SHINING ON THE MAN. Whatever though. Yoomi doesn't deserve his greatness. You should introduce her hot cousin Yunho and have Jae hook up with him HOHOHO~