
Hello I'm Minhyuk ~

I'm really suffering from a bad mental block.


It was a few days after the sleepover. Everyone got so much closer to each other and they were definately not going to break up anytime soon.

As usual, you waited for Hyunsik outside your home and the two of you would travel to school together, getting stares from jealous girls everywhere. When the two of you reached school, you would go to the cafeteria to meet the rest of the group.

When school resumed on monday, everyone was caught by surprise when people saw BTOB hanging out with Minhyuk. Everyone had one question on their mind on that morning ;

Why is the ultimate nerd hanging out with the hot kingkas?

Of course, if you were on of them, you would be shocked also. However, this was kinda expected since he is your best friend afterall. Everything about school life is the same, but this wasn't the same with your outside school life.

You started to work part time with Hyunsik at the cafe directly across your school. Of course it was difficult at first, but soon, you managed to get used to it and you could still live life as per normal even with the extra commitment in hand.

;~~ At the cafe ~~;

You passed the Mocha Frappe over to the customer with a big smile on your face. "Thanks for patronizing the cafe. We hope that you would come to Imagine Cafe(a/n See what I did there?) again!" You say for the n-th time for the day.

As the final customer was served, you heaved a sigh of relief. It was tiring, but this was all for yourself. You looked around you and noticed that you are still alone. *Where is Sik oppa? He is supposed to be here 3 hours ago.*

Suddenly, the door open and a familiar figure came in. You looked at him and realized that it was Minhyuk. You waved at him and greeted him with a big smile. "Hey Hyukkie! What are you doing here?"

Minhyuk stretched out his hand and then say, "Pass the apron over. I'm taking over Hyunsik today. He is busy with something. Don't ask me what cause he refused to tell me." He then smiled. "And hey Hanbyul ~"

*Finally someone is here to save me!* You gladly took the apron and passed it over to MInhyuk. You allowed him behind the counter and got him to handle the cashier. "You do know how to handle a cashier right? You've done it before at your previous job."

He just nodded and then greeted the next customer in line.

While he was busy with that, you were busy with the preparation of the coffee. It was rare that a newcomer was allowed to be incharge of making the coffee. But since the boss loved how you do your work, he decided to teach you how to be a barista.

No doubt, it is a difficult skill to attain. But on the other hand, it was fun. So this didn't really bother you so much. You continued preparing the orders of the never-ending patronizers with patience and skill.

This went on for the whole day until it was finally the closing time. You gave the final coffee to the final customer and then waved her goodbye. *Yes finally its done!* You looked around the shop. *Now its just cleaning left. Hwaiting Hanbyul!*

You dragged Minhyuk out of his seat and asked him to clean the shop together so that they could finish faster. The two of you worked together and after 1 hour of cleanup, you were done. You took a final look at the shop and then locked it after making sure that all the lights were off.

You looked at Minhyuk and then smiled, "Lets go Hyukkie! I'll treat you to ddokbukki."

"YES! DDOKBUKKI! Lets go!" His smile widened and he dragged you to the nearby food tent.

The two of you found a seat easily and then went ahead to order the food. When the food arrived, the two of you started to dig in. You thought about today and then commented, "We work well together Minhyuk."

"Of course we do. Aren't we best friends?" Minhyuk replied.

You put a hand on Minhyuk's and then smiled, "We have great chemistry together. If only it was you who was working with me instead of Hyunsik oppa, things would be much easier for me."

Minhyuk blushed. *Why is wrong with me? Why am I getting shy at her comments to me?* Minhyuk slowly pulled his hand away from you and pretended to take a drink. "W-why do you think s-so?" He stuttered.

You giggled at his stutter and then shook your head, "I just feel this way today. Even though it was tough for me, your presence made things much easier, and I totally love this."

He blushed even more. * no I can't blush.* He put a hand over his heart. *Whats wrong with you today Lee Minhyuk!?* Minhyuk shook the thought out from his head and then continued to dig into his food, still blushing. "Hanbyul. Eat quickly before it cools down."

You look at him and just laughed. "Okay okay. I'll eat now." You start to eat. "Thanks for today anyway."

With that, the day ended. About an hour later, Minhyuk sent you home and you slept right after you took a quick shower.


That was so amateur. :( this my fanfic .

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Taking another break cause I'm dead tired.. :(


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Chapter 39: This is fluffyyyyy~ And cute omg *heart eyes emoji*
PreciousChida #2
Chapter 2: Interesting story but you can put it into first person of view instead of third, after all, it's a fanfic
Chapter 38: OMG I LOVED THE WHOLE STORY FROM BEGINNING TO END!!!!!!!! best story ive ever read
Chapter 38: Author~nim that was dae~bak!!!
LeeHyeJung12 #5
Chapter 38: well done :)
Perfections #6
sooo sweet and cute!
Blue27 #8
Chapter 38: Nice story author-nim..I like it so much.. 대박!! I look forward to your other stories! :D 파이팅 !!
Chapter 38: Great & nice story ^.^
Love it :) ♡
infinitexo19 #10
Chapter 38: I loved this story nice job author-nim!!