
Love of a Friend

 “Attention passengers: We have now landed in Seoul, South Korea.” A voice rang throughout the plane. “Before exiting, please remember to take your carry-ons with you. Thank you and we hope you enjoy your stay.” Getting up, I reached into the overhead compartments and grabbed my bag. Stepping off the plane, I smiled. I finally felt safe.

 I looked around as I stepped into the airport. Everything was totally new to me, and I felt completely lost. Even though I had spent much of my free time studying the Korean language, writing, and culture, there was still so much that I couldn’t yet understand.

 “____!” I heard a voice yell. Turning around, I saw a familiar face running towards me. “____! You’re finally here! How was the flight? I hope you weren’t too scared. I know how terrified you always were of flying.”

 “Taemin…” I sighed, giving him a soft smile. “Don’t worry. The flight was fine. Not as scary as I thought it would be.” I chuckled.

 “Ahh, that’s good to here. Come on! I want to show you around! Oh, and don’t worry about looking for a place right now. You’re welcome to stay with me until you get settled in.” Taemin grinned as he picked up the rest of my luggage that had come in.

 “Taemin, you don’t need to do that! I can carry it! I’m not the helpless little girl that I was the last time you saw me.” I laughed.

 “I know, I know, but you have enough to carry already. I want to help.” He grinned. Poor kid hasn’t changed a bit. Taemin always was the type who loved to help people in any way that he could. I smiled at his kind gesture.

 “This way.” Taemin nodded to a van that was parked outside. Taking my luggage and bags, he placed them carefully in the back. “You can sit in the front passenger seat if you like. Minho’s driving. Don’t mind my friends in the back. They’re a little crazy.” He laughed.

 Opening the front door, I peered in and was greeted by four guys not much older than Taemin. “Hey! Welcome to the family!” they cheered. A smile spread wide across my face as I bowed to them. I knew these were the other members of SHINee. They all introduced themselves one by one.

 “Ah, my name is ____.” I replied shyly. “I promise I will work hard and I’ll try my hardest to not be a bother.”

 “I don’t think you’ll be a bother to anybody.” Onew chuckled. “If anything, they’ll be the ones doing the bothering.”

 “Hey! I am not a bothersome person!” Key pouted.

 “Right, and I at sports.” Minho joked. “Anyways, it’s nice to finally meet you ___. Taemin’s told us a lot about you.”

 “It’s nice to meet you all as well!” I smiled as I slid into the front seat.

 “Ready to go?” Minho asked as he started the van and we pulled away from the airport. Looking back, I felt as if I was leaving my life behind and starting over. I guess in a way that’s exactly what I was doing. I would finally be able to spread my wings and fly.

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@Everyone: Thank you for the comments! I'm sorry it takes so long for me to update. This is my first time really writing a fanfiction, so I want to make sure I take my time for it to be the best that I can do. ^^
yuxuan #2
Update soon
yuxuan #3
update soon
ExoticKissMe1125 #4
update soon plz!