Fight for Freedom

Love of a Friend

(Choi ___'s P.O.V)


            Slamming my hand down on the snooze button, I opened my eyes and, glancing at my alarm clock, saw that it was 7:15 am. Rolling out of bed, I decided it was time to escape this house before my alcoholic mother wakes up. Grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt from my closet, I quickly got dressed and ran a brush through my tangled hair, making sure it looked at least somewhat presentable. I made sure to pack all my important belongings last night in order to make a quick getaway.

            Throwing the last of my items into my purse, I grabbed my plane ticket to Seoul as well as my phone, and headed for the door of my bedroom. Tip-toeing my way past my mother’s bedroom, I held my breath until I finally reached the front door. Grabbing the doorknob, I sighed, thankful things had gone smoothly so far.

            “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” I heard my mother slur behind me.

            “…” I muttered, feeling my heart drop into my stomach. “Uh, out for some fresh air. Why?” I turned around to face her. I hated dealing with my mother when she was hung-over from drinking early into the morning.

            “Out? Then why are you taking all this stuff? Don’t lie to me!” she screamed as she grabbed my wrist.

            “I’m leaving. I’m getting away from this house, away from this town, and, most of all, away from YOU!” I snarled as I pushed her off of me. Picking up my bags, I slammed the door open and ran out of the house, not bothering to look back. For the first time in my life, I finally felt free.

            Stopping to catch my breath about 3 km away from my house, I hailed a taxi. “The airport please!” I panted as I slid into the backseat with my bags. Digging my cell phone out of my bag, I turned it on and saw that I had a text from Taemin.

           “How did the escaping go? I hope you didn’t get in too much trouble. I’ll be waiting to pick you up at the Incheon International Airport! Have a safe flight! – Minnie” I grinned while reading the message. Even though the only times I’ve seen him since he left for Seoul to become an idol was when I was watching videos on YouTube, we managed to stay close. Taemin had been my best friend since I was 3, and we were practically inseparable. He was the only one I had talked to about my plan to leave.

           “Miss, we’re here.” The taxi driver smiled at me as we stopped.

           “Thank you so much!” Slightly bowing my head, I paid the driver my fare and exited the taxi with my bags. Stepping into the airport, I sighed. I was finally going to leave this place. After I had all my bags checked, I sat in the waiting chair. My flight would leave in 2 hours, so I decided to kill some time by listening to my iPod.

          After some time had passed, passengers of the flight I was taking were called to board the plane. My heart jumped, seeing as how this was my first time flying. I was scared, but I was also excited. Putting my bags away, I quietly settled into my seat and put my headphones in my ears. It would be roughly another 12 hours before I arrived at my new home in Seoul.

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@Everyone: Thank you for the comments! I'm sorry it takes so long for me to update. This is my first time really writing a fanfiction, so I want to make sure I take my time for it to be the best that I can do. ^^
yuxuan #2
Update soon
yuxuan #3
update soon
ExoticKissMe1125 #4
update soon plz!