Inside the building

Hero of the fire


For the second time everyone froze before eyeing the maknae slowly realising what he was saying. Kris looked broken, sitting on the ground with an empty look in his eyes. Two of s were still inside in the burning building. He had failed as a leader, he thought... how could he ever face anyone after this?
Tao knew EXO M´s leader good enough to know what he was thinking and why, therefore he tried to calm him down. As no one had ever seen Kris like this before, they didn´t really knew how to react.

"It´s not your fault... you though they followed us...." Tao knelt beside him and gave him a hug, but Kris didn´t return it.

"I knew Xiumin wasn´t with us! He had just left because of his god damn foot... and Luhan just disappeared without me noticing!" the voice of EXO M´s leader was sharp like a knife, cutting through all their arguments.

"I think Luhan remembered Xiumin and left to get him...." Kai slowly said, making everybody focus on him. He looked at them with a surprisingly calm and attitude, only his pale face revealing how much the situation influenced him.

"Let´s call him?" Suho had already with his phone in his hand.

"Yes, instead of running in after him, what a good idea..." Sehun said sarcastically still having a crazy look in his eyes, but at least he didn´t stop Suho from making the call. They all went closer to him trying to hear a possible conversation.


Kai was right when he said that Luhan had remembered Xiumin while they ran out of the building. Luhan knew that is was wrong of him that he didn´t say anything to the members before running back, but he feared that they would try to stop him or try to follow him, and the thought of all of the EXO members getting stuck inside the burning building wasn´t pleasant. Therefore he had decided to run without saying anything.

"Xiumin?" he yelled running into their training room only to find it empty and as dirty as they left it. He stopped in the doorframe and tried to think of places where Xiumin could be. His heart beat fast in his chest and the fire alarm kept ringing, making Luhans ears hurt.

"Okay relax, Luhan... where could he possibly be?" Luhan turned and closed the door to the training room again and started to walk down the corridor looking into the other rooms. Then he continued to the next level, running up the stairs so fast that his lungs hurt. Still no sight of Xiumin, Luhan started to feel his panic growing. When he rounded a corner, he was meet with a sign that drained him from all his courage.

The corridor was full of a heavy black smoke and through the smoke he could see the red flames slowly eating of the walls and the furniture. He took a step backwards and his feet and then moved back the way he had come. He got an idea. Xiumin had a bad foot, and he must have heard the fire alarm too therefore there was only on possibility of where he could be....

"The elevators!" Luhan said out loud and began to run again. The heat was overwhelming making his skin sweaty and shining in the light. When he rounded the corner to the elevator he had nearly stepped on Xiumin, who was lying unconscious on the floor.

"Xiumin!" Luhan yelled while he knelt and felt the pulse of the older. He felt his heart become lighter - Xiumin was alive.

"... please wake up... please, Xiumin" Luhan shook him and patted his cheeks, but only managed to get a small sound from the older.

"... oh Xiumin...." Luhan began to feel the smoke in his lungs making it harder to breath, and he had a clear vision of how it could affect him over time. It couldn´t happen.... he needed to stay conscious and get out of the building.

 "Just... just hold on, Xiumin" Luhan said and laid the others arms around his neck. With all his strength Luhan managed to lift Xiumin from the ground and stabilizing him on his back. With a firm grip in the others legs, he slowly started to walk, his back paining him for every step. The smoke was so thick around them, that Luhan couldn´t see more than a meter.

".... nhg...." a small sound came from Xiumin, but Luhan didn´t dare to stop.

"Xiumin are you awake?" he asked, walking with a steady speed, not fast but not as slow as before. He felt the grip of the older tighten to his shoulder.

"... I think so" the answer sounded, and Luhan got even more nervous because it sounded so weak.

"Hold your breath as long as you can.... I don´t think the air is good...." Luhan said taking a deep breathing and then holding it until his lungs screamed for oxygen. He repeated the strategy and he could feel Xiumin do the same.

They got out of the smoke when they reached the stairs, but Luhan wasn´t sure he could or dared to carry Xiumin down the stairs. But he seemed too weak to walk by himself, so he had no choice but to give it a try.

When they had climbed their way one or two level down, Luhans phone rang.

"Can you get it for me?" he asked Xiumin, not wanting to stop because he feared to collapse of fatigue. The older reached down and slowly pulled the phone out of Luhans pocket pushing the green button on it.

"Luhan... Luhan are you okay?" Chens voice slammed against the wall of the empty stairs, and Luhan nearly got a chock. Chen practically yelled.

"I´m on my way out... I found Xiumin" he looked over his shoulder at the other, who was as pale as a ghost and didn´t say anything. Kris voice drowned Chens.

"Hurry up and get out... Luhan get out now!" the leader of EXO M sounded deadly serious and Luhan had never hear so much fear in his voice.

"I... I´m going as far as I can. Xiumin can´t walk I think he has too much smoke in his lungs" Luhan replied in Chinese, because his own panic blocked his mind from thinking Korean. He began to walk again, feeling the heat grow more intense for every step....

The voice that drowned Kris´ made him freeze and his heart beat faster: It was Sehuns.

"Luhan... Luhan please hurry..." the Korean maknae spoke Chinese and his voice was trembling like hell. Luhan felt how his tired body gained new strength. He couldn´t give up.. not now when he was so close to the goal.

"I will, Sehun. I promise... Sehun promise me to stay where you are..." before Luhan could say anymore Xiumins fingers that hold the phone slipped and the phone fell to the ground, the screen shatter into pieces.

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Chapter 3: yay happy ending, loved this story <3
Wow...this is a really good story. Pretty realistic too. Luhan was really thoughtful to go back to fetch Xiumin. T_T It makes me feel like a coward..
ChocoAikocream #3
oh god! asdfghjkl what i can said now?! this was very amazing and very sweet! <33
Luhan u're hero!!
Awww how sad and sweet :)
*nods* ne~!!!! write a sequel~!!!! i really love the story~!!!!!
KyuHaeMInEun #6
It was fine~! Really cute =3=
Glad they're both okay! T________T
don't be a cliff hanger please...
hope Xiumin and Luhan okay..