I met him.

My Strings

 I was dolled up by my her "my mother." She doesn't act like my mother so I will call her she or witch. I have changed my glasses to contacts and my hair which always was in a ponytail was now resting on my shoulders. I walked inside the restaurant and sat on the chair opening my phone and starred at a picture. It was my father and as his daughter he told me always to take care of my mother. Yes I'm doing this arranged marriage for her.
Waiting for half an hour, random thoughts came and left. I was startled as someone hit the table. It was a man with a girl who was........ a wannabe type.

"Excuse me, but this is a reserved table." I said to the guy who sat down in the chair infront of me.
It possibly couldn't be him I was supposed to meet with a guy not a couple either that or mom has lost it. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. Oh god no.

"Are you leaving?" I asked sweetly

"Why should I?" he replied arrogantly

Did this loser ask me why?
Where is the guy I'm supposedly going to be marrying he still hasn't showed and I've been waiting for so long!! I'm not good at fighting ,but I do love it.
Ouch! My s-stomach why....... does it hurt? Maybe if I go to the bathroom the pain will go away.

I got up with one of my eye lids shut tight and my hands reached out grabbing anything to help my self get to the bathroom. Why is my stomach so delicate I just ate a few desserts and it doesn't look like anything is wrong other than this stupid pain which usually shows up at the wrongest times. I walked back to the table where the couple still sat.

WHAT! I totally forgot about them. I sat down, now there is one thing I'm not leaving. I am stubborn and will stay stubborn............. Wait a minute didn't mother mention the guys name in a text? I grabbed my purse desperately looking for my phone. I was not relived when I found it, my thumbs scrolled down finding the text. The boys name was Kim Kibum.

"If your not Kim Kibum please leave!" I told him with my eyes trying to pierce him.
He wouldn't answer and I had quite enough, I have been waiting for an hour or longer, standing this pain and now this annoying person.
I'm leaving atleast now i have a reson to reject! I grabbed my coat and began walking towards the exit.

"Well it looks like I'm not leaving." came out of the sly fox's mouth.

I shivered and turned my head around to examined the jerk from head to toe.

"See you later jerk." I said as I waved my hand and headed for the door.


I went home and glared at the witch my "mother." She was talking on the phone.

"ofcourse, our kids will make a perfect couple." Oh please....

I ran into my room taking off the thick layer of makeup which covered my face. I got into my sweats and my annoying hair was back into a ponytail just the way I like it.

"Mom is there anyone else I could get married to?" I asked coming back down stairs to get a drink.

"Nope that was the last guy and your out of options." my mother replied as if I was a child asking if I could not eat my vegetables.
I grumbled slamming the fridge door. My juice spilled a little I never knew I had such strength. Did I break it?

"Don't worry about that filthy thing after you get married it will be thrown out."

Thrown out? I shut my mouth and ran upstairs sitting on my bed. Throw it out after I worked so hard to get it and instead to give it to someone who is in the need of it your going to throw it out! I sank my head in the pillow and screamed a little. Why do I have to get married? I had the answer, but the question was still repeated by my lips. Kim Kibum? I'm getting married to a guy who brings a with him to our first meeting. I HATE HIM!

Right then the sound of thunder hit shutting me up. Tears slid down my checks. I know I have grown ,but I'm still scared of thunder. The door opened letting light inside the dark room........

Hello! please comment and subscribe for the next  chapter ;) ____NAAna-34

Hey! Im the co-author! SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT!! (Yeah im not as calm as NAAna-34) _____LJKlover101

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update! XD
Tiaralover #2
the story is awesome!!!!!!!!
The girls weak?? That's sad! First chapter is awesome!!
Omo! I was waiting for this! U kept telling me about the story but u never wrote it! I'm glad!! Nummy! Gambatteh! XD