The Job Offer

The Unexpected

I got up early today to get myself ready to go for my brother's Bonding with Parents Day which is held every year without fail. After thinking about what to wear for this occasion, I decided to wear a simple floral dress and a denim jacket. At times like this, I have to wear clothes which symbolises Eun hye and not Elle. I curl the ends of my hair and I finish off by wearing a couple of leather bracelets before heading off to my brother's school.

It was a 20 minute walk from my house to his school. I love visiting his school as it makes me forget about my gang life even for just a while. It was pure bliss to see children running around with no worries on their mind and their innocence about the world. One person that always comes to my mind when I talk about innocence. 

"Jinwoon ah!" I called out to my brother and waved at him.

He turn around and run towards me, beaming with happiness. He run towards my open arms and hug me tightly. 

"I'm so happy you can make it,noona!" 

"Anything for my precious little brother,"

I take his small precious hand and start making our way to his class where the event is held. The room was crowded with parents making art with their children and with their laughter, the atmosphere was bright and cheerful.

"Okay, children! Right now we'll be making paper origami! Who's excited?!" The children in the room excitedly raised their hands and started saying "me,me!" everywhere. 

Jinwoon drag me to a table and we begin to make paper origami. 

Damn, this thing is so hard to do

I struggle to make a crane and I was begin to feel frustrated when Jinwoon tap on my shoulder.

"Noona, that's not the way to make a crane." 

Jinwoon took a fresh piece of orange paper and with fast, experienced hands, he took a minute or two and present me the crane. 

My jaw drop as I receive the crane from Jinwoon. He is now wearing the smug look. 

Now where did he learn that from? This boy.

I playfully glared at him and make another attempt to make a paper origami but no matter how many times I tried to make one, I couldn't make one and soon I gave up.

"Jinwoon! Paper Origami is definitely not for me!" I pout at my brother and he giggled looking at my failed origamis. 

"Hehehe, yeah, you at it," he sticks out his tongue at me. 

"You, what did you do at your noona?" I tickle him and he starts to get mad because he does not like to get tickled. 

And throughout that day, we spent the day at Jinwoon's school and I was exhausted by the time I reach my apartment and I grew suspicious as soon as I saw who is at the door of my apartment. 

The two men saw me at the corridor and bow. I carefully take my steps and pull Jinwoon closer to me. The men approached and the older looking man of the two hold out his hand. 

"Hi, do you live at this apartment? We are looking for Elle." 

I raised my brows. "Why are you looking for her?" 

They smile. "Because we have a job to offer her." 

You kidding me? They look so suspicious. May be they want me to kill someone for them? 

"Sorry, she's not at home. If you don't mind, could you tell me details so I can pass the message to her when she gets home?" 

The men look at each other and finally turn to smile at me. "Of course, but can we go somewhere where we can sit down amd have a cup of coffee?" 


I left Jinwoon at home before I went with the men to the cafe near my apartment. After our orders came, they did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point of the job offer. 

"About the job, Woolim Entertainment wants to hire Elle to become Infinite's assitant manager."

Wait whatttttt?

"The sasaengs are getting incredibly crazy these days and we need to control them from hurting the boys. We were so busy searching for someone perfect for the job to control the sasaengs. We spent months searching but the person we are seeking is very hard to find. We were on the verge of giving up when a girl showed up. Her strong,scary aura drove those crowded people on that day really impressed us. And just standing infront of us, we have finally succeeded in searching for that person perfect for the job!"

I stared at them blankly for a while trying to absorb in all of the information to my brain. 

The men have sparkles in their eyes, waiting for my response. 

I am shock. Like really. And all of the bad memories with that douche came back. I don't want to see that again. It's bad enough that his face will be on TV everytime I turn it on. 

"So, you want to hire Elle because of this?"


They answered me without hesitation. "You're Elle right?" 


My eyes widen and I recompose myself, "What are you talking about?" 

The older man between the two chuckled. "The way you're acting right now is totally like Elle. Nice disguise you're wearing,"


I wanted to argue back when he cut me off, "No one will react the way just like you did when you're listening on the behalf of the person,"


"Who are you?" I dangerously hissed at them. 

"I'm Manager Choi and he is Manager Park" the older man replied.

"Since you already know my identity, I refuse the job offer,"

I stand up and walk off but my steps was stop with Manager Choi holding out his name card to me. 

"Please do give me a call when you change your mind," 

I took the name card and leave the cafe behind. 

I should be careful about my disguise from now on. I hope I won't see that man again. 




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