Tardy Queen

My Superstar


Sunlight was streaming through the binds, hitting your parquet floor. Even with your eyes closed, you could feel the warmth the sun brought with it.


'Ah, it's summer already.'


You sighed contentedly with a wide grin on your face. Snuggling closer to your pillow and wrapping yourself in the embrace of your blanket.


"Summer?" You jolted up wide awake.

"SUMMER?!" You yelped and jumped of the bed, falling off in the process. The parquet floor welcomed your fall with open arms and you grunted when you fell with a thump.


"Owww. Geez, today's gonna be an awesome day. For sure." You muttered, slightly peeved and embarrassed at your morning feat. At least no one was around to witness your acrobatic act.


You could not believe summer was here. No school, no annoying teachers, no bimbotic nuisances and no egoistic idiots anywhere in sight. Not forgetting to mention, this summer was going to be a special one for you. Your aunt had requested for you to assist her in her records shop in Myeongdong. You were especially ecstatic about it since Jinhye was going to accompany you there.


Jinhye was your best friend. No. She wasn't just your best friend. She was a sister to you. The both of you have known each other since kindergarten and have never separated since. You guys were polar opposites. She was the calm and composed one, while you. You were the wild and untamed one. Or so, that was how people viewed the two of you as. She was shy and the typical girl next door, whereas you were the loud one, constantly trying to get your bff out of her comfort zone. You wouldn't call yourself adventurous and daring, but you were outgoing. Quiet was never a word in your dictionary.


Back to the point, both of you had agreed to work at your aunt’s shop during the summer. Since you didn’t have anything else better to do, and neither did Jinhye. It could be a great experience, or perhaps the even the best one you would ever have.


You grabbed the Rilakkuma alarm clock you had beside your bed and widened your eyes at the time.


‘11AM? Jinhye’s gonna kick my if I don’t hurry now. Aigoo, Park Yewon you pabo.’


You knocked yourself lightly on the head then picked out decent clothes from your closet. You rushed about your room, nearly knocking things over. You got ready quickly and headed downstairs.


A post it was pasted on the fridge. ‘Umma and Appa have gone to work. Banana milk’s in the fridge if you want any.’


You opened the fridge, took a packet of banana milk and then headed out. Just then, your phone vibrated.




‘Where are you?! Starbucks. In 5.’


Your eyes widen. When Jinhye’s angry her messages end up really short. And this was what was happening right now. It was never a good thing to anger Jinhye. An angry Jinhye is worst than world destruction. You quickened your pace by doubles and soon, you saw Jinhye sitting near the window of Starbucks.


She glared at you and you winced. You stalked towards her and gave a tiny wave.


“Mornin’ bestie!” You attempted to give her your cheeriest expression. Hoping to lighten her mood. She was silent for a moment, before opening .


“Park. Ye. Won. What time did we agree to meet here yesterday? What time did you wake up today? Couldn’t you have at least called me to tell me you were going to be late? HUH?”


You cringed inwardly at her sudden outburst and activated your aegyo mode. No one could stand your aeygo. They would just give in in the end. “Jinnie ah, mianhae. I overslept this morning and I was in such a rush to come here I forgot to call you. Forgive me please?” You pouted and gave her your best puppy eyes.


She chuckled and pushed your forehead away. “Fine. But if this happens one more ti-“


“It won’t Jinnie! I promise!” You grinned and made a salute sign. “OH! Muffins! Are these for me?”


“No. They’re for a tardy monster who didn’t even comb her hair before coming out this morning.” Jinhye raised her eyebrows as she took in your appearance.


Your hands automatically went up to your curls and you gasped before turning red. “Oops, I guess the muffins are for me then.” You mumbled.


“So what time do we start work tomorrow? At your aunt’s shop?” Jinhye asked. You shrugged your shoulders, still munching on the muffins.


“Sfhee shaid choo meech ach eigch.”


“So I’ll meet you at seven then?” You nodded, grateful that she was the only who could understand your gibberish. The day went past quickly with the both of you shopping and hanging out.

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Kuhsut #1
Update sooon~