

After returning from Kangnam, she went straight home. Once she entered her apartment, she immediately went to her bed and automatically went to dreamland. That was her thing. Once she gets upset, she likes to sleep it off.

With the help of Chaehwan calling Joojin to get ready for their double date, Joojin woke up and obediently got ready for her date. She decided to wear a cute floral top with faded jean shorts. She wore brown gladiator sandals and matched it with her brown tote bag. After brushing her shoulder length auburn colored hair, she applied chapstick on her lips. She sighed as her lips didn’t look shiny. She thought back to the jerk from earlier, ruining her chance at buying makeup at an affordable price.

Joojin scoffed, “I hope his date dumps him the first thing she sees him.”

Just then, her cell phone rang with a text. She looked at her phone to see a text message from Chaehwan.

Meet us at the café we went to this morning.

That’s where we’re all meeting.

Hope you will like this guy.

He really knows how to have fun and is really nice.


“I bet he’s better than that jerk I met earlier.” Joojin remarked. “WHY THE HECK DO I KEEP THINKING ABOUT THAT GUY?! THAT GUY HAS PERMANENTLY ENTERED MY MIND!” she knocked her head with her fist lightly against her head, only to say “Owwie~” later on. She quickly texted Chaehwan back, made quick touches to her hair, and rushed out of her apartment building.

At the entrance of the café, Joojin saw Chaehwan and Kris at one of the couches, lounging around. Once they saw Joojin, they stood up and greeted her. After hugging each of them, Joojin began to look left and right, trying to find her date for the evening.

“He’s in the restroom. He wanted to look extra good for you.” Kris said.

“Aww. That’s sweet of him.” Joojin said.

Chaehwan giggled, “He is. He borrowed my eyeliner to make his eyes more charismatic.”

“Ohhh… I can’t wait to meet him already.” The two girls giggled some more as Kris just smiled.

Just then, a voice said, “Komaowo Chaehwan ah for letting me borrow your eyeliner.” At Joojin’s left, an arm extended towards Chaehwan, handing back her eyeliner.

Chaehwan smiled at the stranger behind Joojin, “You’re welcome Baekhyun oppa.”

Joojin turned around to politely greet her date. As Joojin and Baekhyun finally faced each other, they both frowned and gasped at each other. “YOU!” they both pointed at each other. “YOU’RE MY DATE?!”

Kris and Chaehwan stared at the two in confusion, “They know each other?” Kris asked Chaehwan.

“I didn’t know either.” She confusedly scratched her head, only to be pulled closer to Kris as he tilted his head towards hers, also confused by the situation.

Moments later, they both calmed down after ordering their drinks from the café. Joojin sat next to Chaehwan as Baekhyun sat next to Kris. Both of them were disappointed with their date, already wanting to go home.

“Okay… Could you two please tell us how you guys know each other?” Kris calmly asked.

When asked, Joojin and Baekhyun talked at the same time, each of them trying to be louder than the other as they spoke. Kris quickly covered Baekhyun’s mouth as Chaehwan covered Joojin’s for them to shut up as they were getting eyed by the whole café. Baekhyun glared at Joojin as he pointed an accusingly finger at her, “You’re trying to get me banned from another place aren’t you?”

“Why would I try to get you banned from a place when I would get banned also?”

“Okay, enough you two!” Kris shouted. He grabbed Baekhyun by the wrist and pulled him out of the café as the girls stayed in their seats.

Joojin let out a frustrated sigh and crossed her arms over her chest, “I want to go home. I am not going on a date with that jerk.”

Chaehwan rubbed her best friend’s arm to try to cool her down, “Tell me what happened so I could understand.”

Joojin spilled out her frustrating morning to Chaehwan and how she met Baekhyun. Baekhyun did the same with Kris. Kris raised an eyebrow, “So… Let me get this straight. You two are fighting because of…eyeliner?”

“Not just because of eyeliner! She got me kicked out of that makeup store so I won’t be able to get that brand of eyeliner for a whole year.” Baekhyun ranted.

Kris placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder, “Dude. You seriously have problems.”

“I DO NOT!” Baekhyun yelled.

Kris frowned, “You really want to argue with me?” Baekhyun fell quiet, yet still upset. “Just continue the date. Heck, you guys didn’t even start the date yet and it’s going southwards already.” He said with exasperation.

Baekhyun thought about it and gave out a sigh of defeat, “Fine.”

Back at the café, Chaehwan had the same expression as Kris after hearing the story. Then she hit Joojin on the shoulder, causing her best friend to look up at her in shock, “Moh?!”

Chaehwan frowned, “It is partly your fault for the two of you arguing. You took the eyeliner when he clearly got it first.”

“But I needed it.” Joojin complained. Chaehwan raised her hand, causing Joojin to shrink back into the seat. “Mianhaeyo.” She put her head down in shame.

Chaehwan heard the bells of the café doors open. She looked up to see the boys coming back. “Well, you shouldn’t be saying sorry to me. Say sorry to Baekhyun oppa.”

Kris stood in front of them, “Let’s start our date. We don’t want to waste time.” Chaehwan stood up first; wrapping her arm around Kris’s and beamed up at him. He couldn’t help but smile back.

Joojin stood up and looked at Baekhyun. They awkwardly looked away from each other yet stood side by side as they followed the lovey dovey couple around. They first went to watch a movie, an action movie with some horror in it. Chaehwan squealed as a scary part happened and buried her face in Kris’s chest.

Joojin was terrified of horror films. She had nothing to block her eyes and ears at the same time. So she decided to leave the movie theater in all. Baekhyun curiously looked at her retreating figure and decided to follow her. As she was outside, she breathed in a breath of fresh air and gave out a sigh of relief.

“Gwenchanayo?” a voice asked her. Joojin turned around to see Baekhyun gazing at her with worry in his eyes.

“I’m fine now since I’m out of that movie theater.”

He frowned, “You’re afraid of horror films?” She shyly nodded her head. “THEN WHY DID YOU AGREE TO WATCH IT?! WE COULD”VE WATCHED SOMETHING ELSE YOU KNOW!”

She gasped at him, yet her eye twitched in irritation. “Well, I didn’t want to be the odd one out if you guys all picked that film. I would’ve been outnumbered anyway!” She clutched onto the sling of her tote bag and walked off. Baekhyun stared at the girl, heaved a sigh, and followed her. He ran up to her side, looking at her.

Joojin ignored his presence and continued to walk. But suddenly, she stopped with wide eyes. Walking towards her direction was Yongguk with a new girl. He had his arms around her shoulders with her own arm hugging his waist. He gave the girl one of his smirks and she automatically blushed. Joojin looked at the girl’s face. She had makeup on, of course. That’s how Yongguk liked his girls. She had smoky eye shadow covering her whole eyelids as it faded towards her eyebrows, a wing drawn into each corner of her eye with the help of liquid eyeliner, light blush covered her cheeks, her lips shined with the help of extra glossy lip gloss.

Baekhyun stared at Joojin and followed her eyesight to look at a certain couple.  He looked back at Joojin and saw the hurt in her eyes. He quickly grabbed her wrist, surprising Joojin, and pulled her towards an abandoned alleyway. Once away from Yongguk’s sight, Joojin quickly pulled away from Baekhyun’s grasp, causing them to stop walking. “What are you doing?”

He ignored her question and asked his own, “Who was that?”

Surprise spread through her face, “W-who?”

He stared hard at her, “That couple. It seemed like you knew them.”

She looked away from his piercing gaze, “N-No I don’t.” She straightened up, “Let’s go back to the movie theater. Kris and Chaehwan must be worried about us.” Joojin was about to walk away, but then Baekhyun roughly pushed her against the brick wall, shocking Joojin in the process. He brought his face close to hers and asked again, “Who were they?”

She thought back to Yongguk’s harsh words and his expression from earlier with that girl. She broke out into tears as she flung her arms around Baekhyun’s neck. His eyes widened at the hug. Then she poured out her insecurity to him, telling him the real reason she fought with him at the store for the eyeliner.

Baekhyun’s arms slowly encircled around Joojin as he hugged her, pulling her close as she continued to cry onto his chest. He patted her back to try and help comfort her. After a few moments, Joojin’s sniffles slowed down and they both slowly backed away from the hug. Baekhyun caressed her face with his hand, “Feeling better now?”

She smiled, “Nae. Kamsamida Baekhyun shi.”

“Hmm… Call me. Oppa.” He winked at her. She couldn’t help but blush. Just as Joojin was about to exit the alleyway, Baekhyun held her back. She curiously stared up at him, “Joojin ah. Many people have different types of people they like. Just like how Kris  picked Chaehwan out of all the other girls out there. He picked her because she saw him differently through other girls’ eyes as they saw him as a hot god. That Yongguk guy likes girls with makeup. But for me…” He cupped Joojin’s face with his hand again, “Even though we just met this morning and didn’t start off on the right foot, I now go for girls that knows how to push my buttons, stressed me out, and that can talk back to me. And that person is you, Kim Joojin.” Baekhyun confessed.

Joojin blushed as she looked away from his gaze. She glanced at him once and quickly pecked a kiss on his cheek. After kissing his cheek, she said, “And I have to admit,” Joojin looked back at Baekhyun, who was curiously waiting for her to continue her sentence. “I didn’t expect to like a guy that wears eyeliner. To me, honestly, I thought that it was gross and wrong.”

He loosened his grip from Joojin and took a step back, “Moh?” he said, insulted.

Joojin giggled as he saw his expression, “But… That was until I met you, Byun Baekhyun.” Baekhyun couldn’t help but smile and let out a chuckle.

“Joojin ah.” Baekhyun called her, “Just ignore what Yongguk said about makeup. But I have to agree that you aren’t pretty.”


Baekhyun laughed and caressed her face again, “You’re not pretty. You’re better than that. You’re…beautiful. A natural beauty. You don’t need to wear makeup.” Joojin melted at his sweet words. Baekhyun’s gaze looked downwards towards her lips, having an urge to kiss them now. He slowly moved his head forward, Joojin saw what he was doing and stayed still. As Baekhyun’s face inch closer and closer to Joojin’s, the moment was broken when both of their cell phones rang at the same time.

They both stepped away from each other, quickly getting their phones. “Yobosaeyo?” they said at the same time.

“WHERE ARE YOU?!” Chaehwan and Kris both said to their friends.

Baekhyun and Joojin stared at each other. “With Joojin ah/ Baekhyun oppa.”

“MOH?!” Kris quickly hung up his phone and Chaehwan made her phone call on speaker. Baekhyun put his phone away as he got closer to Joojin as she too put her phone on speaker. “You guys are with each other?”

“Nae Hwannie. I was terrified of the movie, so Baekhyun oppa said that we should just ditch you guys and go on our whole date.”

“So you guys aren’t mad at each other anymore?” Kris asked.

“Aniyo.” Baekhyun said as he slung his arm around Joojin’s shoulders and pulled her close, “Let’s just say that it’s a start of a beautiful relationship.” He winked.

“Huh?! Does that mean that-“ Chaehwan got cut off as Joojin quickly pressed the END button.

They both smiled at each other and Baekhyun took Joojin’s hand and interlocked their fingers together, “Let’s restart our date. Shall we?” He kissed her hand.

Joojin couldn’t help but giggle, “Nae Baekhyun oppa.” They both exited the alleyway and back to the sidewalk to look at the stores. Once they saw Yongguk and his date, they confidently walked past them, brushing shoulders against them.

Yongguk looked back at them, “What the …” Without looking back, Joojin stuck her middle finger up to him behind her back towards Yongguk. “Who the hell was that? She looked kind of hot.”

Yongguk’s date scoffed, “Are you really going to act that way on our date?”

He gave the girl a queer look, “Why do you care? It’s not like this date even mattered. You’re so boring.”

“MORAGO?!” the girl yelled in outrage. She pulled herself away from Yongguk, saw a bystander, grabbed his ice cream cone and smashed the ice cream right into his face. Yongguk yelled at the coldness on his face. And then the girl took another bystander’s drink, opened the lid, and poured it over his head, soaking him from head to toe. He let out another yell. The girl scoffed again and crossed her arms while glaring at him. “And that’s why you shouldn’t play with me.” The girl her heels and walked away.

“Yah! YAH!!! YAAAAHHHHH!!!! I’M TALKING TO YOU !!!” Yongguk yelled at the girl. She continued to walk, ignoring him. As Yongguk was about to get her, two security guards grabbed him. “LET ME GO!!! YAHHH!!!!!” He kept thrashing around.

From far away, Joojin and Baekhyun stared at the scene in amusement. Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, “You dated that guy?”

She shrugged her shoulders as she sipped her strawberry flavored bubble drink, chewing on a tapioca ball, “I don’t know if I was in my right mind back then.”

“At least you have me, right?” Baekhyun said.

She shrugged again, “I guess.” She began to walk away.

“Yah!” Baekhyun yelled at her, earning a laugh from Joojin as she continued to walk away from him.


There you go my readers.

I hope you guys liked it.

This one-shot was for my sister as she gave me an idea for this and she wanted a one-shot with our beloved BACON <3 lol

Hope you liked it sis. ^^

BTW, do you guys like my one-shots? I'm thinking of writing one-shots for each EXO member because I am sooooo in love with them.

Everyone is, right? lol

Just tell me what you guys think.

I'll write another one-shot when I have time. (Maybe..tomorrow?) Thanks again you guys. ;D

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Chapter 2: Lol great idea...kinda makes me want to go buy eyeliner lol >.< I loved this story :)
This oneshot is So Cute ^^
U wanna know sumthin? There's similirities between me and the girl. First, I dont wear make up except for special event, or festival (which is depends on my mood too). Second, I dont like guys who wear eyeliners and I dont get it why would my brother wear it coz he's as handsome he is without it. But with Baekkie coming along in my life, I never care if he wear it or not. He look totally amazing~~ ^o^
OMO! THAT WAS JUST TOO CUTE. BAEKKIE-AH~~~ Why would I always think of making a sequel whenever I read EXO's oneshots??? =.='
Thank you. PLease check out my other Exo oneshots too ^^
-ximini #6
ggmyfth #8
Thanks you guys ^^