Chapter 1


Kim Joojin was sighing nonstop as she sipped her coffee that early morning at a nearby café close to her apartment. Last week was her date with the infamous Bang Yongguk from TS High didn’t go as well as she hoped. She knew that he was bad, but she didn’t know that he was this bad. He complained a lot on their date and even insulted her for not being as pretty as his last date. Once he said that, she couldn’t contain her anger any longer and splashed her cup of water at his face and walked out of the restaurant.

Joojin sighed again as she turned away from the window she was sitting at and placed her cup of coffee on the table. She rummaged through her purse and took out her compact mirror. She stared at her reflection showing off her smooth skin, no blemish in sight. Her natural rosy colored cheeks and her plumped pink lips. What was wrong with her appearance?

Just then, a couple entered the café looking for a specific person. When the guy found Joojin, he guided his girlfriend towards her best friend. “Joojin ah!” Chaehwan called out.

Joojin looked up from her mirror and smiled as she saw her friends approaching her. She quickly put her mirror back into her purse and made space for her friends to sit with her. Of course being a couple, Kris and Chaehwan sat next to each other as they both faced Joojin.

“You still bummed about your last date?” Chaehwan asked.

Her best friend groaned, “Please don’t even remind.”

Chaehwan giggled, “Well, I have some good news for you. We have a date waiting for you tonight! A double date with us.”

Joojin gawked at her, “Moh?”

Kris looked at her, “He’s a friend of mines that attends SM High. He should be decent since SM High has a lot of class, unlike that from TS High.”

Chaehwan nudged her college boyfriend, “Kris.”

“What?” Kris said in English and started talking crap about Yongguk for being an inconsiderate on his date with Joojin as Joojin didn’t understand what they were saying as she didn’t know English. They continued to argue in English, causing Joojin to give out a cough, stopping the two. “Korean please. Kamsamida.”

“Oh. Mianhaeyo Joojin unnie.” 

“Could I talk to Chaehwan alone?” She eyed Kris to go away for now.

Kris stood up, “Araso. Your usual babe?” Chaehwan nodded her head. He kissed her cheek and walked to the counter to order their drinks.

Once he was gone, Joojin asked, “Chaehwan ah. Am I pretty?”

“Of course you are unnie! Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?”

Joojin thought back to Yongguk’s harsh words and sighed. Chaehwan frowned by seeing her best friend facing an insecurity. Just then Kris came back with his normal cream and sugar coffee along with Chaehwan’s Mocha Frappuccino and her chocolate chip muffin. Joojin stood up from her seat, catching the couple’s attention, “I’m going to go shopping for some things. Thanks for hanging out with me for a while you guys.” She smiled.

“No problem bestie!” Chaehwan beamed. Kris smiled up at her.

Joojin walked out of the café and crossed the street. She paused and looked back at the loving couple through the café window. Chaehwan was feeding Kris some of her muffin. They would giggle and appreciate each other’s company. Joojin envied their happiness as a couple. She looked up at the sky and sighed for the umpteenth time that day. ‘When will I ever find love?’

After taking 2 buses to get to Kangnam, she finally arrived at the mall. She browsed through the stores, finding some things that would catch her eyes. Once she saw a makeup store, Yongguk’s cocky remark came back to you.

“Why don’t you use makeup? The last girl I went out with wore makeup. She was very pretty with it.” Yongguk said while staring at her. “You’re not even close to my type of pretty.” He stated, causing Joojin to lose her cool and splash him with her water.

Joojin gritted her teeth and squeezed her hands into fists. ‘I’ll show him!’ She stomped into the store and began to look around. She walked towards the colorful assortments of eye shadow and lip glosses. She looked at the prices and her eyes enlarged at the expensive prices. ‘Omo! I don’t have that much money to buy the things I need.’ She pouted and decided to just buy the simple lip gloss and eyeliner.

After picking the lip gloss that she liked, she went up to a worker to show her where the eyeliner section was. As they got there, it seemed like the whole section was emptied. Joojin’s eyes widened at the scene. Then she noticed the hanging signs saying ‘SALE: Buy 10 eyeliners for $10!’

The worker turned to her and bowed, “Mianhaeyo miss. It seems like we have run out of eyeliner. I could look through the cracks in the shelves if there are any left.”

“Aniyo. I could do it instead. Kamsamida.” Joojin bowed to the worker. When the worker left, Joojin started on her search for any trace of eyeliner.

At the same time, Byun Baekhyun was in search for eyeliner as well. ‘Dammit. How can there not be any eyeliner at a time like this?! I have a date tonight and I can’t go unless I have eyeliner on!’ he thought to himself.

He was crouched down at the eyeliner section on the way right side as Joojin was on the way left. As they both search desperately for eyeliner, they finally found one as they reached the middle of the aisle. “AHA!” both of them exclaimed and reached at the same time.

The moment their hands touched, they both looked at each other. “Um excuse me sir, but I saw that eyeliner first.” Joojin politely said.

He raised an eyebrow at her, “Mianhaeyo miss but you’re mistaken. I saw the eyeliner first and clearly, I grabbed it first.” He pointed out to their touched fingers as Joojin’s hand was over his. “So, if you let me get this eyeliner, I’ll-“

Before he could finish, Joojin’s hand over Baekhyun’s grasped his hand, used her other hand to grab the last eyeliner, and ran to the counter to pay for the eyeliner.

“YAH!” Baekhyun yelled, causing a lot of people in the store to look at him. He quickly got up to catch up to Joojin.

She turned around to see Baekhyun tailing her. “EEEKKKKK!!!” She continued to run away, going through aisles, slipping past some people, making sure not to break anything or else her bank account would be emptied for messing up a makeup store.

“I need that eyeliner for a date tonight! Give it back!” Baekhyun yelled at her, getting closer and closer to her as her legs grew tired from the lack of exercise. As he grabbed the back of her blouse, she immediately stopped, already exhausted. “HA! I finally caught you!” He grabbed the eyeliner out of her hand and strolled towards the counter. He slammed the eyeliner down in front of the cashier and smiled, “Just this please.”

As the cashier was about to scan the eyeliner, a security guard had grabbed Baekhyun. His eyes widened as well as Joojin’s as she was being carried out by another security guard. The manager of the makeup store disapprovingly glared at the two troublemakers. “You two are a nuisance to my store. You two are banned from this store for a year!”

“MOH?!” Both Baekhyun and Joojin yelled.

Then she waved her hand, telling the security guards to throw the both of you out. Both of them landed on their butts, whining from the impact. Joojin rubbed her bottom. “Owwie~” she pouted.

Baekhyun stood up and glanced at the makeup store. The two security guards that threw them out both stood at the entrance, making sure that Baekhyun and Joojin stayed away from the store. He glared at Joojin and walked towards her as was getting up, “Look what you did! You got us both kicked out of the store for a whole year! Where am I supposed to buy eyeliner now?! That store had the only brand that I like as it doesn’t give me eye irritation!”

Joojin stared at the boy with amusement, “Chincha? Well mianhaeyo for trying to buy eyeliner. As you don’t know, I also have a date tonight! I’m trying to look pretty for him!”

“A date?!” He scoffed and combed his fingers through his hair in frustration, “Well, I hope your date goes horrible then!”

“I hope you embarrass yourself in front of your date! Oh wait, you will since you won’t have any eyeliner on!” Joojin shot back.

He gave out a frustrated yell and walked away. Joojin grabbed her hair by the roots and started to pull. Then she let out her own ear piercing scream to relieve her stress. Even though random bystanders were giving her weird looks, she didn’t care and she glared a fiery hole through the back of the boy’s head as he continued to walk away, ignoring her scream. ‘That jerk! I hope I never see him again!’ She turned the other direction from where he was walking and walked towards the bus stop, regretting going to Kangnam as she didn’t buy anything and meeting that jerk.



This is not the end yet...

Just wait for the last chapter ^^

I'll update when I can.

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Chapter 2: Lol great idea...kinda makes me want to go buy eyeliner lol >.< I loved this story :)
This oneshot is So Cute ^^
U wanna know sumthin? There's similirities between me and the girl. First, I dont wear make up except for special event, or festival (which is depends on my mood too). Second, I dont like guys who wear eyeliners and I dont get it why would my brother wear it coz he's as handsome he is without it. But with Baekkie coming along in my life, I never care if he wear it or not. He look totally amazing~~ ^o^
OMO! THAT WAS JUST TOO CUTE. BAEKKIE-AH~~~ Why would I always think of making a sequel whenever I read EXO's oneshots??? =.='
Thank you. PLease check out my other Exo oneshots too ^^
-ximini #6
ggmyfth #8
Thanks you guys ^^