Chaper 2

Secret Love


''About Bang Yongguk~ have you heard it?''


Hyosung's words make you feel nervous all of the sudden. Did something happen without your knowledge? Or did something just leak? What what what? ''Hm?'' you maintained your cool gesture.


''Secret Love~ I really think he's doing something in secret, loving someone in secret, or loving someone in Secret? By any chance, you see something?'' said Hyosung. Your heart almost skipped a beat. But calmed at the very fast speed.


''Why~ why now you want to know?'' you asked her with your playful voice. Hyosung smirked, ''In Secret, among us, who could it be?''


And finally your heart skipped a beat. Like someone just slapped you on your face. It hits you. ''I'll think about it tomorrow, let me sleep first'', and you avoid her quickly.


You heard Hyosung still there, thinking, burrowing and getting it out.




Recording of Secret Love, you’re doing the chorus only. You cannot talk to him due to the presence of other members of BAP and MTV filming there. First part going to be Yongguk’s part, so he started recording. Followed by Daehyun, and finally you.


You saw Yongguk smiling to you behind the recording mirror. You held your head down, pretending that you’re reading the lyrics, even though you have already memorised everything of the song.


When you are done, you went out of the recording room and switched with Youngjae. Yongjae stood up and gave you as sit beside Yongguk. Yongguk wrote something on his notebook, and showed you.


You’re doing well.


You took a pen and wrote something back on his notebook.


I know~ you too


He smiled and both of you continue focusing on the recording.




BAP showcase going to start soon. As usual, Secret will says some luck chanting to them as a senior. Hyosung as the leader leads your members and you to them. You high-five with Zelo first, “good luck, our giant baby!” Followed by Daehyun, Himchan, Yongjae, Jongup and finally him, Yongguk.


“Bang Yongguk! Bang Yongguk!” you cheered him. He chuckled. You smiled, “hwaiting!” with your hand ready to high-five him. Instead, he caught your hand. He pulled you closer and whispered, “I love you”, and released you shortly. You found yourself having a goose bump by him. To avoid suspicious, you patted him on his broad shoulder, “right! Let see what you can show them!” uhh that’s almost lame, you thought. He laughed on your cheers.


The opening went very smooth as usual. So cool, you thought of them. The opening theme, Unbreakable, and finally your featured song, Secret Love. You heard the song live. Deep inside, you thought, if only people know.


Second part is going to be after this. It’s the sub-unit performance, including your song and I Remenber which originally featuring to B2ST’s Yoseob. You smiled to Yongguk while he’s getting ready for his performance. In the dark entrance, and dark stage, you entered the stage together with him, alone. He pulled your right hand and linked it with him for a while until you reached the piano, and released you. Your heart, panicking yet calming at the same time. He went to his spot.


Never thought that he’ll be gazing to you while you’re playing the piano.

 At the second part, you were asked to leave the piano and stand together, face-to-face in front of Yongguk. At first, you hesitated to do so. What if I lost my focus? You thought. But finally you agreed. That’s the only way you can be near to him.

But you never know that Yongguk will be that closer, put his hands on your shoulder and touched your face. The crowds cheers louder when he did that to you. You yourself wanted to smile to him, but being a professional, you act.



As the showcase ended, congratulation party is held in TS building. Everyone is congratulated each other because of the successful showcase. Yongguk sat next to you in purpose. “Yah, so handsome!” you praised him, punching lightly his shoulder. He chuckled. “Do you know?” he talked to you. “Hm?” you responded. “I’m the one that planned that you should stand with me on the second part”, he confessed. “Whaaaaat??” you yourself surprised on his confession. You couldn’t believe that it’s actually him planning all these things.


“Yah! Why are you doing that?? I almost lost my focus, you know!” you exploded. Both of you are alone on the sofa, while others are busy talking and playing the music out loud. He chuckled, “I wanted to show people about you and me, and public is the only solution about you and me”.


You found it’s cute, but at the same time, you rolled your eyes. He leaned closer and whispered, “you’re not rejecting though”. PFFFFTT. You said to him, “Yah I did it because they asked me to do so”.




In Tadah! Its BAP recording, in one of the episode, BAP members gathers to talk about their showcase which boosts up their explosive popularities. They interfered talking about their relationship between the stylist and the six members of BAP. Yongguk started of, “if people see this, they thought that we’re dating secretly”.



Himchan, “is it~? Are you doing something secretly?”


Yongguk played along with s. He’s trying to reveal to others that he’s actually doing something secretly.




In Tadah! Its BAP recording, you appear in one episode as the BAP’s agent guardian angel. It is recorded earlier, and will be viewed by the bunnies later. You recorded it brightly. You have to delivered messages for BAP members.


“Bang Yongguk! Don’t go ‘Earthians Erathians’ on broadcast! They’re all going to see!” pointing madly to the camera. Its quiet unnatural that you calling his name like that, and to the top of that, it’s going to be broadcasted!


When it's being viewed by the BAP members, you're not there, but to wait the episode until its broadcasting.


That night, you received a text messages.


Guardian Angel? I don't know you. I just know Song Jieun.


You burst into laugh. It's already being viewed by BAP. Your hand feels awkward to text him back. Remembering yourself admitting that you're a Guardian Angel making yourself blush to death. Embarassing!


Hyosung-unnie's not there. So I have to do it. I should be the General, instead of this so-what angel.


You slapped yourself to get calm. You still embarrassed. On the top of that, Yongguk watched it! Phone's vibrating.


Its okay~ at least I saw you. I miss you. Really.


You smiled. 'I miss you too'. You browsed your photo gallery in your phone. Psh. The last picture of you and Yongguk was during Going Crazy promotion. It’s been awhile since both of you took a picture together.

You send the picture to him. Sighed. You feel like to type ‘I miss you’ thousand times on your text messages. Your phone beeped. Instead of a text messages, a call came in.



I'm a  shipper of this couple XD

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i ship them so mucccchiiee ~ please update soon ~
I'm a shipper of this couple too xD They are so lovely and perfect~ I like the way you mix real life events with the story, update soon! :D