Chapter 1

Secret Love


You are filming Secret Diary of MTV. As usual, you keep your self bright and go on. It's your turn to take over the self-camera. You're running over the company, away from other members so that they don't get chance to appear in the camera. You pushed a door of the cafeteria, and...Saw him there, having his meals alone.


He saw you, and smiled. You don't have choice but to approach him, if not, everything will look obvious. ''Do you know this guy? With his unique voice, owww, I bet you know him, if you know Song Jieun... Of Going Crazy'', you said brightly.

He chuckled and stared on your eyes deeply.


''Bang Yongguk here~'' Hyosung appeared out of nowhere and took the camera from your hand. ''Sit there, you do the interview'', asked Hyosung to you. You hesitated for a moment, but finally sit in front of Yongguk and face-to-face with him on such a closer distance. You saw Yongguk chuckling heartily as he saw you closer now. Your heart admits, 'I miss you'.


''What do you think about Secret?'' asked Hyosung to Yongguk. ''I'm a fan'', like other newbie, he gets shy in front of the camera. You burst into laugh as you saw him like that. ''Fan why? Why you're a fan?'' Hyosung asked again. He smiled and looked to you, ''because of Song Jieun-sunbaenim''.


You find your self blushing, but to avoid being realised, ''really? Me? Yah unnie, it's me, he's a fan because of me~''. ''Eyy, just Jieun? Its okay, it's okay, well, maybe because you guys have collaborated together before'', said Hyosung. You laughed again.


''But do you know what? Song Jieun, Bang Yongguk, in 2012, there will be a hot responds for this couple for another collaboration, trust me'', continued Hyosung. ''Oh really?'' asked the excited Yongguk. ''Jieun-ah, you like it?'' like an eagle, Hyosung shoot the question to you without mercy.




''Aaaah really? Then, for everyone, I really love to-''


''You like Yongguk?''




Speedy Hyosung made you hanging. And again, to avoid suspicious, you burst into laughter, very loud. Yongguk smiled seeing you like that. ''Bang Yongguk is very talented, it's a good opportunity to work with him, and I'm definitely a fan of him, THE FIRST FAN ON BANG YONGGUK!''


Your speech, even you're the one that said it, but you feel embarrassed. It feels like you just confessed something to him. ''Kamsa-hamnida, sunbaenim'', he greeted.




MTV filming just ended on that day. Your phone vibrated into alive. A message just came in. You have a good feeling about it. You went into the washroom. And clicked open.


It's been a while since we're that closer. I miss you.


Your mouth curved up into smile. You sighed. It's been a while that you're doing this secret love. It's tiring, hurting but what can you do? Career over everything. You typed something to reply him. Yes, that's what you guys can do to keep in contact. Talking on the phone is never a good choice, or even a chance.


We'll see each other again next time. I miss you too.


You admitted. You don't know why saying 'I miss you' is more familiar in both of your conversation. But, even with those words, it makes you feels energized. It makes you know that he still keeps you even though you don't meet that much.


Another message came in.


Thanks for that confession; I know it's real...and more than that.


'Ahhhh that speech! Why did I say that! That's embarassing!' You bite your lips to control you sanity. You type again.


Thanks too, a fan of Secret because of Song Jieun!


After sending that, you chuckled silently. That's how both of you tease each other. Even you yourself think it's cute. You lifted up you and, another message came in.


Well, I do love Song Jieun.


Your heart aches too much reading those words. You cannot read Yongguk's mind. But his sincerity making you feel appreciated, and in that way too, you keep on falling for him. Yongguk didn't say those words always, even you. Even if you feel like to say 'I love you', you keep it to yourself. You have to have self-control of yourself.

You turned off you phone and went out of the washroom.




Meeting was held in TS Company. Secret, the first group being debut under TS Entertainment was called for the meeting, under the subject of 'the debut of B.A.P'. You went into the meeting room with your members, and sit at the backmost of the seats. An upcoming group called B.A.P consisting six boys came into the room.


Bang Yongguk came in as the first one. He saw you, you saw him, but both of you avoid the eye-contact. You sighed. Yongguk sighed too, and sit at the most front seat. Himchan, Youngjae, Daehyun, Jongup and Zelo came in and seat in front of Secret.


Both of you always seated in the farthest corner. Both of your time never matched. For quite number of times, Yongguk glanced to you whenever he turned to talk to s.


''B.A.P debut will come along with a showcase, in the showcase, Secret will help too-'', your president telling about the plan after debuting Yongguk's group. ''-the opening theme, Warrior, and two more songs going to be record by this time, one is Unbreakable, another one will be featuring Song Jieun''.


''Eh? Me?'' you asked your president, ‘‘Why I wasn't being inform?'' The president smiled on your insecurity, ''Bang Yongguk here composed the songs, first will be about B.A.P, called Unbreakable-'', he explained, ''another one is Secret Love, featuring you, so you'll be recording a song with B.A.P and this will be included in their first mini album''.


You widened your eyes, but immediately cover it up. Secret Love? Yongguk composed a song named Secret Love? You lowered down your head, and nodded obeying. Yongguk stares on you, and smiles seeing you thinking on how that song was made without your knowledge.


At the end of the meeting, it is a confirmation for B.A.P's debut date. After being confirmed, Secret congratulated the group for their upcoming debut. They shake hand with each other. As your turn to shake Yongguk's hand...he pulled you into him, and he hugged you firmly. Even you yourself get shock on his sudden action. But all of it passed in a speed of light. Hugging for 2 seconds will not gain excessive attention.


He smiled to you. Your heart stills beating very wild due to his action before. You clicked your self into reality, ''congratulation, Yongguk-ah, do your best for it, hwaiting!'' you greeted naturally. ''We're going to feature a song with you too, hwaiting too'', with his unique voice, he greeted you too.




That night, you're home with Secret. Your phone vibrated for new massage coming in. You opened it.


I'm not saying sorry for the hug. I'll say thanks.


You smirked. Doing what you want on your own huh?


Duh~ it's not a big deal. It's just a 2 seconds hug.


But that two seconds make you trembled to death to.


Enough to control myself of missing you too much. Any way, have you looked at the song that I gave you?


You face palmed yourself. 'I miss you too, but you make me miss you too much!' you said. You remembered about the song named, Secret Love. Yes, you have read the lyrics too, directly after the paper handed to your hand. Yongguk wrote the song. You smiled. But at the same time, heart aching to death. Your feeling is the same as what Yongguk wrote on the song. It's like Yongguk can read your minds, to the exact meaning. You typed.


Already. Why you didn't tell me that you're doing the song, AND it is featuring me.


You pouted. It's like having birthday surprise and PMS on the same day. Want to get mad, but want to spazz too. Message came in.


Hmm I don't know too. I just wrote it out, then Jiwon hyung told me it's a good song, and he asked me to have a collaboration will be good too. So, I chose you.


You chuckled. That's the reason? You typed back.


Arasso~on the top of that, I'll be doing the chorus only. Chill out~


And finally turned of your phone. You went to your room and jumped directly to the bed with the song on your hand. You read it back. You chuckled. Deep inside, you're bleeding. ''Omo omo omo, why are you smiling alone?'' Hyosung out of nowhere enters the room and caught you. You raised your eyebrows.


Hyosung went to the room checking for something, ''About Bang Yongguk~ have you heard it?''

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i ship them so mucccchiiee ~ please update soon ~
I'm a shipper of this couple too xD They are so lovely and perfect~ I like the way you mix real life events with the story, update soon! :D