Candy Watch

Candy Hearts


Have you ever felt so out of place that you just wanted to run away? Well, Baekhyun hadn’t either until the night of Chanyeol’s birthday bash.

Baekhyun left his house with a nice button shirt and dark jeans, which were considerably more fancy than his usual attire. It took him a total of an hour and fifteen minutes by the city bus to get to the swanky hotel venue.  When he arrived, the first flash of discomfort hit Baekhyun. He knew the hotel was one of those five-stars, rich people can only afford to stay here kind of places. So, when he walked into the lobby, he swore his eyes would be blinded by the seer…richness of the place. Crystals here and gold t there and never mind how glamorous everyone looked.

After getting over his slight shock, he found a sign stating the direction to the party and followed it. He went down a large elaborate hallway and then turned a corner to find a swarm of paparazzi. Baekhyun stood there for a moment and accessed whether he was really going in the right direction. Yup, he was.

He saw the doors of the ballroom he was supposed to enter, but the cameramen hovering around it made him cautious. He walked up to it after swallowing his nerves and confusion but was only stopped by two large men holding clipboards.

“Name?” One asked, staring at his clipboard. Baekhyun blinked up at the two men for a second before snapping out of it.

“O-Oh, Baekhyun! Byun Baekhyun!” He replied.

“Byun Baekhyun? Who’s that?” He heard one of the paparazzi say. He frowned as he tried to find the person.  “New business CEO maybe?”  Another person murmured.

“You can go.” One of the large men said after clearing their throat loudly. Baekhyun turned to them and nodded his head. He finally walked past them and opened the french doors to the ballroom.

The room was the very definition of grandeur. It was huge with its tall ceilings, marble flooring and impressive decorations. Whoever did the designing for the event was brilliant…and probably had a massive budget.

After getting over the ballroom, Baekhyun then noticed the people...or more what the people were wearing. A second wave of discomfort struck him. Was he the only one who didn’t get the ‘formal attire only’ memo? The women were in long silky dresses while the men were in tidy suits. Baekhyun stuck out like a sore thumb with his simple shirt and jeans outfit. He did feel some eyes on him but he tried to ignore them. However, Baekhyun wasn’t always good at acting casual sometimes. 

He looked around and tried to find something to do, considering the main attraction of the event hadn’t arrived yet. Yes, that’s right. He was here for Chanyeol. He would up it and overcome his discomforts for Chanyeol.  That’s when Baekhyun caught eye of the massive candy display on one of the walls of the ballroom. He made a beeline to it. If anything would calm him down, it would be candy.

He took a plastic bag and served himself from the massive selection.  He filled the bag to the brim before leaning against an empty place on a wall and started munching away. He observed the people in front of him critically. How did Chanyeol know all these people? Was Chanyeol really that well off?

“Hi there.” A woman coyly walked up to him with champagne in hand. “I don’t believe I know you.” She smiled brightly. Baekhyun chewed quickly on the candy in his mouth.

“Ah, I don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Byun Baekhyun.” He gave a small smile and took in the woman’s red dress. If Baekhyun wasn’t so head over heels for Chanyeol, Baekhyun might actually consider the woman attractive.

“Pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” She purred, “My name is Lee Jihyun. And what do you do for a living Byun Baekhyun?”

“I work at a candy shop.” Baekhyun said and raised his bag, “I actually helped catered the candy.” After Baekhyun told her, her smile immediately vanished.

“Oh.” She said, “Are you working part-time while studying then?”

“Um. No, not really. I was thinking I might go back to school for business but I decided it would just cost too much.”   

“And…what does your family do?” The girl exhaled sharply, as if he was testing her patience.

“My father and mother own a convenience store.” He replied, almost cautiously. She rolled her eyes before faking a smile.

“My apologizes, but I’ll have to leave you. I forgot I had to greet some friends of mine. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” And she zoomed away to a nearby crowd of women. Baekhyun’s eyes followed after her, with a slight pout. What an arrogant woman. What was wrong with his and his family’s occuptions? What was with these people?

“-No, Jihyun said he was just a caterer. A pity invite.” A woman whispered to another as they walked past him. 

A pity invite? He thought, feeling a pang of hurt in his heart. No, he couldn’t have been a pity invite. Chanyeol seemed to really want him to be there. That’s right Baekhyun, forget these people. You’re here for Chanyeol… not them.

Baekhyun was avoided by the others for a few more minutes. In the mean time, he drowned his small amount of sorrows in his bag full of candy. He swore the amount of sugar was starting to burn his taste buds.

Through the crowds of people, Baekhyun picked out a tall Kris. He was neatly groomed with a slick back hairstyle and a chic suit. I t was like watching flies to a light. Many people flocked around him and smiled genuinely toward him, giving their full attention. Kris had no problem taking it all gracefully.

A third wave of discomfort washed over him. Here was his new enemy Kris, fitting right into this birthday party. Did Baekhyun feel bested? Yes. And it . Social butterfly vs. wallflower…what a tragic situation he was in. But, he had still one thing that calmed him down. Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Chanyeol. He repeated in his head.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” A voice boomed through the ballroom. “If I could have your attention please! The guests of honour have finally graced us with their presence. Without further ado, I present Mr. & Mrs. Park, along with their son Park Chanyeol!”

Baekhyun awkwardly clapped along with the crowd as he tried to find where Chanyeol was. The doors of the ballroom opened wide to reveal an older looking couple with big smiles on their faces.  Behind them was Chanyeol. And it wasn`t the Chanyeol Baekhyun was used to.

His hair was straight and mid length, with a part tucked behind one of his elfish ears. His outfit looked like it was fresh out of a magazine shoot, his smile was small and serene while his big eyes were soft. Mad Scientist Chanyeol has left the building and in came cool and sophisticated Chanyeol. Baekhyun nearly dropped his bag of candy at the sight. His hands froze in mid clap and he just stared. Who knew Chanyeol could clean up so well?

“Thank you all for coming!” Mr. Park cheered into the mic happily, “We are so pleased that everyone could come celebrate our son’s birthday with us. He usually is very insistent on not throwing these sorts of parties, but it seems he thought differently this year. So, let’s show him what he’s been missing out on, shall we?” 

Everyone applauded loudly and the mic was handed over to Chanyeol. Baekhyun gripped his bag harder. Was Chanyeol going to be okay? He was never good when it came to speaking to others. Chanyeol’s hands shook a little with the mic in hand and stared at it. His parents rubbed his back a little which loosened him up a little. Chanyeol then looked out into the crowd and appeared to be looking for something. Soon, Baekhyun and him met eyes. Chanyeol's nervous expression immediately relaxed. He brought the microphone to his lips with his eyes never leaving Baekhyun’s.

“I…I want to sincerely thank you all for coming.” He said with the soothing deep voice that Baekhyun loved so much. “I’m happy to see so that many people have shown up and are sharing this moment with me.” He smiled bashfully at Baekhyun, who smiled right on back. He was proud. Chanyeol was doing great. “Thank you and I suggest you all try some candy before you leave. They were picked out by the best.”  Chanyeol then shoved the mic into his father’s hand and walked away with his eyes still intent on Baekhyun. Baekhyun watched him approach but Chanyeol got cut off. Their eye contact broke as Chanyeol awkwardly greeted some people. Once he finished, more people came and greeted him.

Baekhyun was okay with that. It was a party for Chanyeol. It’s expected that he was to greet all his guests. Baekhyun would just wait by the wall he had stuck himself to for the past half hour. He was patient and could continue to be.

“Goodness, why on earth would they keep that boy away from us?” A woman nearby giggled to her friend. “Such an adorable suitor he would be. Imagine all the love calls they’ll have to deal with now.”

“Yes and think of the business opportunities!” The other woman squealed and they both rushed off to where Chanyeol had been stationed for the last ten minutes.

Baekhyun processed their conversation. Suitor? Love calls? Business opportunities? Baekhyun caught the eye of a nearby server and grabbed them before they walked past him, “Wait, I have a question for you.”  The server paused and looked him up and down suspiciously. “Who…exactly are the Parks?”

“The Parks?” The server asked before scoffing, “They run this place along with a dozen other hotels in their chain.” The server shot him a smirk, “You a caterer?”

“N-No. More of a friend…though I did sort of cater the candy.” Baekhyun felt his body tense and go into defensive mode.    

“Listen, you seem like a nice guy but here’s a little advice from a guy whose worked events like these for years.” The server leaned in close, “Don’t kid yourself. People like us aren’t meant to mix with people like them.” The server then walked away from Baekhyun.

An thousand pound weight suddenly crushed itself into Baekhyun’s chest.  Us and them. Were they really that different? Baekhyun looked up to Chanyeol who flashed a casual side smile to a pretty young woman. He quickly looked back down and shoved a decent amount of candy into his mouth.

Here he was, thinking that Chanyeol was the one who needed him and his guidance.  That Baekhyun was the one holding out his hand and leading him. But looking at the current Chanyeol, Baekhyun figured he had it all wrong. Chanyeol didn’t need him. Chanyeol was surrounded by fame, money and love from his family and Kris. What could Baekhyun really offer him after that?  A friendship that’s connected through only one interest? He finally realized that he didn’t know Chanyeol at all…and it broke his heart.

“Baekhyun, I finally got to you.” A voice cut through Baekhyun’s thoughts. He turned his gaze upward and saw a smiling Chanyeol. If he was dazzling from afar, he looked downright god-sent up close. Baekhyun felt blood rush through his cheeks rapidly and immediately felt ashamed.

“Anyone there?” Chanyeol asked, waving a hand in front of Baekhyun’s face. He blinked a few times before forcing a smile.

“Yeah. Happy Birthday Chanyeol.” Baekhyun said in an almost robotic like fashion. He looked away quickly and shoved a hand into his pocket before pulling something out and handing it to Chanyeol. “I got you something…it isn’t much but I thought it was better than no-.”

“Can I open it?” Chanyeol asked excitedly, looking at the box. Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders. Chanyeol took that as a yes and tore the wrapping paper from the box. He opened the small box and inside laid a candy watch.

“I thought it was funny since I can’t really afford a real one.” Baekhyun scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

“It’s perfect.” Chanyeol murmured and met gazes with Baekhyun, “I’ll wear it forever.” Chanyeol furthered his point by putting on the watch, which altered his mature appearance slightly.

Baekhyun sighed with a smile, “Don’t be silly, you’re supposed to eat it.”

“I don’t want to. I want to keep it.” Chanyeol said stubbornly.

“But it won’t last.”

“I’ll dip it in glue or something.” Chanyeol insisted and then grabbed Baekhyun's hand. “I have something for you too.” And he tugged Baekhyun in a random direction.

“For me? But it’s your birthday!” Baekhyun pulled back, “You don’t need to get me anything.”

“I wanted to.” Chanyeol stopped and inched closer to Baekhyun. “So shut up and come with me.”

Baekhyun blinked up at Chanyeol’s choice of words. Chanyeol was usually never that …forward? Crude with his wording?

“And who is this, dear?” A pleasant female voice said from behind Baekhyun. Baekhyun turned around and was surprised to see Chanyeol’s parents. Chanyeol, on the other hand, looked quite happy to see them.  Baekhyun tried to take his hand out of Chanyeol’s but Chanyeol's grip become stronger than the Jaws of Life when he tried to escape.

“Mom, Dad…this is Baekhyun. He’s the one I’ve told you about.” Chanyeol looked down at Baekhyun softly while his parents tensed up, their gazes immediately critical. Baekhyun managed a shaky smile.

“H-Hi. Nice to meet you.” He said and bowed his head.  

“Yes, pleasure.” His mother smiled back hesitantly. Chanyeol’s father didn’t acknowledge him. Baekhyun swallowed as an awkward silence filled the space between them.

“Can I speak to you for a moment, son?” Chanyeol father's grim expression met with Chanyeol’s stiff one. He seemed cautious at first, but he let go of Baekhyun’s hand and nodded.

“Okay. But only for a moment.” Chanyeol agreed and followed his father a few steps away. His eyes followed them as they walked away before facing Mrs. Park.

“So…Baekhyun. What do your parents do for a living? Chanyeol only told us that you worked at a candy shop…and aren’t currently studying.” His mother asked, in a similar manner to the woman Baekhyun had spoken to at the beginning of the party. Did rich people only care about occupations?

“They own a convenience store. Mrs.” Baekhyun replied and was given a familiar smile.

“Oh…how nice.” She looked over him with a little bit of discontent, “We have high hopes for Chanyeol. He’s currently studying business at X University and we’re planning for him to take over for us once he’s graduated. I hope you won’t...interfere with our plans.”

Baekhyun knitted his eyebrows together, “I’m not really following you.”

“Please don’t associate yourself with my son anymore Baekhyun. You seem like a nice gentleman, but ever since he’s met you, he’s been having some bizarre ideas. “

“Bizarre…ideas?” He asked.

“Yes, we can’t have Chanyeol thinking this way. So, I ask you to leave Chanyeol alone. His future depends on it.”

Before Baekhyun could rebuttal, a voice boomed into the air.

“Wu and Park Corporations have agreed to a merger!”  A voice shouted into the air. Chanyeol’s mother smiled at him and excused herself. Baekhyun on the other hand stayed firmly planted where he was. He looked in front of him and saw Chanyeol and Kris shaking hands and smiling for the cameras. 

That was the last straw for Baekhyun. It was about time he left. He saw and greeted Chanyeol and gave him his gift while he was at it. His duty was done now …and well, maybe forever.

Chanyeol let go of Kris’ hand and turned to face Baekhyun. He walked toward him but Baekhyun backed up and shook his head. Chanyeol tilted his head and looked alarmed when Baekhyun backed away from him quickly. Before long, Baekhyun turned around and sped walk out of the ballroom.  He was down the hallway when he heard Chanyeol calling out his name. He ignored it.

He stepped out into the cold streets with his name still being heard in the distance. He decided to start running. He kept running until he managed to catch a bus that was about to leave. Scanning his bus card, he walked into the bus and plopped down into a seat. His phone vibrated with Chanyeol’s name appearing on the screen. He ignored the call and turned off his phone.

He looked out the window and realized he still had the candy bag tightly gripped in his hands. He opened it and popped some candies into his mouth, hoping for the sweetness would relieve him like it usually did.  

But no matter how many candies he ate, they all were sour to him.


Is this a fluff fic anymore? is that what you're asking? YES, await next chapter friends. You might diess. 

Thank you too all commenters and subscribers :) I hope you're enjoying it so far and this chapter wasn't too....dramatic for your liking? Gotta cause some sort of conflict here. 

Anyways, Here you go:

Chanyeol wants to eat more ways than one ;)

Taataa now


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(Feb.12.13) Candy Hearts is now being translated into Russian! See Foreword for link :)


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Cute 🥰
Lae_kshme #2
Chapter 9: I first thought that that you were inspired by baekhyun' s new song "candy" Bt then I saw when this was written and wow.... 2013 .... You ma'am can truly see the future like 7 yrs ahead.... Hehehe
This is the first fic i ever read !! one of the most mushiest works of purple pluto , to which i always go back to and read , also this fic got me into the fanfic world !!!
Chapter 8: Kiyowooo
Chapter 8: This was so cute and fluffy, I'm now have diabetes.
Chapter 1: Cute little thingggg
Chapter 9: This story was just so adoreable. I can't even imagine how I survived so much cute fluff. I am ded.
yaaken #8
Chapter 1: I was seeing my upvoted stories and I found this one again, could not helped myself so I'm reading it again <3
Chapter 9: This is the cutest story I've ever read *-*