Forever by your side.

Thank You. (Two-Shot)

Good people do not resist and decided to post this second chapter to show how life was after he Yun reecontrou Jaejoong. I hope you enjoy and enjoy 
To the Yunjaezeiras on duty ^ ^
Good reading.



Hello everybody.

Thanks to all of you who followed my story with Jaejoong.

It really was scary is not it? Even more for me that I ran the risk of losing the most important person to me.

Today I'm 70 years old, enough time has passed is not it? During all this time I was next to Jaejoong adopted three beautiful children: two girls and Myung Sung and a boy Jijoo which now have family and everything, I'm already believes bissavô? Unfortunately Jaejoong is no longer with us, because of health problems he eventually died at age 68, I was totally devastated my life was meaningless without my Jaejoong close to me. This time death that I could not postpone the disease could not take it more if I could I would. I'm only alive today at the request of Jaejoong who wanted me to watch over our children while I could because otherwise I would have gone to meet with him in the afterlife. More my health is not there also the best, today I am very ill and in hospital with heart problems, just wish he was beside me now giving me the strength to continue, because without it everything is more difficult?Because I feel so weak at 4 years since he left? Because I could never look at another person unless it? Because he alone made me happy? Because I could not prevent the disease takes it? I want you near me Jae, I feel you again, please help me I need you!

- Vooô! - I felt the warm embrace of MyuJi she really was beautiful like her mama, Myung and my grandchildren came next to her holding me.

- Myu, her daughter does not learn that the father is kinda old man does not?- I laughed to see hot Myung slapping on Jijoo.

- Grandchildren and great grandchildren! - I embraced them at a time, our age that so many could not even tell Jaejoong would be so happy to see them.

- Appa, how are you? - Sung approached concerned, it really was a loving daughter, not that the others were but she was more attached to me. I saw the doctor call Jijoo out of the room and go talk to him.

- To great! - I smiled. - To a force of ten horses!

- Wow, all this Grandpa? - This time it was Jaeong rule, he was the son of Jijoo, the youngest. Jijoo put this name because of Jaejoong.

- Yes my love, Nine dead and buried in a grave state. - Once all gave high laughter and then I saw Jijoo enter the room and ask to have his wife take off all the children away, leaving only him and I Myung Sung.

- Appa ... the doctor told me some things now. - He stared at the floor, I wonder what was wrong with me?

- What was my son? - I stared at him and then hugged me Myung Sung and anciosas.

- He said you ... - He wiped his eyes. - ... Just 3 days.

- WHAT? - The Myung shouted desperately. - There can be no! - The sobs of my two girls it was heard, did not want to sail again equivalent suffering the death of Jaejoong.

And then the Jijoo joined us hugging me, we were the third well and we talked for a moment. They then had to go, and I stood there thinking it would be like in three days I wish I could get more time to take care of my little ones who were no longer so small as well. More time would not see that after the death had wanted to take me, I fell asleep with my thoughts on this problem. The next day nobody could see me, would have to do some tests and would not be possible to spend time with anyone, the doctor thought it best to redo the tests to be absolutely sure that I could no longer pass that day.

And then that dreaded day arrived, the day that would goodbye to this life.Does Jaejoong would meet again? I saw my children through the door of my hospital room, I asked not to bring my grandchildren did not want me despidir them all. I hugged my children as there were never embraced before, was a sign of the last goodbye hug. Soon I felt my heart to weaken and the unit that controlled the beats began to whistle giving the signal for my departure.Physicians with much effort pulled my children's room and tried to revive me, Jijoo, and Sung Myung followed it out the window in no time I left, since it was Jaejoong owe everything to them three from small have always been my joy.

- APPA! - Vi Myung desperate run across the room towards Jaejoong. - I can just wear a bra, right? My s are growing looks. - Then she lifted her shirt and I and Jijoo in and hide behind a newspaper.

Despite being a bit silly, but always made me smile.

- I need to talk to you all ... - We sat in the room and began to speak Sung shy. - ... Today I gave my first kiss. - Iriado got the couch, I was ready to kill that being who had taken the ity of the mouth of my daughter, Jaejoong calmed me over while laughing at my attitude.

I never hid anything, besides family were always very friendly although not children of my blood.

- Appa ... - Jijoo approached me and spoke softly to anyone listening, anyway Jaejoong, Myung Sung and was just in the kitchen. - ... I bought a playboy. - I slapped on the head of that boy erted, most could not resist and went to see the playboy with it, instead of speaking of women, and we laughed a lot for doing it hidden from others.

And my time has come, had not the strength to go on the memories I have of my beautiful children shall go not ever be erased. Weak smiles at them and then before I take my heart I could hear an agonized conscience Myung, see Sung Jijoo cry a lot and being held by doctors not to enter the room, the darkness took over my consciousness.

I woke up in a totally different place than I thought. I thought it was for a completely whiter by contrast, was a city different from that to which he belonged. My face was a mirror and I could not believe what I saw was quite young! Like when I met Jaejoong, no wrinkles or wrinkled skin. I looked around and saw no one that I was dying completely.

- JJ! - I cried, I thought to go to that life I would meet him. - I want you, I need you! So I can not stand ... - Sometimes we made vows of love in English, I had had enough, my legs do not upheld, then knelt down and hid her face in her hands as tears rolled down my face.

- Please do not go, not to leave me alone. - That voice, I felt so hot to touch my hands and when I saw the owner of those hands hugged him hard, so young and beautiful as I am. In fact he was always beautiful.

- Jaejoong ... you came back to me. - My tears insisted on rolling.

- I never left you, Yun ... - He held my face and gave me a peck long, oh ... how I wanted that touch again. - ... We have beautiful grandchildren and great-grandchildren, is not it? - We smiled, and then went to a place where he was watching me, I could see my funeral there and see my three babies crying for me, hurt me heart. - You did a good job, Yun!

- We did ... - And then I kissed him as she had never kissed him before, was a love that would keep us together forever.

- YUN! JAE! - When I looked I could not help smiling, the dolphin was crazier than he knew. He also had died by the time a cancer she had and was just behind Yoochun and Changmin with his wife, we were all together again as before.

We shook hands and laughed a bit talking about the past.

- Wow, Ara and Yosuke still pretty as a father. - Changmin did not ask for the opportunity to magnify, looked at her daughter and son who also was at my funeral.

- Oh I know, it does not bar my Rayan and Viollet. - Changmin Yoochun gave tongue to which he was indignant, they really had not grown at all.

They stayed there a while Jaejoong fighting and pulled me somewhere more private and we embrace our children watching.

- I hope they do not suffer as much as in my time ... - Jaejoong looked worried.

- Over at least they'll keep the good times. - I gave a kiss on her forehead and stand there looking. - They have brought us much happiness, I am very grateful to them.


The funeral was sad and long.

- I have much to thank ... - Myung left a flower upon the grave of his father who was next door to Jaejoong.

- You gave me love and a home ... - This time it was Jijoo.

- I have a family. - Sung cried a lot as he placed the flower on the grave of both.

They hugged and cried together as they watched their father be buried. The three looked at the sky and can hear a whisper.

- Thank you ... - The three said in unison.

And heaven watched their parents smiling and hugging.

- Thank You .. - The two sussuraram.

Spend quality time with your family and friends as if it were the last and love them as much even if they are not blood relatives. Enjoy as you can because one day may be too late, unfortunately we are imperfect and when we least expect life in the tricky, do not forget also the great love of his life slip from his hands, was ashamed to declare their love does not keep this sense for you to talk to person who loves you because otherwise you will have to bear to see her be loved and love someone else, in short do everything that has to do, because life is short.




Well folks now is the very end.
And do not call for last are just thoughts that I write what I think is true, see?
Kisses and up to the next, thanks to everyone and thanks to Sica G Nim sent me a message complimenting my fic to Thank You, thank you cute 

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