
Best Absolute Perfect Kingdom


You walk for what feels like an eternity. You’ve tried everything. Calling his name, starting a fire, marking off parts of the forest. Nothing.

You feel tears welling up in your eyes. I finally get to be with him and he’s gone.

Rubbing the tears on your sleeve, you scratch Agma’s neck as he trudges tiredly through the underbrush.

Suddenly, Jongup stops. You turn and look at him.

“Don’t you take off on me again,” you warn him, and he doesn’t look at you. He glances ahead, listening hard.


“Shh!” He hisses, waving a hand at you, and listening again.

“Moon Jongup, you did not just shush me,” you reply angrily, but he cuts you off.


You follow his gaze and look into the forest, and your eyes widen as you hear a thump. Listening for a second, you hear another. Footsteps. Very large footsteps.

The trees a few feet in front of you bend to the sides and give way as a very large troll steps through them. His, her, its head is over the top of the trees, and its large feet shuffle towards you. It bends down when it reaches you, big eyes sad, and holds out its large gray hand.

You stare at it momentarily before looking down at its hand. Gasping, you slide out of the saddle and run up to it, crouching down next to it. In its palm lies an unconscious, and very dirty, Himchan.

“Himchan,” you whisper, and the troll gently slides him into your arms. You wrap your arms around him, looking up at the troll.

“Thank you,” you murmur, and it dips its large head and blinks before turning and shuffling through the forest. You stare after it until you can’t hear its large footsteps anymore. Something coughs and you look down to see Himchan moving.

“Himchan!” You exclaim, holding his face in your hands. His hair is slightly in his eyes and you brush it away gently.

He blinks slowly, face twisted in confusion as he looks around. His gaze meets yours and he smiles.

“Hey beautiful,” he murmurs.

You laugh sadly and wrap your arms tightly around him, a tear rolling down your cheek.

“You ,” you scold, still laughing, and he hugs you back tightly.

He pulls away from you suddenly, eyebrows furrowed, searching your face. He takes your face in his hands, and pulls you to him. Your eyes slide closed, and you put your hands on his shoulders.

Your lips press together, molding warmly. The two of you move against each other softly, fitting together like two puzzle pieces. You could sit there, kissing him forever, but after a long moment Jongup clears his throat awkwardly. Himchan doesn’t stop, but opens one eye, shooting Jongup an annoyed glare.

You giggle, pulling away from Himchan and helping him to his feet. 



Hope you guys enjoy this chapter :3

I love hearing from you, so comment purlease! :D

*allow me to shamelessly self advertise for a moment* I have another fanfiction, Monster, and it's Bigbang, so if you're interested it's here

<3 Byeas!

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Why is everyone subbing to this story?! Its so weird >_< Go read my new one instead? :D


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Chocoholic_Exo-L #1
Chapter 11: Chicken hunting? AHAHAHA
Chapter 34: Forgot to say, I was so hooked in the story that I finished it with a breaking time on 6 hours and 48 minutes !!!
Chapter 34: OMG I HOPE U STILL LOOK AT COMMENTS ARGH !!!! I SAW U HAVENT LOGGED IN FOR A LONG TIME AND I HOPE U R READING THIS COZ I LOVE YOUUUU! I wish I found this story earlier <3 I'm gonna be reading ALL of ur stories and I shall be in all of the comments ;D annoying anyone who sees message me!!! ;3 love to chat with u
LadySyndra #4
Chapter 34: Looking forward to the next chapter!
sam098 #5
Chapter 34: Hi^^ I'm just a new reader of your story.
Truly your story is wonderful^^ I love your story.
Thank you^^
Chapter 6: Haha, because of b.a.p's new song hurricane this chapter's title made me laugh. :)
Zeal95 #7
Chapter 18: Dawwww xD I think I'm a yunji daehyun shipper maybe not exactly feeling himchan but it is what it is I like the story
Awww... this story is really creative... its so sweet and well written.. you did a good job :)