He's Gone

Best Absolute Perfect Kingdom


“Master Yongguk,” You call out gently as you push open the door. You had planned to knock, but you were worried he wouldn’t answer. He looks up from his bed as you enter.

“Yunji,” he addresses you, eyes following you as you stand next to his bed and bow.

“Master Yongguk,” you say, standing up, “I came to see how you were doing.”

“Really?” He asks, grinning and flashing his gums.

“Er…yes, really,” you eye his expression, confused. The last thing you pictured him to be doing was smiling. He chuckles lightly.

“I yell at you, pull you away from the man you love, and you come to check on me. You’re too good to me.”

You stare blankly at him, “H-How do you know-“

“Yunji, from the minute you two got back I could tell something was up. The way you two looked at each other,” he laughs, “I don’t know how you expected it to go unnoticed.”

You bite your bottom lip, embarrassed, and he continues, “I was hoping it wasn’t true. I really was.” He pats the bed next to him, and you climb on.

“I love you, you know that? And I don’t want anything, or anyone to hurt you,” his eyes lock with yours, and he sighs, “especially myself.”

You stare back at him as you grasp what he’s saying. “So…you’re…”

He nods, “I’m allowing you to be with Himchan. I didn’t say I’d like it, but I’ll allow it.”

You grin and wrap your arms tightly around him. “Thank you, Master Yongguk,” you whisper, and he hugs you tightly back.

Dashing out of his room excitedly, you race down the halls, and out the front door. Unable to wipe the grin on your face as you see Masters Daehyun and Jongup ride up on their horses, you struggle to speak.

“Where’s Himchan?” You finally manage, glancing happily between the two kings. Master Yongguk, Zelo, and Youngjae follow you out of the castle.

Jongup and Daehyun exchange glances, slowly sliding off their horses.

“Where’s Himchan?” You ask again. Maybe they didn’t hear me.

“He’s…,” mutters Jongup, but Daehyun interrupts him.

“He’s gone.”

You stare at him, not processing the words.

“What do you mean gone?” You ask, anger lining your words. All the emotions you’ve been pushing away in the past few days bubble up inside you.

“We were talking to him about what was best for you, and he left. He said he didn’t want to be anyone’s burden.”

That .

You struggle with your anger for a moment before turning back to Daehyun.

“Where’d he go?” You ask through gritted teeth.

“I-I don’t know, Yunji-“ Daehyun stammers, eyes wide at your angry expression.

“You were just with him!! Where were you, that’ll give me somewhere to start?!” You exclaim.

“We were along the path…”

“Left or right at the first fork?”

“We stayed right the whole time.”

You turn and start walking to the stalls, but Master Youngjae grabs your arm.

“Where are you going?” He asks, eyebrows furrowed.

“To find him.” You reply simply, jerking your arm away.

“I’ll go with you!” Zelo, Jongup, and Daehyun all say at once.

“Master Zelo, Master Daehyun, I’ll see you when I get back,” you mutter, and Jongup grins, swinging back up onto his horse.

“Yunji!” Master Youngjae calls again, and you wheel around.

“You can’t change my mind,” you warn him, and he pulls something out of his pocket.

“The bit,” he tells you, “I had it made after you left the library.”

“That was fast,” you murmur, taking the silver bit. You look back up at him, “Thank you.”

He gives a small smile in return, “Be safe.”

You take off running toward the stables, the five kings staring after you.

“She sure is beautiful when she’s crazy,” Daehyun murmurs.

“I wanted to go.” Zelo huffs.


I need to stop watching the trailer 

HAHAHA nope!

Oh my GOODNESS I'm so excited for the MV!!!!!

I got the pictures from: http://www.facebook.com/Daehyun.fanpage

Hope you guys like this chapter and are excited for the No Mercy MV!!!



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Why is everyone subbing to this story?! Its so weird >_< Go read my new one instead? :D


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Chocoholic_Exo-L #1
Chapter 11: Chicken hunting? AHAHAHA
Chapter 34: Forgot to say, I was so hooked in the story that I finished it with a breaking time on 6 hours and 48 minutes !!!
Chapter 34: OMG I HOPE U STILL LOOK AT COMMENTS ARGH !!!! I SAW U HAVENT LOGGED IN FOR A LONG TIME AND I HOPE U R READING THIS COZ I LOVE YOUUUU! I wish I found this story earlier <3 I'm gonna be reading ALL of ur stories and I shall be in all of the comments ;D annoying anyone who sees message me!!! ;3 love to chat with u
LadySyndra #4
Chapter 34: Looking forward to the next chapter!
sam098 #5
Chapter 34: Hi^^ I'm just a new reader of your story.
Truly your story is wonderful^^ I love your story.
Thank you^^
Chapter 6: Haha, because of b.a.p's new song hurricane this chapter's title made me laugh. :)
Zeal95 #7
Chapter 18: Dawwww xD I think I'm a yunji daehyun shipper maybe not exactly feeling himchan but it is what it is I like the story
Awww... this story is really creative... its so sweet and well written.. you did a good job :)