Chapter 1

A Winter Story


Chapter 1

Heeyoung’s POV

There’s nothing really special in my life beside my only famIly that I have. I did not come from a rich nor a poor family but well to do one. I’m a normal highschooler in Namwan Highschool. Yes, that one that is situated opposite to Seoul Of Performing Arts. It’s a dreamy school for every teenagers in Korea. How I wish I was accepted to that school. But I’m fine, I’m grateful enough with what I have now.

Today is Monday. The day that I hate the most. It’s still dark and cold outside. Without wasting any minutes, I grabbed my towel and walked lazily into the toilet to take a fresh shower before going to school. I the shower and man! The water was so cold as hell. Oh yea, winter is coming.

After I have done with my shower, I reached my uniform that was hanging nicely on its place and wore it. I tied my hair into a neat ponytail, and I’m done. I don’t wear make-up or shortened my skirt like most girls in my school do. I don’t want people to see me as a . I checked myself once again in the mirror and hesitated whether to wear thick sweater or not. I chose not to because the weather is kind of okay outside. Hopefully today won’t be snowy.

I took my backpack on the chair and walked out from my room. The house was so quiet, maybe umma and appa still haven’t woke up yet. I don’t want to wake them up, they must be tired from working yesterday eventhough it was weekend. I still have 45 minutes before going to school, so I still have time to make them a breakfast. A delicious scent fills the air in the kitchen. Feeling satisfied with my own cooking, I served them nicely on the dining table. I ate some sausages before left my parents a note telling them not to forget to eat the breakfast.

The distance between my neighbourhood with the subway station isn’t that far. Taking subway train to school is a part of my life. I jogged slowly as I realized that I only have 10 minutes before the train comes. I fastened my pace before platform is being crowded by people. As I expected,  the station was extra crowded today and today is a working day.

After struggling to slip between the crowd, I finally found an empty seat beside a boy. Which I think he was extremely good looking. He was wearing Seoul of performing arts uniform, obviously we’re heading to the same direction. Soon as the train arrived at the station, the passengers were too eager to exit from the train ,which cause a hectic. When I step out of the train, some idiot behind me pushed his way out and didn’t care about my fall. That idiot just went away without apologizing me. I struggled to get up in the crowd with the people pushing their way. Luckily, there was a guy helping me to get out. I think it was the guy who sat beside me in the train. He gave me his hand and I gladly reached it. Oh my god his hand. We made eye contact for one second. My cheeks suddenly got hot from his glance. I straightened my uniform and as I want to thank him but he already walked away with earphones on.  “ Dude, arrogant much.”  I mumbled behind my gritted teeth. As I looked at my watch, I realized I was late. I dashed off to school without caring the people around me.

School dismissed.

I was finishing my assignment, that I didn’t even realized that all my classmates had left leaving me alone in the classroom. I see through the window that snowing is gathering at the school front lawn. I checked my locker if there was any spare winter attire but there was none. Okay, I am having a big trouble here.  Damn, I should have brought them along. I went to the subway station shivering, gladly there weren’t many people in the station but I’m still scared if there will be some drunk man come to me, and me.

On my way home, I walked at the usual path that I used to get home with snow drifting slowly to the ground. My heart skipped a beat, as I heard another footstep behind me. I quickly turned around to see who was it but all I see was silhouettes coming from the trees.  Must be the owls. I thought. Thank goodness, there was nothing happen and I arrive home safely. Hopefully, I won’t catch a cold tonight.

I entered my house but it seemed quite inside. Omma and appa must be asleep by this time. My life is super boring. They’re always busy with their own works that I even barely got the time to hang with them. Even on weekends they had to be at their working place early in the morning and come back when I already asleep. I wonder how it feels to have a sister,I don’t want live in this freaking boring world.

I slowly walked into my room afraid that my mom will be awake. I put bag and all the other stuff down and take a warm shower. I climb in my inviting bed. Since its winter, why don’t I and my friends go to the ice rink just like last year. I should call Eunji then. I dialed, my bestfriend’s number, Eunji.

“ Yeoboseyo, Eunji-ah. Am I disturbing you?”

“ Oh hi, Heeyeon. No you’re not. Just chill,”

 “ Hmm, I was just thinking that what about we go skating at the ice rink we went last year this weekend? My parents we’ll go out for business trip for two weeks. I’m going to be bored Eunji-ah,”

“ But Heeyeon-ah, you really don’t know how to skate. I’m afraid you’ll fall many times and get bruises at your like last year,

“ B-but, I really love to skate. I don’t care, if I fall so. It mustn’t be that hurt though, I’m not child anymore~” I made some aegyo sound, I’m sure Eunji will let me because I know she really can’t stand with it. I know her really well. We’ve been bestfriends since we were in elementary.

“ Aharasso, arasso. But, just don’t make that grossyaegyo again, okay? Youjust reached 16 last month weren’t you? I’ll ask our other classmates if they want to come along too” See that, she surely will agree with my thoughts as long as I act like babies.

“ I love you Eunji! Goodnight babe, you’re the best bestfriend in the world! See you tomorrow at the school!”

“Hmm okay bye, see you too”

I don’t know why but I just couldn’t sleep that night. I got up from my bed and I went out to the balcony of my room. Maybe I could slowly feel sleepy by looking at the calming night sky. I saw a light coming from a room infront of my house, but since when there was a family moving in? As long as I know, the house was empty. I shall visit and introduce myself to them later. Suddenly there was a guy came out from the balcony. He took out his DSLR and began to take numerous pictures of the nightsky. I think I was staring at him for he was staring at me back. After realizing it, I swiftly went inside and close the balcony door shut. For some weird reason, I have seen his face somewhere but I couldn’t get remember when. Shaking of my thoughts, I slowly climb into my comfortable bed and slowly drifted into a deep slumber.







Hello! This is my first time writing fanfiction so I'm sorry If I made any grammar mistakes. 

I can't update chapter oftenly because I'm living in boarding school. Maybe I'll be returning home like, once a month. isn't it? I know.

But don't worry, I'll try my best to update many wonderful chapters, And maybe I'll be updating extra chapters if I don't update for long time. Happy holiday people :) Enjoy reading!

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new reader^^
good story author-nim
update soon..
lostbambi #3
Awh, two lonely girls become sisters! That's so cute! Do update soon;)
neko12 #4
keep up the good work and update soon
This is really good! Update soon!
Sounds fun! Update soon!