The Key to Onew's Heart



ONEW - Kind, Smart, Quiet

KEY - Divaish!! Thats all you need to know about Key

JONGHYUN - Jealous, Meanish (kind at heart)

MINHO - Taemin's, Kind

TAEMIN - Minho's, kidish

STORYLINE: Onew and Key are a couple (SHINee Couple!) and they go through many things in their love life, most things are all going out and stuff like that. JongHyun is jealous of Onew and wants Key back and become JongKey again. Minho and Taemin always go out with Onew and Key which makes Jonghyun even MORE jealous because he used to do that with Key too. 


I'm gonna TRY to make fanfics as much as possible and I think that I will also go and do more series of SHINee and whoever else. laugh


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Uuumm, how about making it like a script, make it more like a story. So more details, and more point of view. Afterall its one good plot, but its a pity that its not what i predict it would be . Nice fics anyway!!
I was like reading an OnKey Manga.....^^<br />
This is good.... So much Entertaining
Wae~ Bedy good yo