
Childhood Love ~


(the bell rang)

Chansung: Finally, dismissal! Let's go to the canteen & grab some food before heading home.

*Wooyoung, Junho, Nichkhun & Jiyeon gets up and follow Chansung heading to the canteen*


"Oppa, are you still mad at me because of what happen earlier? Yaah, its just usual for them to tease us, all of them were thinking that we're really dating." Jiyeon asked.

"Yes, I'm mad, not just to you but to everyone who's thinking that we're really dating. I'm here to study not to act and show to everyone that we're really dating because of our carrer." Wooyoung answered firmly.

"Uh, if that so.. Sorry. I really don't mean it but it seems like that all of your plans are ruined because I'm with you." *tears are slowing shedding her eyes*

"Yah! Why are you crying? Stop acting like you are the victim here." 

"Yahhh! Jang Wooyoung, stop saying harsh words to Jiyeon. She have feelings too." Junho exclaimed.

"Yes, Junho is right. Stop it, Wooyoung." Nickhun added.

"What? I'm just saying what's the truth." Wooyoung provoked.

"Guys, you should've stop fighting about non sense things. Let's go and grab some food, I'm already hungry!" Chansung cut their conversation

"Aish, forget about it. Go grab some food by yourselves, I'm going somewhere." Wooyoung answered

"Jiyeon-ah! Don't mind him, he really don't know what is he saying." Junho cheering up Jiyeon while watching Wooyoung walking away from them

"Yes, I'm used to it. Beside, its really my fault." Jiyeon answered


Ji Eun's POV

My mind is so confused, should I go or not? I'm really hoping that this letter is from Wooyoung 'cause I really want to talk to him. But what if this is from somebody thats just playing prank. I would be very annoyed to this person. Maybe, I should really go and check out who's this.

"Ji Eun-ah! Why are you still sitting there? Are you have no plan of going home?" Seung ho asked.

Uhhh- uhh. Seung ho-ah, you should go home first, I'm going somewhere.

"Uh, really? But, where are you going? Ha? ha?" Seung ho keeping pressure to Ji Eun

(I wonder if he really don't know where I am going or he really has a good acting skill)

Ahh-ahh, why do I need to tell you? I also need some privacy.

"Privacy? What privacy are talking about? yah, I'm just asking where are you going and did you already forgot that I have to protect you. Your mother going to kill me if something bad happened to you. You really seem to forget about our friendship because your childhoold friend is already here." Seung ho explained.

*taps Seung ho's shoulder* Yah, I'm just kidding, you are over reacting and I will never ever forget our friendship even though Wooyoung's here. Aish, this is enough, I got to go! See you later *smiles*


Aigo ~ If Seung ho is the really the owner of this letter *holding the letter*, I will gave him an acting award. He really acts naturally. *Because of Ji Eun's excitement, she's not even aware that she dropped the letter that she was holding*

*reached rooftop*

Ugh, what's with here? There's nobody here. (yah, Ji Eun-ah! You shouldn't come here, I told you this was just a prank. But why I am so impatient maybe I should wait a little longer) Right, I'm going to wait a little longer *sits*

*few minutes ago, the door opened slightly*

*Ji Eun quickly stand up and check out who opened the door of the rooftop* She saw..

Seung ho-ah! Why are you here?

"Uh-uh, because of this *shows the letter*"

*beat Seung ho's head* Yahhh! I knew it, this letter is from you. This is not a good joke. Aish!

"(this letter? from me?) Why? Who do you think is this from? From Wooyoung? *shows his fake smile*" Seung ho wondering

Forget it. Let's go down and go home! *turn around*

"I'm right, right? You expected that this from Wooyoung, right?" Seung ho insisted.

Of course! *annoyed* YES, I EXPECTED THAT, THAT LETTER WAS FROM WOOYOUNG. I WAS HOPING THAT HE REALLY WANNA TALK TO ME. *when she noticed that her tears are slowly shedding her eyes she quickly run*


Seung ho's POV

"Yes, i expected that, that letter was from Wooyoung. I was hoping that he really wanna talk to me."

It tear my heart apart when I heard those word from her. She really came here at the rooftop because she was really hoping that, this letter is from Wooyoung. If I shouldn't go here and let her wait for a little bit longer, she would be really happy right now and not crying. Seung ho-ah, you're a one big mess. 


She's acting crazy right now, huh. I should've follow her. *follow Ji Eun*

What's wrong with her? Why is she jumping like a 10-year-old and seems so excited? *while following Ji eun, he saw something dropped on Ji Eun's hand*

Uhh, what's is this? A letter? From whom? *reads the letter* 

"Lets talk at the rooftop" ? So she's going to the rooftop to talk to somebody who just sent her a letter. Aish~ that girl. I really have to follow her.

*when Seung ho almost reach the rooftop, he heard someone talking*

"Wooyoung oppa~ why are you here?" one of his fangirl talking to him

"Uh-uhh, nothing. I'm just going to the rooftop to breathe some fresh air" recognize wooyoung's voice

"Really? Let me accompany you to the rooftop" the fangirl said.

"Ahh, no need. I just want to be all by myself." Wooyoung insisted

"But oppa~ promise I won't disturb you" 

"*ugh, this girl is so annoying. I have to get rid with this girl first and go back here to talk to Ji Eun* Uhh-uh forget about it. I don't wanna go to the rooftoop anymore. I will just go down. (Sorry, Ji Eun-ah, wait for me for a little longer, I'll come back)


I'm pretty sure he's the one who wants to talk to Ji Eun. But where is he going? Aigo, that fool. I beat Ji Eun would really wait for him. It seems like he doesn't care even though Ji Eun will wait for him, ahh, really.



No one's POV

After a minutes, Wooyoung finally get rid with the girl. He quickly run to the rooftoop to check if Ji Eun's still there. But when he opened the door he only saw Seung ho.

"Who are you looking for? Ji Eun? She's not here anymore." Seung ho starts the conversation

"How did you know? Where she have been?" Wooyoung asks

"This letter's from you, right. You said you want to talk to her but where are you? Flirting with other girls while she's waiting for you here, like a fool." Seung ho starting to raise his voice

"Yah, what are you talking about? You didn't know anything so you don't have a right to say those kind of things to me." Wooyoung slowly loosing his temper

"I know everything! I know how she waited for you for almost 5 years, i know how sad she was when rumors started to spread that you and Jiyeon are dating, I know how happy she was when she found out that you are coming back. In short, i am the one who's been with her through her ups and downs." Seung ho explaining everything to Wooyoung

"Really?! So what are you trying to say and what is your relationship with her, huh!" Wooyoung exclaimed

"That.. I'm better than you... We're better when you are not here... She's happier with me..." Seung ho boasted. "And about our relationship, think whatever you want but I won't give Ji Eun to a guy like you, a guy who's causing her a lot of burden" Seung ho added. 

"Then.. I'll prove you wrong. I also won't give up on her, and if I caused her a lot of burden, I will surely make it up to her. I CAME BACK FOR HER" Wooyoung answered.



Author's Note:

Chapter 5's here!! :)) 

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WooU1630 #1
Chapter 6: Please Update Soon ^ ^
mihaelaalexandra #2
Chapter 6: love u soo mch
update soon <3
haha.. junho is the most who tries to comfort Jiyeon, i hope they're together in this story :p
Finally! They're together! Oh nuh, I hate Sung Ho chara here.. he acts like he knows everything.. what a fool
he really come back for IU. poor IU and aissh seungho who ruin this accidentally. what a pity :(
@HanIeyraNa28; Yes! ^^ I updated it~! Thanks for reading <3 :)
milky couple XD