

This is my first fanfiction, guys. It would be really cool if ya'll gave feedback and what not. Uhh I guess I'll go ahead and say that I'm not Asian, I'm African-American and that's a big reason as to why the main character of my story is half-black so that it would be easier for me to write. The story is going to be a drama for the most part, with some scenes. The thing said I had to put 'M' if the entire story is graphic so I guess I won't check it off sense it's not going to be completely like that. The storywill center around 2pm's Junho and the main character while the rest of the members will serve as minor characters

I hope you all like it!



Jamison Hwang, Jr. (or ‘Jamie’ as she would prefer to be called) has graduated college in America. At just 21 years old, Jamie finds that when it comes to work there isn’t a lot of availability for the holder of English major.  Jamie’s mother finds that her daughter should be more interested in her own culture. After a lot of arguing and dissevering, under the suggestion of her mother Jamie heads to South Korea for a job as an Elementary School English Teacher. Upon arrival, Jamie begins to feel the anxiety of being African-American/Korean-American and questions being there in the first place. On the way to buy groceries at a market, Jamie runs into quite a familiar figure…


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