
Born To Be Different

Your POV:

I stood there gaping, my eyes bulging. He kept his side of the bargain.. at least, the part of becoming a singer. I wonder what the other members will think of his earthquakes.. my mind was reeling from the thought. Frowning, I sat back down. 

I heard him say his stage name, "D.O." Oppa was always good with thinking up nicknames.. I thought, smiling to myself.

Something on the TV then caught my attention. The MC was saying, "So, D.O, you have anyone special in mind?"

I stared as he gulped, and said, "Yes, I do. However, she's countries away from me. I miss her a lot.. But I promised I would meet her again someday.. Saranghae."

Could.. could he mean me?! I kicked the thought out of my head. No, it couldn't have been me. He would have forgotten me by now.. But something was still bugging me. He said he promised her he would meet her again someday. Didn't I make a promise like that with him?

Trying to forget everything, I walked to school, and met up with my best friend, Gwyneth. We all call Gwyneth Gwynie; she's a hyper Korean-American girl who loves K-pop almost more than anything else. 

"Hey, did you see that interview today?! Of that group EXO? They're so damn hot. Especially that Baekhyun guy. What a flower boy. I want to totally-" 

I listened as she babbled on and on, until I heard her say, "But hey, didn't you say you had a good looking oppa named Do Kyungsoo once? You told me he told you that he wanted to be a singer. I bet that's him! And I bet it was you he confessed to! That was freaking adorable! What's your response to him? Huh? Huh?"

I chose my words carefully for the next sentence. "Yes, it is THE Do Kyungsoo. And yes, he made a promise like that to me five years ago. But please, will you keep it a secret?" However, I already knew this secret was blown. You can never tell a secret to Gwynie without it spreading like wildfire.

"Sure," she happily replied. I knew that wouldn't last long.

All the way until we reached first period Honors Biology, she kept talking about EXO. 

"Hey! I heard SM Town is coming to Anaheim tomorrow! Want to go watch? I won two tickets for the very front seat!" I immediately looked at her and yelled, "YES PLEASE," causing some students around us to giggle.

I was about to take out my homework when something wrapped around my waist. I turned around, knowing who it would be.

"Hey there, honey. I hear you're going to an SM Town concert without me. Is that how you treat your boyfriend?" Daniel smirked at me. 

My instincts made me jump up and do a side kick into his chest. Then I cringed, because I remembered I wasn't supposed to use my mutant strength against normal humans.

Daniel looked up at me with a shocked expression, wheezing and coughing because he couldn't breathe. "Damn, girl! You should've told me about your superhuman strength. Of course, it makes you hotter than ever."

I suddenly remembered Kyungsoo oppa's confession, and my anger flared. I impulsively grabbed the front of the shirt and punched his face. I growled, "You touch me one more time, and you'll be regretting your life. I'm not the kind of girl that faints because an obnoxious badboy fell for her. Besides, I already have a lover. Get out my face NOW, you bastard!"

He glared at me, rubbing his swollen cheek. Then he scrambled away. I sighed with relief, and took my place in my chair. Then the teacher came in, and our class started.

The rest of the day went smoothly, surprisingly. No sign of Daniel, I thought. I smiled, and then frowned at the thought of having to punch him again.

I was just about to take off into the air in my secret takeoff place when a call came. I rolled my eyes and flipped open my phone. I hope it's not Gwynie, I thought, and saw the call ID. "Boss."

I quickly answered it, and said, "Yeobosayo?"

A deep, loud voice answered, "Hello, Yoon Ji Eun. I have a mission for you. Today's not that hard. It's just a bit of spying. I overheard some things. I want you to head to the headquarters immediately."

"Yes, sajang-nim," I answered. I then sprinted twenty feet, thirty feet, and jumped up into the air, swiftly unfurling my black, fifteen foot wings. I soared powerfully into the air, until I was but a speck in the sky. 

Soon, I reached the underground headquarters. I pressed my thumb onto the sensor, and it said, "Welcome, Ji Eun-sshi."

I climbed down the ladder, and knocked on the Boss's office door.

"Come in," a deep, menancing voice called out.

I went in, and closed the mahogany door behind me. 

"Ah, Ji Eun-sshi. So you came," the Boss said, looking into my chocolate brown eyes with his mysterious black ones. His stare always intimidated me; I don't know why.

"Of course, Boss. I will always come when you call." He smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"So, as I said, the mission is easy. I want you to go spy on some mutants on the Dark Side. One of our agents reported that.. they're going hold an attack on the members of EXO tomorrow. At the SM Town concert."

"WHY?! They're perfectly innocent! They're human; why would those mutants want them?" My eyes showed desperation.

"Ah, but you know your dear Kyungsoo isn't  fully human. He has the power to control the Earth. Well.. his friends aren't normal either."

My eyes became as wide as a baseball as he handed me some files. I took it, and opened it to find profiles on the members of EXO.

It read, "Several powerful humans with Potential has gathered into idol group EXO. Human one: Kai. Power: Teleportation. Human two: Chanyeol. Power: Fire. Human three: Suho. Power: Water. Human four: Baekhyun. Power: Light. Human five: Se Hun. Power: Wind. Human six: D.O. Power: Earth. Human seven: Kris. Power: Flying. Human eight: Luhan. Power: Telekinesis. Human nine: Tao. Power: Time Control. Human ten: XiuMin. Power: Frost. Human eleven: Chen. Power: Lightning. Human twelve: Lay. Power: Healing.  

All have Potential to find mates and produce heirs of their power. All humans' ancestors are from EXOplanet. All have Potential to help in the Resurrection Plan."

"That's.. a lot of Potential. They're.. all in one group?" Shocked, I looked up at the Boss questioningly. 

"Surprisingly, yes. And together, they're so powerful, that by using their Potential, they can even destroy the world. That's why we must protect them and bring them to the Light at all costs. Especially your precious Do Kyungsoo, hmm?"

"I will set off to the mission right away," I said.

30 minutes later, at the mutants' hideout..

"I told you, we have to capture those humans! We can't let the Light have them. Using those humans, we can help the Master dominate the universe," a mutant cackled. The other mutant, his friend, scratched his head. "Well, we'll find them tomorrow. Besides, they'll be at the concert. It'll be perfect. But remember, the most important people we need to capture is those called 'Lay,' 'Chanyeol,' and 'D.O'. They have the best Potential."

I've been here listening for twenty minutes, and I've heard all of their plans. "Mission complete," I whispered to the Boss through my earpiece. 

"Good," he purred. 

Suddenly, someone tapped two times on my shoulder.

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Sorry for not updating! My school had finals, and I just couldn't write more. I'll be uploading a new chapter today for sure!


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Sprinklepink #1
Please update it's beeeennnn fooreeevvveeerrr! :[
:O:O:O:O what's gonna happen next ?
Whoa! Cackling! *shiver* lol
littlenoena #4
Oooh, who are those mutants?

Update soon ^^
Yay! You get her!...but then you passed out lol
oh my daaaaaumn ! what is going to happen to her ? :O kyungsoo you need to know she is hurt for you to save her !
when everything was going good .. something bad has to happen .. !
Omg it's so interesting!