My Lovely Jong-in - Final

My Lovely Jong-in - Oneshot

You two were walking home from afterschool and the moon and stars were out.  The weather was cool and refreshing.  There were no clouds in the sky and everything felt in harmony.  


Kai had been your closest friend for as long as you could remember.  


"I'm dreading tomorrow's math test, Mrs. Lee gives out way too much homework," Kai said in a complaning tone.  

You nodded your head in agreement while the only thing you could hear were both of your footsteps, shoes dragging along the concrete.  The gravel stuck to your shoes and made simultaneous crunches along the ground.


His full name is Kim Jong-in. Isn't that a lovely name? Jong-in...


You looked up at him.  Everything about him was perfect.
His hair. His eyes.  His face.  His body.  His personality.  And he was popular too.  Everyone loved Kai.  He had a lot of friends and no one seemed to hate him.  He wasn't one of those regular douche-bags at school that would pick up girls and dump them the next day.  He's better than that, and that was one of the perks of his personality.


You on the other hand were one of those invisible people.  Those people that no one knows, except maybe a couple of people (in your case Kai).  You two were exact opposites.  You weren't extremely attractive compared to other girls at your school.  You were really quiet and anti-social; those people that would sit in a corner of the school reading a book during lunch.  So it's hard to believe how Kai was your best friend, the only friend you had.


Opposites attract, right?


Sometimes you wondered how you ever found him.  Or maybe it's the other way around.  How did he find you?  Maybe it was luck.  Maybe fate wanted to help.  You could never know the answer to that.


You looked at him again, and in that small moment, the lack of man-made light allowed the moonlight to fully expose his natural state.  His bangs were perfect and not a strand of hair was out of place.  His skin was usually a more tan color, but the moon made him look less exotic and dark.  There seemed to be a glow around his that made him look like an angel in the darkness of the night.  

You shivered from a sudden breeze and Kai looked at you with worry.

"Hey,  are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Here take this."


He took off his jacket and put it over your shoulders.  


"It's fine, I don't need it."

"You need it more than I do, here."


You refused it, but after some bickering, you gave in and covered it around yourself.

You felt much warmer and you were thankful that Kai was so thoughtful to give you his own jacket.  He put his hands in his pockets and kept walking.


You finally built up the courage to ask him the question you've been wanting to ask for years.


"Kai, do you like me?"


"Of course I do."


You gulped and your mind stopped for a second, but you mentally shook it off.


"I know you don't like me."


"Why do you think that?"


"It's obvious."


"Oh really?"




"I like you as a friend though."


"I don't mean like that."


You looked at Kai and saw a small smirk come across his mouth for a second.


"Oh, I see."


You guys continued walking in silence.  But the smirk never seemed to leave his face.


What the heck is up with him right now?


Right then, Kai turned to look at you.  You two stopped in your tracks as Kai put one his hands on your shoulder.  The other hand found its way to you face.  He tipped your chin and leaned down.  

He kissed you as both of your lips touched.  You closed your eyes and put your arms around his neck.  Your whole body seemed to melt as he brought you closer.  Even the crickets who were singing love songs to each other a second ago seemed to quiet down for the moment.  


You and Kai broke apart as his smirk turned into a smile.


"Well, you got your answer to your first question,"

he said while he held your hand and walked home together under the moonlight.

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p3bbles #1
Chapter 1: Wah!!!!! It's perfect~~♡
Chapter 1: Wooooooooooooooooow. The fluffineshh :3 I LURV IT~~~~<
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 1: Your oneshots are AWESOME!
jenjeneee #4
Aww this was so cute! loved it :)
Thank youuuu ^_^ ~
awww..they are so cute...!!
aww thank you :D ♥
yes, yes he is