Be My Couple?

My Family, Friends, and Love.


Luhan immediately helped Juniel in carrying the bags of dress and stilettos. Jiyeon and Juniel’s three brothers smirked when they saw it, while Luhan and Juniel didn’t even realize. At first Juniel said she’d carry those bags herself but Luhan seemed to insist on helping. Juniel smiled and said thanks. Luhan just shrugged.

 “Where are we going next, little princess?” Jonghun said while rolling his eyes. His hands on his pocket. Juniel hugged Jonghun’s arms and said, “Oppa.. Baegopa..” She pouted. Jonghun sighed and nodded.

“Arasso arasso. Let’s go get some food. What would you like to eat?” Jonghun asked his sister. Juniel thought for a while and said, “I want Pizza!”

“Alright, let’s go. How about you guys?” Jonghun asked the others.

“I thought you forgot about us already!” Jiyeon said, mumbling incoherent words.

“Yah, you don’t need to be jealous.” Jonghun stuck his tongue out at Jiyeon.

Siwon, Minhwan and Luhan smiled and nodded; which meant whey agreed with eating Pizza.

“I’m not! Psh. Let’s go.” Jiyeon managed to smile awkwardly.



In the Ahjussi’s Pizza Restaurant.. [I made up this restaurant name, idk if this really exist. Let’s just pretend it exist] >__>

Juniel looked as if she was doing her test or something. She looked so serious while thinking of what to eat. Really cute. Minhwan immediately ordered Chicken Wings (as always) and Jonghun ordered the Large sized Black Pepper Pizza. Siwon got himself a Spaghetti, while Jiyeon got herself a bowl of Salad. Luhan ordered the Medium Sized Fish and Chips Pizza. And Juniel finally decided, she ordered Rice with Black Pepper Chicken on it. For drinks, everyone  agreed on having Iced Lemon Tea.

“Hunnie Oppa, You’re going to have to share your Pizza with me.” Juniel elbowed her Jonghun Oppa.

“Yeah yeah I always have to share my food with you anyway. Luckily I ordered the Large sized Pizza.” Jonghun stuck out his tongue at Juniel and Juniel pouted. She planned to make him mad, but she failed.

“Psh. Everyone is going to share their food with you anyway,” Siwon chuckled at his sister.

Jiyeon smiled and continue texting. In the corner of Jonghun’s eyes, he saw her giggling sometimes. He frowned a little, trying not to think of anything about it. Minhwan was busy playing games on his iPad and Siwon was replying an e-mail from a client. Luhan saw Juniel leaning her head against the table. He poked her shoulder and whispered, “What happened?”

Juniel shot her head up, and frowned. Luhan looked at her with questioning look.

“Should I tell you?” She asked back instead of answering. Luhan gave her an assuring smile and she immediately leaned in and whispered in Luhan’s ear, “My friend said we must bring our couple on the party..”

Luhan leaned back and asked, “Then?”

“I don’t have a couple…” She mumbled.

“So that’s what you’ve been worrying about! Haha~” He laughed while covering his mouth with his left hand. Juniel slapped his arms while pouting.

“What’s funny!!”

Luhan continued giggled and seconds next, Juniel had her devilish smile on her face.

“You gotta go with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She said without any voice and slapped Luhan’s arm.

“WHATT???????!!!! OMG I’m doomed!!” Luhan continued to laugh but in the end, he promised to be Juniel’s couple for the birthday party.

“You’re not doomed! And thankyou Baby Lulu~” Juniel cooed cutely.

“Baby Lulu?” Luhan was making sure what he heard was right.

“Ne~ Baby Lulu~”

All heads on Juniel. Luhan’s expression was unreadable, half confused. Suddenly they heard Jiyeon clapping her hands, with a big smile on her face.

“Did something happened between you two? Are you guys officially a couple?” she said, winking at Juniel. Their brothers eyed Juniel and Luhan, trying to find a hint of what was happening. They were blushing.

“Bwoh? We…we….we’re just friends! Right, Lulu?” Juniel elbowed Luhan, who was looking at his lap.

“Y-y-yeah. Friends! There’s nothing wrong with it, right?” Luhan lifted his head up, looking at everyone.

The food came and everyone put all their attentions on it, everyone, except one person:


I don't know why it hurts me so bad when you said that we're friends.. 






Just a small update.. :'( I hate it so much when Luhan was sad :(

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mynameisravee #1
Chapter 9: Aww. I'm sure Juniel is the luckiest girl ever and she also had goodlooking brothers.
Cute story... I like it <3
what a cute story. . .
update soon author-nim :D
bikin iri.. pengen kayak juniel...:D
@random99: yeahh!! <3 thanks for reading~
random99 #5
update soon! <3
@yoseobsoyeon: you'll find out later~^^ hahhah~
is himchan like juniel or he only want to play with her
@cute_kkwon: hello new reader!!^^ i'll try my best, thankyou for reading!!^^
hello.. new reader ^^
nice story, update soon..
@minariFini: yes i will! Thankyou for reading!! =]