
Because the girls talks in other languages and I’m too lazy to put it and translate it, I will write everything in English. That’s why I’m giving you this note easier for you to know what language they are using.

Blue : English

Green : Bahasa Indonesia

Orange : Mandarin

Those are the main languages.The others such as Japanese, French etc they rarely use it, only for introduction in interview when needed. 


JJ Project’s Bounce blasted from one of the room in ATL’s apartment, second door on the right. “Do what you want, love what you do.” Poster plastered on the door with glow in the dark stars.

Shake it up shake it for me everybody~” Seolrae shook her making her chair moved left and right while her eyes were glue to her laptop screen. Scrolling down the page, skimmed everything. The other person peeked up from her magazine and stared at her best friend dancing on her chair. It had been an hour of doing what ever we like without minding each other. The person put down the magazine and walked up to Seolrae. “What are you doing?” Seolrae looked up. “Reading the news about us.” Seolrae said to Aira. “I see..” she joined Seolrae skimming trough the page. “Seolrae! Aira! Come here~” they heard the leader’s voice.

Wassup? O! Annyeong Jaerim eonni.” Seolrae smiled to their manager as she took a seat a crossed Hanin. “We should wait for Sunhae to come home.” Jaerim said checking her watch one more time. The magnae should’ve arrived from her campus. Aira yawned leaning her head on the sofa. “Is there anything important?” Seolrae asked. “Yea eonni, just tell us already.” Hanin was curious too. Aira lifted her head waiting for Jaerim answer. “No have to wa—o! there they are.” Jaerim stood up and walked to the door. “Annyeong Jaerim eonni..” Sunhae bowed her head and went inside the apartment, putting her shoes on the shoe rack. Behind her, Daeyeol, their other manager came in with lots of groceries plastic in his hand. “Ahh that’s why you’re late…” Aira said watching Daeyeol walked into the kitchen, tried to find out what he had bought for them. Sunhae nodded and took a seat beside Aira. “How’s college?” Hanin looked up at Sunhae who was sitting next to Aira on the sofa. “Tiring.. I have to memorize more pieces by the end of next month.” Sunhae sighed. “Didn’t you tell your professor that you’re going to debut?” Seolrae rested her head on the table. “I haven’t. I need an official letter from the company to do that, I already asked E-Sens oppa weeks ago!”

“Pssstf you trust him.” Everyone chuckled. Jaerim and Daeyeol came back with banana milk for Aira, orange juice for Sunhae, a can of cola for Hanin and milk tea for Seolrae. “Thank you..” they said. The two managers sat on the floor. Aira and Sunhae joined them. “So you already know that MNet will start to film you guys tomorrow right?” they nodded. MNet is going to film the girl’s journey and preparation for their debut stage two weeks from now. “They just emailed be the script.” Jaerim gave each one of them the script. Daeyeol moved to the left to read the script in Aira’s hand. “Wait, wow. 7 AM?!”

“Isn’t it too early? I mean.. we got midnight practices for the whole week…” Seolrae added. The others nodded lightly showing their agreement. “You wouldn’t be that tired in the morning if you go straight home after practice.” Jaerim eyed Seolrae and Hanin. “I think you should sleep here for the whole week preventing someone to sneak out after practice.” Daeyeol said to Jaerim, glancing at the two girls who were already burying their face in their palms and arms. Aira just smirked and Suhae was totally lost. “Fine.. fine.. Lock me in my room, LOCK ME!!!” Seolrae opened her hand in surrender. The other laughed at her.



The TV crews broke in to the girl’s apartment. They Supreme Team’s Dang Dang Dang to wake the girls up. They came in side Seolrae’s room first.

She put the phone to Seolrae’s ears. “Aish! Shut up oppas!” the crew laughed. She sat up on her bed. “Wae wae what are you guys doing here this early?” she stretched her hands and jumped out of he bed and walked to Sunhae’s room. “Sunhae-ah wake up…” Seolrae shook Sunhae’s body. She didn’t respond. “Is she dead?” Seolrae talked to the camera as she walked to another room. “Do you easily wake up?” the cameraman asked. Seolrae nodded and opened the door. “Oh I forgot one thing.” She walked to the TV room and took a drumstick. “What’s that for?” the cameraman asked following her to the leader’s room. “Watch.. and learn” she poked Hanin with the drumstick. “Rise and shine leader~” Hanin slapped the drumstick and it landed on the floor. “You don’t want that to happen to your hands and worst to your face.” Seolrae said to the camera as she opened Aira’s room. “Aira!!! Ireonaaaaa~” Seolrae cooed in Aira’s ear. Aira rolled on her bed until she landed on the floor still with bed covers around her. “You look like a caterpillar. Wake Hanin and Sunhae up, I’m going to wash up first.” She threw another drumstick in front of Aira.

The crew followed Hanin to the kitchen.

“Did our manager let you in?” Hanin glanced at Jaerim who was standing next to the PD. The cameraman nodded the camera. Hanin pointed at the fork to the camera. “You are dead.” Jaerim stick her tongue out but quickly ran away when the camera turned to her. “Cih.” Hanin rolled her eyes and opened the fridge. She looked back at the camera, “What should we eat today?”

“Waffles~” Sunhae came in after taking a shower, bringing her frog stuffed animal along, a welcome gift from Seolrae. “Okay then waffle it is.” She took out 4 eggs and milk from the fridge. “Do you usually cook for them?” Hanin nodded. “Hanin eonni is the best when it comes to foods.” Sunhae said from the kitchen island. “Ya! Only food?”

“Anni anni, she’s good at everything.” Sunhae buried her face to her stuffed animal. As the first cameraman busy with the leader and magnae, the second cameraman came into Aira’s room. She was filling her backpack with everything she needs for the practice. “Towels, cause I’m sure someone forgot to bring theirs and spare t-shirts, because we sweat a lot.” She said.  Seolrae came out of her room. “I thought you were doing your make up.” The cameraman said making Seolrae stopped in front of her door. “No.. I was cleaning my room.” The cameraman followed her to the living room. “We don’t usually wear make up. I mean it’s only a practice. We’re going to sweat a lot and ended up having another shower so why bother put on make up.” Aira nodded in agreement. Fifteen minutes later the four of them gathered in the dining table. They filmed them for several minutes but then they let the girl finished their breakfast peacefully. “O! have you guys eaten yet? I made some for you all of you too.” she asked turned to the crew. They nodded, a bit surprised on how thoughtful Hanin was. “They are so natural and very honest. And nice.” The PD said to Jaerim. Jaerim bowed her head, “Thank you so much. Please take care of them well..”

After they ate their breakfast they were off to practice in their company’s building not far from there. Some of their fans were already waiting for them out side their apartment. Daeyeol waited near the van telling them to hurry up. “Thank you..” Sunhae bowed to one fan who gave her a lunch box. Hanin and Aira did the same thanking the fans for their gifts and support. “Ya! Yoon Seolrae! Ppalli!!” Seolrae waved to the fanboys and quickly got into the van. “How many times should I tell you Seolrae.. Don’t give out lots of picture to the fans.. Especially selcas!” Daeyeol said. Seolrae made a peace sign and smiled.

“We actually go practice by feet or bus everyday, but since we have a guest I think we should treat our guest.” Hanin answered when the crew asked them about their daily activities.

They arrived at the practice room on the third floor. The four of them went to the vocal practice room first. The crew filmed them for the first 15 minutes and then left the room leaving the girls for having their practice for another 2 hours straight.

“Annyeong~” Sunhae cutely waved to the camera as she came out from the practice room. Followed by Aira who just waved to the camera. “O! Hai!!” Seolrae waved to the camera and followed the other two. “Time to my favorite practice~” Hanin said signing to the camera to follow her. She opened the dance studio door wider for the crew to come in.

The PD told them to show their individual talent there before they started the real practice. “Magnae first, then leader, Seolrae and the last is Aira.” The PD told them. “Kyaa.. what should I do?!” Sunhae pulled Aira’s hoodie sleeve. “Yayaya chill.. just sing something.” Aira said. “Aegyo aegyo!” Seolrae shouted as she plugged her iPod to the speaker. “PD-nim can I do it with Seolrae eonni?”

“WHAT?” Hanin laughed and slapped Seolrae’s head mocking her. “Of course you can.” Sunhae jumped in excitement, smiling at Seolrae. Seolrae sighed, “Fine. Go take my guitar.” Sunhae saluted. “Ay ay sir!” she rushed out side.

Sunhae sang to IU’s Peach while Seolrae played the guitar. Everyone watched them in awe. Next was the leader, Hanin. She walked to the speaker and her song. She turned around to Seolrae and smirked walking to the center of the room. “Watch and learn fellow LEAD dancer.”

Hell no. Hold me Sunhae hold me!” Sunhae held Seolrae from behind, Seolrae playfully acted like she wanted to attack Hanin. Everyone in the room burst to laugh. Hanin started to dance to Tasha’s Pay Day.


“Aaaa noona~ noona~” Aira shouted to Hanin. Seolrae and Sunhae joined her made Hanin held her laugh. Hanin purposely kicked the water bottle that used to mark the distance from the camera and it hit Aira. “Okay. Now hold me Seolrae.” Aira said. Everyone laughed again. “Girls! behave.” Jaerim said. “No no it’s okay Jaerim-shi.. I’m sure the viewers will like their honest personalities.” The PD smiled to the girls. “Thank you so much PD-nim..” Hanin bowed and then he took a seat next to Aira leaning her back to the mirror. “Ready?” the PD asked, Seolrae nodded. She danced flawlessly to Rihanna’s Cockiness and ended her session with a wink to the camera. Hanin and Aira pretended to puke. “Envious..” Seolrae made a face to the two girls. Aira stood up and did a freestyle rap. “Oppaaa~ oppa hyaaa~” Hanin wiggled. Seolrae put her hands up and shouted the same, while Sunhae just clapped her hand to the beat didnt even want to follow the other two because she was scare to do so.

Then their choreographer came in means that they have to start the real deal soon. They practiced for 3 hour straight and had only one hour break for lunch and then went off for their individual practice. The crew went home as the girls finished their late dinner and only filmed their team practice twice. The four girls continued with their group practice until late at night.

Aira pulled Sunhae’s hoodie, “Wash up first.” Sunhae nodded in defeat rubbing her eyes. “O! where’s the other two?” Aira checked their room as she dried her hair with towel. She walked to the living room and both Seolrae and Hanin were sleeping on the couch soundlessly. “These two..”

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hey... I can't wait until you update it :)
Chapter 5: I'm re-reading this fic again because yongguk ಠ◡ಠ
lol umma's comment XDDDD HEY THERE CHAN... WHY PROGRESS SO FAST? THAT DM OMG............ EHEYY XD BTW JIIIIEEEH UMMA-APPA COUPLE~ XD *baca lg* aaaah kepo with that photo DX what's their past relationship? could it be...............ex?
Baekhyun : “Kyungsoo what are you looking at?”
D.O : eh ? O_O
baekhyun : . . . .
D.O : nothing O_O
baekhyun : . . . .
D.O : O_O


"From what they seen on tv girl groups usually act very nervous when it comes to couple game but Above The Line they were different"

pfffttt it's simple because we're bap's hoar . . .
okay this is not funny /goes back reading

“Can I pick both of them instead then?” <--- see what I'm saying XD

yongguk you idiot

MY GOD WHAT "A picture of a girl wearing a black hoodie and a brown mask with mustache pattern on it and beside her a guy with his infamous wide gummy smile"

fufufufu you're getting good at putting up a twist, me gusta

*continue spazzing*
Sehun sama Sunhae beraegyo ria*?* yipie.. Tpi knapa himchan DM Sunhae? T^T *aku jealous loh oppa :'(*
Chanyeol udah mulai pdkt sama Seolrae nih critanya.. #cieee
OMG Aira-Yongguk spertinya bakal ada 'sesuatu' nih sama mereka
Poor Daehyun, mendingan jdi couple sama aku aja hehe :9 *lupakan himchan dan zelo sejenak*

Onni fighting for next chap and two moons(ae) p(^0^)q
YAH!!! HAH EONNI~~~ *whine* lo tau ga gue kykny sinting baca ini.. ketawa trus lemes trus ketawa lg.. gitu aja berulang2.. sampe akhirnya gue bgini.. > o<-< *terkapar dikasur* ADUH HIMCHANCHAN <33333333 TTATT btw JIEH AZZEEEK LAH UMMA-APPA COUPLE~ ME LIKEY! XD
and.. i forgot what else i want to write =__=
OH! I LOVE YOU (again) FOR PUTTING THOSE TAYLOR SWIFT'S PICTURE XD aaaand last... THEHUN <3 :3 uyeah double combo aegyo from the magnaes *narsis dikit* :p mawr puhlease~~

haha Himchan and Sunhae! yayaya~ and Aira and Yonguk^^ amazing...
I want more ;-)
I want more~ *jumping like little kid.* I'm falling for your stories lullabyme07 :3 everything is perfect. I've just read everything at once^^ and be sure I'll check your girls' fics out XD
And songs, artists and vids you've chosen are very good ¤_¤ I love them! Supreme Team! and I guess you like Aira, Sunhae, Hanin and Seolrae's names coz you used them in Two Moons too~
I know how important are comments to writers so I'll try my best to support you^^ keep going well~
Wow keren nih onni XD
Bnyak bnget yg kpop idol yg d pake,
OMG ada Kris jga "Ayo waddup kreassee.."
Aira sama Yongguk itu nanti ada something happen between them ya?
lol, aira already fell for yongguk XD /lame joke is lame
tsk hanin and krease tsk tsk tsk
short comment because . . . . . because my brain is actually working tonight so . . .
go finish two moons and then update this ~! hahahaha