
Out of a Dream,and into Reality

That day I thought everything through.I needed to talk to Yong Guk and figure out everything. Its not like I haven't already but I needed to confirm it. I was too scared.

My hair tumbled down Bang's shoulders as I hugged him from behind,where he sat on the chair of my kitchen.

''Did you get enough of your beauty sleep?''


''Yeah,little lady?''

''I know now.I understand stuff.''

''What are you talking about.''

''You,Zico and him."

Yong Guk gulped down his tea and I paused.

"How he dated me when you dreamt about me.You must have seen me somewhere because... Our dreams..They don't make much sense.Fairytails don't exist.And then he probably showed me to you one day,without me seeing you.You said it was the girl you dreamt of.That's how you fought.''

''Yes.I'll tell you more.It was exactly how you said it is.''

"And I must have seen you too. Back when we were dating I knew a lot of his friends."

I was partially happy now. I figured it out. The dreams. The fact that we dreamed about each other after seeing one another only once, meant we were a couple designed up there in the sky. Our meeting was planned by someone higher than us and we couldn't avoid it.So despite Yong Guk's quietened mood I pushed on.

''Bang ?''

''Hmmm?'' he sipped his tea.

''This time in which you were away... what exactly were you doing?"

He tensed.I was afraid the questions were too much but soon I heard him sigh. He cleared his throat and started talking.

"I was trying to... get him out of my way.You might imagine things like...shooting between two mafia gangs in Italy or something,but thats not what I meant.I wasn't going to get myself in trouble,not then.I needed you to stay safe and that meant I needed to keep limits for myself.I...tracked down so many of his friends and pulled out information from all the corners of the world.I needed facts instead of ideas.I wanted him in jail."

"I don't understand.Do you mean... he ... did something really wrong?" I remembered Zico talking about 'crossing his read line'.

Bang was done with his tea and now he put his elbows on the table, head in hands.

"This might sound scary but...You dated a person who once killed a child."

Just for a moment my breath stopped. He felt it and turned around to glance at me.I looked down at the ground as he turned back to the table and continued.

"I never...wanted to tell you.But I guess I knew all along that I would have to.It was long time back.I told you we all loved dogs and cats.We grew them.A lot.There were so many of them,my dear ones.We loved them all equally even though we made sure that they were separated in to groups.This kept the three of us as masters of our packs and we took great care of them.But we did this one thing..."

I thought I heard him smile at his memmories.

"Whenever we found a really good puppy or dog,we would play some game and the one who wins would get it in the end.I got an amazing husky once. The other two weren't there then, so I was the one to treat her and care for her for three months."

I had a bad feeling.I didn't want anything horrible to reach my ears but I couldn't stop it.I had to.This wasn't a movie.

"She grew up to love me and nobody else.But when they came back from vacation..they said we had to play a game since it wasn't fair that I would get her for granted.I didn't want to play,but I agreed."

I bit my lip.

"When I lost to him,she stopped eating.He beat her up."

I winced.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No," I answered.I was determined to know the truth."Please go on."

"I came out and stood infront of her in the rain." And then he plunged in into his memmories recounting everything to me.This time without pauses.I could imagine myself in his place.

I looked at him.

"The are you doing?What's wrong with you?"

"She isn't listening to me!"

"You never used to beat up dogs because of that before!"

"None of your buisness!!!"

"Hell yeah it is.I didn't lose her so you could torture her!"

"I said it isn't any of your buisness.Even if I her!"

My eyes widened."You're... a sick bastard.Go.Get lost.Take your away and get lost.I won't live with you anymore.You..."

"All because of a ."

Zico came out then.He probably heard what went on.

"Hyung.Its not because of her.Its you."


He was off.He packed his stuff in seconds and when he was out he got all his dogs.He suddenly stopped however and looked back at the house we all lived in.In the window of our living room sat my cat.

He grinned.

He turned around to his bull dog, a favourite, and said-


I couldn't run as fast as the dog did.It...

There was so much blood...

As he left,he turned around to the husky and called to her.She sat there looking into my eyes.She understood our rules of the game.She left with him.

The next time I saw her was when I heard the baying of dogs next to the forest.That day I was hunting for a rabit with Morph,my pack leader.Great dog.We heard a commotion and ran out on the highway road.

I saw a child running and dogs gaining on him.Behind it all stood he,watching everything.

Infront...was the husky.She was cold in her kill.They all pounced on the body.I saw the bull dog jump in next and I already had my gun with me.I looked through the hole and shot. 

Whimpers came out in the air and all dogs backed away. She stood next to the lifeless body,bloodied jaws.

I looked one last time at her as she stared back into my eyes.She knew the rules.She sat down and waited for me to punish her.

I looked through the whole and shot.

Back in the far furture I stood crying silently.Yong Guk did too.His tears fell down to the table,splashing.He wiped them away.

"Remember when they chased you?The dogs?They all knew me.The lead was Morph.I let him go and selled him.Only to be baught by...I regret it so much.But he listened to me then.He stopped.He turned his pack away.I bet they got a beating for that.I saw some...huskey and bull dog breeds there..."

"And thought that you could use that incident to jail him.But why wasn't he jailed?"

"He was but came out too soon...I was a witness and gave facts but...neither I nor the child's parents...could do anything when they gave him only one year,blaming it all on the dogs.They executed every dog. Morph was mine and the young pups of the huskey and the bull dog were hidden somewhere. "

"Yong Guk..."

''Yes baby.''

''Why didn't you tell me?''

''Because I was afraid you'd still have feelings for him.'' I cocked an eyebrow.''And not that.Also because the fact that he was my bestfriend could make you softer towards him,something I didn't really want.''


''Am not.'' I pinched his cheek after he said it.

''When you saw me then...were you angry because I dated him?''

''Let's see.Yes.Not angry exactly...but jealous.When I was thinking that I would meet you,a third person wasn't there in my imagination.And then we had a fight and you suddenly broke up with him.That gave me  more hope.''


''Yeah.He's a playboy.So he'd probably get to someone else right?I told him that if he left you hurting,I'd kill him though.I didn't expect him to be seriously in love with you.''

''Neither did I.Whatever.''He swinged me around and I landed,sitting on his legs.

''Hey,little lady.Let's...go out today!It's the spring break after all.'' Yes.We were that far away in time.''We'll get Zelo,Mihanee,Sang Won to go with us.''

''And Zico.''

''Should I be suspicious and jealous right now?''

''You should be happy that I'm making excellent friends with your best friend.''

''What about the other one?Not him...I mean Zelo.''

''Oh!He's in now?''

''I've been really close to him.And I think we can make this work...''

''I think so too.'' He took my chin in his fingers and kissed me,long and sweet.When we broke apart,he kept his face close.

''Remeber once I told you that I don't promise a happy ever after?''


''Everything ended.But we still have a whole lifetime infront of us.Who knows what awaits us?''

''I understand.But we will have to fight through it.''

He smiled,and it was the best smile he ever gave me.But I was sure the best was yet to come.And then he said:

''My little warrior.''


HELLO! DID YOU GUYS MISS ME?! SURE YOU DID.This is written like on you are probably reading this....After.I don't know the future,and as Bang said,who knows what awaits us there?I miss y'all,stay in contact and I'll try too,no matter the crappy internet access I get here.=D ^-^ Missing my awesome peeps.Shout out to Zainab( I KNOW UR READING THIS),Dalya<3 and Dharitha XD

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Chapter 26: amazing good job
Chapter 21: holy
Chapter 18: omg zi a co *0*
Chapter 8: omo girl why did you stop -_-
Chapter 3: little lady lol i was just imagine yongguk deep y voice ♡♡
Chapter 2: awwwww i like that ^^
firstzyx #7
Chapter 26: Omg this is strangely creepy, yet cute and beautiful aah it just the way too cute
Chapter 26: Thank you for the story Author-nim \(^-^)/
You should make a space after (.) (,) (?) (!) Because it's writing rules and more enjoyable to read. But maybe some of the readers wouldn't mind that.
Keep writing and supporting B. A. P \(^0^)/
Hwaiting~ p(^-^)q
Chapter 25: Yongguk is really happy XD
Chapter 24: I'm *gasp* Chukkae both of you~ \(^0^)/
I like the poem (is that poem?) And the explanation after that (^-^)