RapunHae and Sleeping Hyukkie (Chapter 9)



Chapter 9





Wookie Belle starts shouting at the top of her lungs. Her high pitch voice echoes throughout the palace. She stops shouting when someone hugs her


“Princess, why are you shouting?”


She turns around to face the owner of the voice


“Hi turtle”


Yesung pouts


“I’m not a turtle anymore, so please stop calling me that”


“Then what shall I call you? I didn’t even know your name”


He smiles at her making her blush


“My name is Yesung”


“I’m Wookie Belle”


Yesung sigh


“Of course I know”


“How did you know?”


“Aish! Are you really that stupid?”


Wookie Belle smile and hug him


“You really love me”


Yesung nod


“Of course”


Princess Hyukkie went out of her room, holding a book


“I’m ready, where is Honey Hae?”


“He went at the castle early to prepare the baseball field”


“Shall we go now?”


Yewook couple nods at her


“And where are you guys going?”


They turn around and found Heenim godmother and Hankyung standing at the doorway of Princess Hyukkie’s room. Yesung eye the cat that Hankyung is carrying on his arms


“Hi Heenim godmother”


Princess Hyukkie and Wookie Belle smile brightly at her


“It looks like you guys are planning something”


Princess Hyukkie pushes her sister in front of Heenim godmother


“You explain”


Wookie Belle stares at her sister


“Why me?”


“She wouldn’t get mad at you”


Wookie Belle takes a deep breath and look at Heenim godmother who is staring at her, waiting for her to speak. Wookie Belle smiles at her


“We’re going at the pumpkin castle today”




“We’re going to play baseball with fairy witch”


Heenim godmother nods her head




Hankyung look at her


“Yes my dear diva?”


“We’re going with them”


He nods his head and put Heebum in boots back in his room


“We’re going to play baseball today”


Princess Hyukkie and Wookie Belle hops around like a crazy bunny


“Yes! We’re going to play baseball”


“I’m so excited because Heenim godmother and Hankyung the Mulan will join us too”


The two Princesses hug each other happily


“Unnie, how do you play baseball?”


Princess Hyukkie proudly smile at her sister


“It’s good that you ask me because I’m a genius. I can answer everything for you”


Wookie Belle stares at her, waiting for her answer


“Well...you’ll kick the ball towards the goal to score”


“Is that it? But, evil fairy witch told me that you need to hit the ball with a bat. I didn’t remember her telling me to kick it”


Princess Hyukkie laugh


“She’s just joking you. If you will hit the ball it’s not baseball anymore”


“How do you call it?”




Wookie Belle stares at her blankly


“Hitball? If you kick the ball it’s called kicking ball”


“Then what the hell is baseball?”


“Maybe a combination of the kicking ball and hitball”


Princess Hyukkie smile at her


“Why are you so genius?”


“Because I’m your sister”


“Congratulation Wookie Belle”


They hug each other


“Let’s go now”


They hold each other’s hand and went outside, hopping like bunnies while singing.


“My dear diva, what did they just say?”


Heenim godmother shook her head


“I really don’t understand”


“Is Princess Hyukkie referring to soccer?”


“I don’t know”


Heenim godmother sighs. Yesung shook his head


“How can they be so stupid? What the hell is hitball and kicking ball?”


Yesung look at them. Heenim godmother and Hankyung just shook their head and follow the two Princesses outside






Princess Hyukkie run towards RapunHae and gives him a bear hug, squeezing him like a stuff toy


“I miss you”


RapunHae smile at her and kissed her cheek


“I prepare everything for our game today”


“Where is your mother?”


“Still inside”








Evil fairy witch was sitting on the sofa, holding a notebook and a pencil. She was thinking deeply when the people from Night Night Palace arrives


“Evil fairy witch!”


She stares at Wookie Belle who is smiling brightly at her


“What are you doing?”


She shook her head sadly. Wookie Belle and Princess Hyukkie sit beside her. Others join them on the sofa


“What is that?”


Evil fairy witch sighs


“Well...I’m planning how to kiss my evil mirror”


They stare at her blankly


“I really don’t know how to do it. I mean, it feels so awkward you know”


Heenim godmother flash her devilish smile


“Come on fairy witch, just kiss him and we will see if he will transform into his human form”


“What if we fail?”


Heenim godmother shook her head


“You’re not yet trying it. If we fail then we need to consult Peter Pot”


Evil fairy witch gulp nervously


“But, I really don’t know how”


Princess Hyukkie suddenly smile


“I have an idea”


They all look at her


“I’m so genius to bring my book with me”


She shows it to them


“How to lose a guy in ten days?”


Hankyung read it; they stare at Princess Hyukkie blankly


“This will help us”


Heenim godmother clears


“Sweetheart, we need to plan on how fairy witch can kiss her evil mirror and not to break up with him in ten days”


Evil fairy witch frown


“We’re not even a couple”


They nod their head in agreement


“Just trust me”


Princess Hyukkie smile. Heenim godmother snatches the book away from her and reads the content


“What the hell is this?”


“Why? What’s with the content Heenim godmother?”


Heenim godmother takes a deep breathe and read step one


“Step one. Never say I love you, please, or thank you. In short, never discuss your future with him”


Evil fairy witch pout


“What kind of book is that? If we follow it then I can never kiss that evil mirror. We’re just going to fail if we follow that book”


Princess Hyukkie shook her head


“I didn’t say that we need to follow it exactly. I mean, it’s just our guide to make a plan for you to kiss that evil mirror. We need to do the opposite”


“Do the opposite?”


Princess Hyukkie nods happily


“For example, step one says not to say I love you, please, thank you. In other word, never discuss your future with him. If we’re going to do it in an opposite way it will go like this...”


She stares at Evil fairy witch


“Write it down please”


Evil fairy witch nods at her


“Step one. Say I love you, please and thank you. In short, say sweet words to him. That way, you will motivate him to kiss you”


Heenim godmother smiles brightly


“I like your idea sweetheart. We need to do the opposite”


She stares at evil fairy witch


“Are you ready?”


“I think so?”


“Let’s try step one now”


Evil fairy witch nods at them. She stands up and walks towards her evil mirror’s room. The rest follow her behind, she opens the door carefully


“He’s so cute. How can he sleep in a crib?”


Wookie Belle stares at the evil mirror sleeping peacefully on a crib. Evil fairy witch gulps nervously and cough, waking her evil mirror


“Good morning sunshine, do you know what time is it?”


The evil mirror shook his head


“I’m a mirror and not a clock. Why are you asking me for the time?”


Evil fairy witch flash an evil smile and grab her evil mirror


“Hey listen to me!”


Her evil mirror stares at her while yawning


“I’m going to tell you something”


“Go ahead”


Evil fairy witch stares at the people around her. They smile back at her while nodding their head. She clears and stares at the eyes of her evil mirror”


“Ah...Well...I...love myself...please and thank you very much....Now, kiss me”


The evil mirror gives her a weird look. The evil fairy witch her lips and move closer to kiss her, but the evil mirror hit her forehead




He starts laughing


“I knew it”


The evil mirror smirk


“You really had a hidden desire towards me. You’re trying to me”


He covers his lips with his hands


“You’re a ”


Evil fairy witch shoot him a deadly glare


“What the hell is that?”


“You’re a . You’re trying to me”


She laugh so hard like an evil, but still cute. She stares at Wookie Belle


“Wookie Belle, let’s play baseball”


She stares at her evil mirror and flash an evil smile


“Prepare to die”


The evil mirror gulps nervously. Evil fairy witch immediately went outside, the rest followers her. They went at the field and watch evil fairy witch as the batter while RapunHae is the pitcher


“Ok son, just keep on throwing the ball unless I told you to stop”


“Yes Umma”


Evil fairy witch smile at her evil mirror


“I really had a hidden desire towards you”


Her evil mirror smile


“I knew it my dear evil fairy witch”


Evil fairy witch smile


“Hidden desire to kill you”




“Prepare to die !!!”


“Hey, wai—“


Evil fairy witch hit the hard ball using her evil mirror while the rest cheer her


“Nice hit Umma! Hit the ball much harder!”


Yesung shouts. RapunHae throws the ball and their mother hits it harder


“OUCH! Don’t hit the ball so hard, my head is aching”


“SHUT UP!!!”


RapunHae throws another ball; evil fairy witch hit it much harder


“I love playing with you, but will you please stop using me as your bat and stop hitting the ball?”


Evil fairy witch shoot him a deadly glare and throws him on the ground


“Ouch! Thank you”


She steps on him before leaving


“Ouch! But still thank you”


Evil fairy witch join Heenim godmother, Wookie Belle and Princess Hyukkie while the boys start playing baseball together with the evil mirror


“AISH! I really hate that arrogant brat evil mirror. I’m going to kill him!”


“Just take it easy fairy witch or else you’ll kill your Prince Charming”


“I don’t care!!!”


Heenim godmother pouts


“You didn’t even follow the things that we tell you”


The two Princesses nod while eating fruitcake


“We told you to say I love you, please and thank you. You must discuss your future with him, but instead of doing that you tell him, I love myself, please, and thank you very much. What the hell is that?”


Evil fairy witch frown


“Aish! Let’s think of another plan. What is step two?”


Princess Hyukkie opens her book and start reading step two


“Step two. Try avoiding his phone calls, e-mails, and instant messages. In short, avoid him as in avoid”


“If we’re going to do the opposite, you must not avoid him at all”


Evil fairy witch nods her head while writing it down on her notebook


“Now, try giving him a call”


Heenim godmother gives her the giant telephone


“It’s good that I always bring my giant cordless phone”


“Hey, where did you hide it?”


Heenim godmother just smile


“That’s the secret of magic”


Evil fairy witch start dialing numbers, a loud ring can be heard over the field. The boys stop playing, evil mirror gets his telephone inside his pocket. RapunHae, Yesung and Hankyung were shock upon seeing a gigantic telephone


“Hyung, where did he get that?”


RapunHae shook his head


“How come a mirror has a pocket?”


They look at Hankyung while nodding their head


“And, how can he carry a gigantic phone with him?”


RapunHae and Yesung shook their head




“It’s me”


Evil mirror stares at Evil Fairy witch’s direction. He smirks at her


“What is the matter my evil fairy witch?”


“Look, I’m not trying to avoid you or something”


Evil mirror cough


“I know because you love me, that’s why you want to me. It’s really hard to be y, free and single”


Evil fairy witch stares at him


“What did you say?”


“You love me because I’m y and that’s why you desire my hot body. You love me because I’m free as a bird, if only I can fly and lastly you love me because I’m single and you want me to be your Prince Charming”


Evil fairy witch raised her eyebrow while staring at his direction


“Well, I’m sorry sweetheart because I am so evil”


Evil fairy witch told him while laughing like an evil, but still cute


“Say goodbye to your games”


“WHAT? NO!!!”


Evil fairy witch smile devilishly and snaps her finger. They heard a loud sound like a cannon ball


“YAH! You’re so evil”


“Thanks to you”


Evil fairy witch hang up and gives Heenim godmother her giant telephone


“Stupid mirror!”


“What the hell is that?”


“I ruin all his games. See, he loves his game more than me. I really can’t stand his attitude”


“Because you’re doing the opposite in an opposite way”


“He’s the one who’s doing it the opposite way!”


Wookie Bell suddenly smiles and hand evil fairy witch her red lipstick


“Red lipstick can make you look seductive”


Evil fairy witch look at her blankly


“Just apply it on your lips. I have a better idea”


Evil fairy witch obeys her. She applies red lipstick on her lips. Wookie Belle smiles brightly


“If we can’t get him by steps then we need to get him by force”


Wookie Belle grabs her sister’s wrist and drags her towards the boy


“What the hell is she planning Heenim?”


Heenim godmother shook her head and drags Evil fairy witch and follow the two Princesses


“RapunHae, my brother in law and Yeye, my Prince, grab evil mirror’s feet and hold it tightly while Unnie and I hold his hands”


They capture the evil mirror, holding him tight


“YAH! What the hell are you doing to me?”


Wookie Belle stares at Evil fairy witch




Evil mirror stares at her


“YAH! Do you need to shout?”


“Mianhae, I’m just excited”


Wookie Belle clears and whisper


“Evil fairy witch. Quick. Kiss him now”


Evil mirror smirk and stares at Yesung


“Do you really love her?”


Yesung nod


“I think she’s damn stupid”


“I know, but that’s what makes her beautiful”


Evil fairy witch stares at her evil mirror




Evil mirror shouts at the top of his lungs




Heenim godmother frown and hit the evil mirror


“YAH! Will you please stop whining? If you want to live, just follow!!! Honestly, you’re not even y”


“AHHHHHHHHH!!!! !!!!”


“It’s just a kiss pabo!!!!”




Evil fairy witch frown


“I’m not yet doing anything! I’m just standing here and looking at you! PABO!!!”


Yesung stares at his brother


“Hyung, let’s just tie this evil mirror on the three so he can’t escape from Umma anymore”


The evil mirror keeps on struggling to escape




The evil mirror stops shouting when he notice the tears that start forming in the evil fairy witch’s eyes




Evil fairy witch told him before leaving. She locks herself inside her room


“Aish! Why are you so stupid?”


Yesung told the evil mirror


“See? Umma is mad”


They nod their head in agreement. Heenim godmother claps her hands


“Ok, it’s time to go home kids”


The kids sigh. Wookie Belle throws the evil mirror on the ground


“Hey, you high pitch stupid Princess! OUCH! That hurts”


Wookie Belle stuck her tongue out before leaving with Yesung. RapunHae and Princess Hyukkie follow them sadly


“Hey, why are you guys leaving? We’re still playing”


Heenim godmother shoots him a deadly glare




She eyes him before leaving. Evil mirror looks at Hankyung


“What did I do?”


“You just break evil fairy witch’s heart”


Hankyung told him before leaving


“They left me”


The evil mirror yawns


“It’s time for me to continue sleeping since my evil fairy witch ruins all my games”


The evil mirror went inside his room and continue sleeping on his crib








Yewook couple was happy playing jack stone on the floor while HaeHyuk couple was busy cuddling on the bed when they heard a soft knock at the balcony


“Unnie, did you hear that?”


Princess Hyukkie smiles


“Someone is knocking”


They just smile at each other and continue doing their business. The knock grew louder, louder and louder


“Hey guys”


They stare at Princess Hyukkie


“I just realize that someone is knocking”


“You’re right Unnie”


The door of the balcony suddenly opens. The wind blows so hard, Yesung and Wookie Belle jump on the bed


“Is that a ghost?”


RapunHae, Princess Hyukkie and Yesung stare at each other nervously when they heard a loud scream




They stare at Wookie Belle


“Why are you shouting my dear Princess?”


Wookie Belle smile


“I thought you guys want me to shout. I need to shout because there’s a ghost, right?”


They just stare at her blankly while smiling weakly. RapunHae, Princess Hyukkie, Yesung and Wookie Belle hug each other




They shout in unison when they saw a huge shadow




They notice the shadow becoming small as the person gets nearer. They were shock upon seeing their unexpected visitor




They shout in unison


“Hey, I keep on knocking. You don’t even open the balcony door. It’s freezing outside, good thing the door open by itself”


They stare at his luggage


“Why are you here?”


The evil mirror smirks and closes the door


“Well, that evil fairy witch is really evil. She packs my things and throws it outside the castle and then she kicks me out”


“Who taught you the way here?”


“She drops me here”


They stare at him blankly. The evil mirror smiles at them


“Well, she’s mad at me but she told me to return after three days”


“I thought she’s mad at you?”


“We’re just trying if we can live without each other”


Princess Hyukkie smiles brightly


“I like that idea, you want to miss her”


Evil mirror shook his head


“Ha! I bet that evil fairy witch can never live without me”


The evil mirror drops his head


“But I actually miss her”


He stands by the balcony door and stares outside and starts singing


“Oh my darling, I hunger for your touch. Alone, lonely time, and time goes by, so slowly. And time can do so much. Are you, still mine? I need your love. I need your love”


They clap their hands when the evil mirror stops singing


“Wow, you have a very nice voice”


Princess Hyukkie told him


“Of course”


“I do musicals”


He smirks at them and jump on the bed


“What shall I do? She’s mad at me”


They shook their heads


“You just wait for three days”


“But I can’t do that. I can’t live without her. How do I live without her? I want to know”


Yesung smirk


“You just need to breath, eat and drink water then you’ll live. You’re so corny”


“Mind your own business turtle”


RapunHae frown


“I agree with my brother. Anyway, Honey Hyuk and I are the main characters here then do you need to in?”


Evil mirror shook his head and sigh


“Just help me with my evil fairy witch”


“If you promise not to make her cry again”


Evil mirror nods at them


“I promise. You know, I really love her but she’s playing hard to get all the time”


“Then why did you reject her kiss?”


The evil mirror stares at them sadly


“Do you guys really think that I’ll be back to my human form if she kissed me?”


They nod at him


“That’s what happens to my turtle when I kiss him”


Yesung nod and kissed Wookie Belle’s cheek


“Well, mine is different. Kiss will never help me go back in my human form”




“I really don’t know what kind of magic that old woman put in that potion”


Evil mirror sighs


“Well, I want to kiss him when I’m already human, and not in this kind of form


“That was so romantic”


Wookie Belle pats the evil mirror’s head


“Don’t worry, we will help you”


They nod at her


“Since we love to get into trouble, we will help you”




“Come closer”


Wookie Belle discusses their evil plan


“Get it?”




“Deal or no deal?”


Evil mirror flash his evil smile




Princess Hyukkie and Wookie Belle smile brightly at him

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Chapter 1: ,hahahaha,this is only the first chapter but I'm already,laughing hard!
Chapter 14: Kyaaa the story is so sweet,funny and hilarious I can't stop laughing xDD this story is amazing daebak! and you to author-nim you're really great!!^^ *thumbs up*
Chapter 14: wow...!i never read smthing like this...it was so cuteee,love it <3 <3
Chapter 14: Awwwwww so cute when daddy king ask 1+5 and hyukkie answer omaigahd..
And when hyukkie and wookie so happy to be called stupid ㅋㅋㅋ
Nice story to read author nim ^^
awww, i loved the ending! new reader here heheh :D
freedomlife13 #6
this is soooooooo funny :)) i love the way you change the movies and characters' names, that's so hilarious, love it so much ^^
i haven't finished reading the fic yet but i'm thinking about translating it *while reading :))* into my language - vietnamese to share it with my friends who don't understand English, please answer if it's okay with you ^^ thanks anyway
that's so sweet... and funny too :D
This is so cutee and beautiful ending! Nice work author-nim^-^ really love yewook part lol *notbecausethey'remysecondotp* and eunhae is so sweet!♥