Chapter 13

Let the Games Begin


 “So what exactly are you doing again?”

Donghae turned around in the passenger seat to answer Shindong, since Eunhyuk was driving. “We're dropping you off and picking up Siwon.”

Shindong stared at the brunet. “Oh, I see, I wasn't invited.”

Eunhyuk sighed. “Shindong, chill out. We love you, too.”

Yeah! We spent all day with you! Now we want to do something with Siwon.” Donghae grinned cheekily. “You jealous?”

Shindong rolled his eyes. “I am surrounded by children.”

Hey!” Kyuhyun interjected, joining the conversation.

You think you're not a child?” The man scoffed. “If anything, you're the most child-like out of everyone. Maybe not Henry...but still. I mean, no offense, but have you ever looked in a mirror?”

Kyuhyun scowled at the man and went back to looking out the window.

Aww.” Donghae cooed, reaching around and pinching Donghae's cheek. “Don't be upset. You're so cute when you pout. Can I call you baby Kyu?”

No!” Kyuhyun shouted, slapping the hand away.

Eunhyuk grimaced. “We're home.” He said through clenched teeth.

See you guys when you get back.” Shindong waved farewell and left the car.

I'll go get Siwon.” Donghae tried to leave the car.

Eunhyuk grabbed the other's wrist and pulled him back, holding the other's hand in both of his own. “No, let Kyuhyun do it.”

Kyuhyun quickly made his escape from the car and headed for the house. He walked in and found Yesung loitering in the hall.

They took my car, didn't they?”

Kyuhyun nodded slowly.

Yesung grimaced. “Well, make sure they don't hurt it.” He said softly, heading for his room and closing the door.

Wait, where's-”

Do you need help, Kyuhyun?”

The brunet jumped, turning to see Ryeowook, who was hugging a ladle close to his chest. “Um, yeah. Where's Siwon?”

The shorter of the two grinned. “He's in the dining room, reading his script again.”

Thanks.” Kyuhyun smiled and made his way into the kitchen. Apart from Siwon, Hankyung and Heechul were also seated at the table. The chinese man was reading a book that looked much to large to be of any interest to Kyuhyun while his boyfriend tried to braid his semi-long hair.

Hey, Cho.” Heechul greeted monotonously, not even glancing up.

Kyuhyun waved to the pair and headed over to Siwon. The black-haired man had his feet up on another chair and was mouthing his lines, picking up the thick packet every now and then. Kyuhyun stared at him for a minute or two, watching as thin lips easily made their way through the Shakespearian words. He realized what he was doing and immediately stepped forward and hit the man on his shoulder.

What?” Siwon jumped, dropping his script. “Oh, Kyuhyun. What's going on?”

We're going out to dinner with Eunhyuk and Donghae.” Kyuhyun stated, trying to look everywhere but the person he was talking to. “Come on, they're waiting in the car.” He turned and started out of the kitchen, stopping to wait in the doorway.

Heechul arched an eyebrow at Kyuhyun and grabbed a hold of Siwon with one hand as the man walked by, using his other to keep a hold of a braid he had been working on for a while.

Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes as soon as Heechul began to whisper into Siwon's ear. Although the orange-haired devil kept a poker face, Siwon was not a master of hiding his own emotions. Kyuhyun crossed his arms and stared as a series of emotions flickered across the man's face. First confusion, then astonishment, doubt, an odd thoughtful look, consideration, and finally, determination. Kyuhyun's head hurt.

Siwon nodded at the man, shook hands and then headed to the door and walked straight past Kyuhyun.

Wait!” The younger cried, trying to catch up. “What were you two talking about?” Kyuhyun's heart jumped up into his throat when the older man stopped and faced him, giving him a blindingly bright smile.

Don't worry about it.” He said simply, walking out towards the car.

Okay.” Kyuhyun breathed, still overwhelmed. Then he came back to his senses and hissed. “No! Tell me!” He jumped into the car and moved next to Siwon, trying to glare the man into submission.

It didn't work.

So, where are we going?” Siwon asked, completely ignoring the upset man to his right.

Eunhyuk shrugged. “Donghae wants to go to some fancy place in town.”

It does seafood.” The other explained. “It's kind of big. All the kids in my classes have already gone. I want to be able to say that I've gone, too.”

Siwon sighed. “So it's a popular place.” He stared out the window, leaning forward on his clasped hands. “I hope it's not crowded.”

It won't be.” Donghae assured the man.


What do you mean you don't have any seats?”

The suited man sighed. “It's as I told you. We're booked up for the next four hours. There's more restaurants down the street.” He dusted off his apron. “Next time you really should make a reservation ahead of time.” And with that, the waiter disappeared in the crowd, most likely heading towards the kitchen.

Kyuhyun shook off the defeat. He didn't really care where they went anyway. He followed Siwon and Eunhyuk to the double doors, and paused when they stopped. He looked around, trying to find the reason for their sudden stop. He bit his lip when he saw a familiar brunet still standing in front of the receptionist desk. Kyuhyun took a deep breath and took a few steps forward, pulling the man towards the door. “Come on, Donghae, we'll just have to find somewhere else to eat.”

The man nodded and burst through the doors, making his way towards a bench. Donghae sat down and ran his hands through his hair, looking forlorn.

Kyuhyun stayed where he was, not sure if he should approach the man or not.

Eunhyuk nodded at Kyuhyun and Siwon. “I'll handle this.”

Siwon pressed his lips into a line and nodded slowly. “Okay.” He turned and looked down the street, probably searching for a different place to eat dinner.

Kyuhyun kept his eyes glued to the couple, wondering what was wrong with Donghae. Eunhyuk approached the downcast male and started talking. Kyuhyun had never been very good at reading lips, and he couldn't see either face, so he settled for body language. The seated man shrugged in response to something the blondish dancer had said. Eunhyuk moved and squatted in front of Donghae.

Kyuhyun glanced down the street and saw Siwon wandering around, not at all paying attention to the couple around the bench.

The lone brunet whipped his head back to the couple and squinted. Had their heads been that close together before, or had Eunhyuk moved forward? Kyuhyun blinked as the squatting man quickly darted forward and then pulled back. Had he just kissed...he shook his head. He was just seeing things. Kyuhyun stared back at the couple and his jaw dropped.

In one swift move, Donghae had leaned forward and tangled his fingers in Eunhyuk's hair, mashing their lips together. Kyuhyun could see that much. He continued to stare, aware of how stupid he must look to passers-by, and saw that when Eunhyuk pulled back, he gestured for Donghae to be quiet and stay. The brunet pecked the other on the cheek and resumed his previous posture. Kyuhyun feigned innocence as the man drew closer, wiping the excited smile from his face and replacing it with a solemn expression.

Eunhyuk walked right past Kyuhyun and up to Siwon. “Hey, Donghae's pretty upset about the restaurant. He says his stomach hurts, too. I should probably take him home.”

Siwon nodded in understanding. “Okay, Kyuhyun and I can go with–“

No, no, no.” Eunhyuk interrupted, shaking his head. “I don't want to ruin the night for you guys. Just find another place, okay?”

Siwon waited a minute, and then nodded.

We'll see you back home!” Eunhyuk went back to Donghae and got the other to stand, moving slowly as the brunet staggered away, an arm loosely hugging his stomach. They disappeared around a corner.

Curious, Kyuhyun looked around the bend and saw the two with their elbows locked, Donghae skipping beside Eunhyuk.

So,” Siwon began, walking towards Kyuhyun, “we should start looking for someplace to eat.” He turned and started down the street.

Kyuhyun shook his head. How completely unobservant was this man?


The two had walked down the street filled with packed restaurants, and followed their noses down a small alley, ending up in a small market area. They came across the best stew ever halfway down the street, and stayed there, taking seats at the tables placed by the side of the closed-off road.

Kyuhyun was on his third helping.

So, your parents are making you pursue business?” Siwon asked, having finished his bowl and not wanting and more.

Kyuhyun shrugged. “My mom only wants what's good for me, so I can't complain.” He watched as Siwon's fabulously thick eyebrows furrowed themselves into a frown.

Siwon shook his head. “That's what little kids say. I can't believe your mom's still making decisions for you.”

Once again, the younger shrugged. “It's always been that way.”

Siwon's frown deepened and he leaned across the table. “If you didn't have to major in business, and could do anything you want, what would you do?”

Kyuhyun started to say that he didn't want to do anything else, but then stopped. If he didn't have to follow his mother's wishes, what would he want to do? His mouth began to move before he had even mulled over his answer. “I would want to sing.” His eyebrows knitted together. Well, it was true that he liked singing, and he'd always had a knack for it. But he'd never really considered it as an occupation or anything.

Siwon's eyebrows shot up. “A singer? Let's hear you, then.”

What, right now?”

The man nodded. “Yeah, now. Go.”

Kyuhyun sighed. He started singing under his breath. “Twinkle twinkle little–“

No.” Siwon interrupted. “Come on, Kyuhyun.”

The younger groaned. “Fine!” He stood and began singing something his sister had shown him when he was younger. It had been a pretty popular song, at the time, and it had gotten stuck in his head. He'd walked around the house singing it, and his sister and brother had eventually told him that he was better than the actual artist. He closed his eyes when the song climbed up a few notes, and ended it with a held out note, earlier than the song actually ended. He didn't want to bore the other. Kyuhyun stopped and held his breath, hesitantly opening his eyes, wondering what the other's reaction would be. Well, the man had been in performing arts for a while. Kyuhyun would surely sound amateur to him.

Kyuhyun worries were put to an end when clapping broke out all around him. His eyes widened and he turned, seeing a crowd of people who had stopped to hear his little performance. A few shouted compliments, an one person was even crying slightly. Stunned, Kyuhyun gave a bow and began to sat down as the crowd thinned out. He faced Siwon, who was just staring at him blankly. “Was I that bad?” Kyuhyun frowned.

Bad?” Siwon almost shouted. “How could you ever think that you were bad? Your voice is pure silk Kyuhyun! Maybe even better than Yesung's...wait, you can't tell him I said that.”

Kyuhyun nodded.

We need to go. I'll show you all the equipment we have downstairs and you can start working with Ryeowook and Yesung, since they're the singers. They can tell you what classes to take and how to–“

Wait.” Kyuhyun ordered, stopping. Siwon had already dragged him out of his chair and down the street. “I'm a business major. I'm not switching.”

Siwon's usually warm eyes suddenly filled with intense frustration. “Not switching? No way. Not with that talent. I'm not going to let you throw that down the drain. I can't see you in a cubicle, but I can see you on a stage. If people just passing by liked you, then imagine all the others that would, too! Besides, I'm sure your sister would agree with me.”

Kyuhyun scowled. Yeah, she would.

So, we'll just get you home and–“

Wait.” Kyuhyun said again. “How are we getting home?”

Siwon looked confused at first, but then he gasped. “Oh. Right!” He pulled the younger to the side of the road and held out his arm. “Simple. We get a taxi.” Just as he finished, one of the yellow cars pulled to the side of the road right beside the two.

Kyuhyun almost applauded the man.

Siwon grinned. “How awesome was that? I paid for your dinner and I magically made a taxi appear. I think that deserves a kiss.”

Kyuhyun blinked.

Siwon slowly realized what he had said. “Oh, gosh.” He face-palmed. “I'm so sorry. That was I reflex. I usually say that with the other guys and I keep forgetting you're new and not, well for lack of a better word, one of them. I'm so sorry. Can you just forget that?”

A small smile crept onto Kyuhyun's face while the other ranted. He quickly got up onto his tip-toes and pecked the man on the cheek before climbing into the waiting car.

Siwon froze and stared at the younger, wondering if that had just happened. The small blush creeping onto the other's face confirmed it. Grinning widely, Siwon joined the brunet and gave the driver a set of directions. When they were off, he slowly reached over to lay his hand on top of Kyuhyun's. If it was possible, his grin widened as the man flipped his hand over and gently held onto the larger hand, all while staring out the window.


A/N: Sorry, this one is late.

Ugh, I failed at the singing part. I'm not good at describing that kind of stuff. 

And I hope that all didn't move too fast.

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No update tomorrow for a little while. The I'll try to do a double update to make up for all the late updates.


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Chapter 24: first comment for the new year and AHHHHHHHHHHHHH this story is so amazing
kyuwon1013 #2
Chapter 24: Please continue
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 24: Please continue
Merettevan #4
Chapter 24: Such a beautiful story! I discovered it and had to read all of the chapters, I couldn't stop even if it was too late (or too early lol) and should be sleeping instead, but it was that gripping!!!! I was so hooked, I didn't know what to expect but I just loved how you depicted Kyu and Siwon's growing relationship, the pace was so good and it was beautiful! Little things that slowly get them closer, I crave for that! And I was so pleased when he finally decided to do what he wanted to with his life in the epilogue, and Siwon's support was very important for it. And wow, the atmosphere at the house was so lively and nice, I wanted to live there too! Thanks so much for sharing your writing!
Chapter 24: Uhm... Hi! I just found your story and well, I love it!! Ugh, where have I been when your writing this?? This is really good I love it and I'm craving for more~~ well, thanks for the wonderful story! I hope your still active ^_^ (you would probably not see this)
Chapter 24: I should say that everything happened, thanks to the diva, Kim Heechul. Keke..
1college #7
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun could've written the paper on himself honestly. The noise problem he has is called State Dependence... But in that situation we have no awesome story so I'll shut my nerdy self up and re-read this again.
Chapter 2: This is like my 6th time reading this. I love it!
kyuuke #9
Chapter 24: ok so im reading this on my bed when im supposed to be sleeping
at first I planned to read a few chaps only but I cant seem to put this fic down, so I finished the whole thing in one go!
it was just so interesting, best college!AU ive read on this site :)
Ladyghai #10
Chapter 24: Wow i really love this story it's amazing and i love evey each character in this story ;) love how you portrait each one of them :) but can you make a sequel please?