Chapter 11

Let the Games Begin


 “All right. Everyone, you can pack up. I have some business to see to, so we'll be ending class early, this time around.”

Tired cheers sounded throughout the classroom, and a young brunet made quick work of packing all his things up and shoving them into his bag. He raced out of the class and down the hall, sneaking a glance at a clock hanging on a boring, brown wall.

"Eight thirty-five.” Kyuhyun muttered, dashing down the hall and out the door. He headed straight for the parking lot, searching for a familiar car. He spotted Siwon's silver Toyota idling by an exit and grinned. Narrowly missing being hit by a truck that was pulling out, Kyuhyun ran over to the car, throwing open one of the rear doors and clambering in. He frowned, seeing that Donghae was sitting to his left.

Eunhyuk glanced over his seat up front. “Siwon told us that you would be out later.”

Yeah.” Donghae blinked, only his eyes appearing over Kyuhyun's backpack, which had been thrown in between them.

Eunhyuk jostled Siwon, who had been sleeping, awake and told him to get going. The man nodded and turned the car on, yawning loudly. He sneezed suddenly, slamming on the gas and almost backing up into a tree.

Eunhyuk quickly turned the key in the ignition so that the car was off after putting the vehicle back into park. He stared right at Donghae. “Are you okay?”

The younger nodded. “Hit my head a little hard though.”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes as Eunhyuk leaned over his chair, looking pretty uncomfortable, trying to make Donghae feel better. The youngest reached down and opened his door. He quickly walked over to the driver's door and opened it. “Siwon, why don't you let me drive?”

I'm fine.” The man insisted, yawning. “I'm just tired.”

Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes. “Get into the passenger seat. Eunhyuk, go sit in the back.”

Donghae smirked from the back seat. “Bossy.” He mumbled as his new roommate gt out of the car and sat next to him, carelessly tossing Kyuhyun's backpack onto the ground.

Siwon needed help maneuvering into the passenger's seat. Kyuhyun had to push him towards the window, and stared, stunned, as the man went right back to sleep. Kyuhyun wondered briefly when he had gone to sleep. He moved the car off of the grass and out of the parking lot.

It wasn't until he had reached the highway when he realized that he didn't know where he was going. “Hey, can either of you give me directions?”

Donghae's hand shot into the air. “I can! Take this next right, and then stay on that for a while. It's a highway, and it'll take you straight to the mall where the cinema is.”

Kyuhyun nodded a brief thanks and took the right, merging with traffic.


It took about fifteen minutes to reach the modernly-styled building, and every other minute Kyuhyun had to prod Donghae for directions, and disrupt the man's conversation with Eunhyuk.

He was happy that the two were talking, but he really didn't want to take a wrong turn.

Kyuhyun parked the car close to the entrance and pulled the key out of the ignition with a sigh. Donghae applauded from the back. Kyuhyun reached over and tapped Siwon until the dark-haired man woke up.

Hmm?” Siwon opened his eyes. “What is it?”

We're here.” Eunhyuk informed from the back, exiting the car.

Siwon groaned and got out, stretching while the other three headed towards the entrance. Siwon surpassed them in order to buy the tickets. Eunhyuk and Donghae stopped the other two from proceeding to the theatre, demanding food.

Kyuhyun sighed, looking at the monstrously long lines. But, the two refused to be denied. The brunet settled for looking around the cinema and noting all the exits and bathrooms. No, he didn't usually do this. He just hated horror movies and figured he wouldn't be sitting down for long. He wanted to know where the amenities were in case something happened.

Overall, the place was nice. Like all cinemas, it had its share of trash on the floor and unexplainable sticky spots that Kyuhyun managed to keep walking through. The walls were painted a soft navy and free of graffiti, which Kyuhyun found impressive.

It reminded Kyuhyun of his movie theatre back home. He had hardly ever been to the place, but the color scheme was the same from the shade of blue to the gold outlines. He reached up and ran is hand over the small barely-visible designs, making a face when his hands got stuck in something sticky and clear.

Siwon laughed. “You might not want to touch anything.”

Kyuhyun nodded, turning. “How long did you sleep?”

I stayed up past five practicing...” He mumbled to himself. “So, maybe four hours?”

Kyuhyun sighed, rolling his eyes at the man.

Siwon donned a grin. “Why? Are you worried about me?”

No.” Kyuhyun answered quickly, sounding guarded. Was he? The younger dismissed both questions–Siwon's and his own–in favor of starting a new topic. “Why was Donghae sitting in the back?”

I don't even know.” Siwon sighed, exasperated. “They confuse me. I've just given up trying to understand them. When we went to go, Eunhyuk went straight for the front seat. Donghae pouted!” He exclaimed. “And Eunhyuk didn't even notice!”

Kyuhyun looked at the two, who were playing around while standing in line. “Do you think that this will work?”

Siwon nodded, then stopped, unsure. “I hope so.”

Kyuhyun sighed. “Me too.”

So, what about you?”

Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow. “What about me?”

Are you having any love-life problems that Heechul can worm his way into?” The man asked with a grin.

No.” Kyuhyun blurted out. “I am pretty much the epitome of everything .”

Siwon hid a smile behind his hand.

Kyuhyun frowned. “That didn't come out right, did it?”

Siwon shook his head. “It didn't.” He looked back at the line; the two were ordering now. “How's the psych paper coming along?”

Kyuhyun groaned. “Well, it's really not coming along at all.” He continued when Siwon gestured for him to go on. “I still haven't decided who I want to be my subject yet, much less what I need to be looking for.”

Hmm.” Siwon hummed. “That sounds like a problem. Did you try asking Hankyung for help? He had that class a few semesters ago.”

Kyuhyun nodded. “He tried to give me his essay as reference, but I really didn't want to cheat.”

Siwon arched a brow. “You abide by the honor code?” He smirked. “Funny, I never had you pinned down for the nerdy type.”

Kyuhyun shrugged. “I never had you pinned down as the overbearing, meat head type either.”

Siwon frowned. “I'm not a meathead...”

Girls, girls, you're both beautiful! Can we get to our theatre now?” Eunhyuk asked, walking over.

Donghae followed. “Yeah, we need to get seats!”

Siwon and Kyuhyun conceded, following the two to a theatre in the back of the cinematic building. There weren't many rows of seats, but there weren't many people either. The group of four found a seat in the direct center of the stands. Then, Kyuhyun and Siwon spent seven minutes convincing, and when that didn't work, blackmailing Eunhyuk and Donghae it sit beside each other.

As soon as the two succeeded, the ads began.

Kyuhyun took a seat where he wouldn't have to climb over anyone to get out of the room. He closed his eyes and quietly hummed his way through the ads for new horror movies. He really didn't want to be here.

At one point, he leaned forward and smiled. Donghae was already gripping Eunhyuk's hand. Well, this mess might end up being a success after all.

Then the music started.

Kyuhyun had nice siblings. But they hadn't always been so nice. When he had been little, his dear brother and sister had decided that they wanted to watch a horror movie. And since their parents weren't home, Kyuhyun would have to watch it too so that they wouldn't have to keep checking up on him. Not only had it given Kyuhyun nightmares for a month, but it also led to a brief period where Kyuhyun was only able to fall asleep in his parents bed.

After that, his brother would randomly play horror movie music on a set of headphones, put them on Kyuhyun while he was sleeping, and then he would sit back and enjoy the show.

Kyuhyun had a hard time liking his brother until he had moved out.

The choral continued to sing with a violin playing broken notes in the background. Kyuhyun tried to inconspicuously cover his ears and close his eyes. This was always the worst part of a movie for him. Shivers creeped up his back and his hair was already standing on end.

He didn't know how long he would be able to stay in the theatre.


Kyuhyun winced and curled up into a ball as the masked man with the rake appeared behind the only two people left alive. To the younger man's utter horror, what had been revealed earlier as a creature-person went directly for the man, digging the rake deep into the man's back until the small, pointed ends appeared to be coming out of his chest.

To make things worse, both the man and the girl were screaming. Then the man began to gurgle.

The masked man twisted the rake sharply, forcing the man's chest open. The girl could now see every single rib and organ inside the man.

Kyuhyun placed a hand over his mouth. He couldn't do this anymore. He had to leave. Now. He leaned over to Siwon, who was either enjoying himself or sleeping, and nudged the man to get his attention.

Hmm?” Siwon hummed quietly.

I need to go. Right now.” Kyuhyun stated, his urgency growing as the man's screams were abruptly cut off. He really didn't want to know why.

Hey, we're going to go to the bathroom. We'll be back.” Siwon murmured to Eunhyuk, who seemed to be the only one watching the movie intently, with Donghae hiding himself into the other's back.

As soon as Siwon stood, Kyuhyun got up and darted out of the cinema. He panted once they'd gotten out, a thin layer of sweat covering his face. He remembered what had just happened in the movie and gulped. He made straight for the restroom.

Hey!” Siwon laughed. “Slow down.”

Kyuhyun didn't listen. He couldn't. He pushed open the door and went right into a stall, kneeled, and began retching.

Wow, you really had to go h–Kyuhyun!” Siwon exclaimed, rushing over to the younger.

After about five straight minutes of dry-retching, for which Kyuhyun felt lucky, the brunet rested his head on the seat of the toilet, which had been covered by toilet paper, courtesy of Siwon.

I'm so sorry.” The taller man said, frowning deeply. “If I had known that you were so opposed to horror movies, I would have picked something else, I swear.”

Kyuhyun nodded weakly, closing his eyes. He sat there for who knows how long, just desperately clearing his mind of everything he had just witnessed.

Siwon checked his watch, thick eyebrows rising. “Hey, the movie's going to end soon. Do you want to go wait outside?”

Kyuhyun nodded, requiring help in order to stand. He shakily made his way out and leaned against a wall outside of the theatre. Siwon stood beside him, staring at him worriedly.

I'm so sorry.” Siwon apologized.

Kyuhyun waved the other away. “I'll be fine.” He croaked out. “Just give me an hour, and I'll be fine.”

The doors opened and people came rushing out, some also heading straight for the bathrooms. Eunhyuk and Donghae walked out, swinging their joined hands and laughing.

Scaredy cat!” Donghae smiled, walking over to Kyuhyun and poking his nose. “The end of the movie was just completely outrageous. It negated everything horrible that had happened in the movie.”

Kyuhyun was honestly glad to hear that.

Really?” Siwon frowned. “What happened?”

Kyuhyun stayed behind the three, feeling drained. When they reached the car, Siwon slid his hand into Kyuhyun's pocket and pulled out his car keys.

Why don't you sit in the passenger's seat this time? I can drive.” Siwon smiled and gave the other a wink.

Something exploded in Kyuhyun's chest, and he looked straight at the ground to hide his blush. He was momentarily worried that what he was feeling meant that he would be heaving again. But, it was different. Kyuhyun didn't look into it. As long as it didn't mean he was going to be sick, that meant it was a good feeling. That was that. He sat in the front seat and stared out of the windshield all the way to what he considered home.


Do you need a light on?”

Kyuhyun shook his head and crawled into bed. “No, I'll be fine.”

Siwon frowned, turning off all of the lights. “If you say so.”

The smaller brunet tried to think of happy things–Starcraft and other electronics–when he realized with horror that he hadn't even touched his laptop in over a week. What had he been thinking? What could more important than his beloved Starcraft? He jumped out of bed and shuffled through his bag until he grabbed his laptop and pulled it out, victorious.

What are you doing?” Siwon mumbled out, sounding wiped.

Starcraft.” Kyuhyun replied simply, turning on his best friend since forever and plugging it in once he saw that less than twenty percent of the battery was left.

Siwon frowned. “All right. But don't stay up too late.”

Sure.” The younger agreed off-handedly, tapping his fingers impatiently whilst everything loaded.

Siwon rolled over and went to sleep. During some part of the night, he woke up and rolled over to see a look of extreme concentration on Kyuhyun's face. He smiled and stared at the unmoving man a little longer before falling back asleep.


A/N: I feel like the last a/n was longer than the actual chapter, so I'll keep this one short. I'm sorry if I made Kyu seem pansy-ish, but I supposed it would be acceptable, given context.

So I gave it context. 

There you have it.

Good night, and as always, thank you for reading! :)

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No update tomorrow for a little while. The I'll try to do a double update to make up for all the late updates.


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Chapter 24: first comment for the new year and AHHHHHHHHHHHHH this story is so amazing
kyuwon1013 #2
Chapter 24: Please continue
kyuwon1013 #3
Chapter 24: Please continue
Merettevan #4
Chapter 24: Such a beautiful story! I discovered it and had to read all of the chapters, I couldn't stop even if it was too late (or too early lol) and should be sleeping instead, but it was that gripping!!!! I was so hooked, I didn't know what to expect but I just loved how you depicted Kyu and Siwon's growing relationship, the pace was so good and it was beautiful! Little things that slowly get them closer, I crave for that! And I was so pleased when he finally decided to do what he wanted to with his life in the epilogue, and Siwon's support was very important for it. And wow, the atmosphere at the house was so lively and nice, I wanted to live there too! Thanks so much for sharing your writing!
Chapter 24: Uhm... Hi! I just found your story and well, I love it!! Ugh, where have I been when your writing this?? This is really good I love it and I'm craving for more~~ well, thanks for the wonderful story! I hope your still active ^_^ (you would probably not see this)
Chapter 24: I should say that everything happened, thanks to the diva, Kim Heechul. Keke..
1college #7
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun could've written the paper on himself honestly. The noise problem he has is called State Dependence... But in that situation we have no awesome story so I'll shut my nerdy self up and re-read this again.
Chapter 2: This is like my 6th time reading this. I love it!
kyuuke #9
Chapter 24: ok so im reading this on my bed when im supposed to be sleeping
at first I planned to read a few chaps only but I cant seem to put this fic down, so I finished the whole thing in one go!
it was just so interesting, best college!AU ive read on this site :)
Ladyghai #10
Chapter 24: Wow i really love this story it's amazing and i love evey each character in this story ;) love how you portrait each one of them :) but can you make a sequel please?