Chapter 11

Get With Me

A/N 5.27: I'M SO DUMB, When Nami says "It's friday right?" I totally messed up -___- IT'S A SATURDAY. SAAATURDAAAAY. Hmph. I'm dumb.


"Can you believe that guy? This whole week he kept saying he was happy for me," Nami grumbled. She hiccuped and rubbed her nose. "Tha pissed me the ell off..."

"Why are you telling me this...I'm paying you to keep me company. Not complain about your love life," Myungsoo muttered, pouring more booze into her shot glass.

She gulped it down and pointed at him.

"Because," she hiccuped. "You hate him right?"

He raised a brow, "Yeah and?"

"EXACTLY! Exactly. Since you're my special client and I'll be seeing you pretty much every weekend, what better way to rant than talk to someone that hates him. It's saturday right? Let's have some fuuuun!"

He blankly stared at her and she raised her glass, "More."

Myungsoo rolled his eyes and took her glass away, "That's enough, Nami."

"NO!" she groaned, reaching for the glass as he shot his arm up out of her reach.

He pushed her back onto his couch and glared at her. She sniffled and he sat across from her with his legs and arms crossed, deciding to take this opportunity to mess around and ask her questions. LOTS of questions.


"So Nami. Why did you break up with Woohyun? That idiot is like a girl magnet. It was his first time you know? No girl has ever broken up with him before. It was always the opposite." He then smirked and muttered to himself, "Then again, that's why you're pretty interesting."

She hiccuped and grabbed the pillow next to her, hugging it.

"None of your-hiccup-business."

He raised her glass, "I'll give this back if you talk."

"Dont be a bully, Myungsoooo."


She pouted and huffed, rolling her head side to side. She was completely out of it.


She sighed deeply. "Becauuuuse....papa died and my stepmother kicked me out of my house."

His eyes widened & he tilted his head.

"Say what now?"

"I saaaaid after my papa died, my stepmom kicked me oooout. She wont-hiccup- financially support me."

He rolled his eyes. "Out of all the other jobs out there, you chose to be a hostess?"

She hiccuped again and pointed at him.

"Shut up," she slurred. "You think I wanna sleep with strangers and get paid for it like a ? I wouldn't have done this sick job if it wasn't for my father. He owes the company money, so I was forced to -hiccup-.


He stared at her and bit his lip.

" have so many problems."

She nodded her head slowly "Thats why....thaaats why I hate my father..." she muttered. "He ran away with a married woman after my mom died and now..nooow aaaallll this stuff is happening to me. I can't do anything."

She sniffed and he heard her choke a bit. He rested his chin on his knuckles and looked away, trying to ignore the sobbing 20 year old in front of him. She continued crying and he groaned, walking over to her and patting her head.

He found it awkward that he was consoling her but he actually felt kind of bad for her.

"You've been through a lot huh..." he mumbled, rubbing her back. He turned his head and shook his head. "What the hell am I doing..."

Nami suddenly puffed her cheeks and Myungsoo gasped, "Oh ...c'mere!"

He grabbed Nami and dragged her to the bathroom. She crouched over the toilet and-



Myungsoo grimaced and coughed.

"Nasty..." he muttered.

He continued rubbing her back as she threw up until he gagged and couldn't take it anymore.

"I'll get you a glass of water."

Before he came back, he heard the toilet flush and he walked in, checking up on her. She was gripping the edge of the sink and stared at herself in the mirror.

"What did I just do..." she grumbled.

"You obviously threw up just now."

"NOT THAT!" she snapped, grabbing the glass of water from his hand.

She wiped and massaged the sides of her head."God, I just told you some crazy , didn't I?" she muttered.


He stared at her and yawned a "Yeah."

She groaned and bucked her knees.

"Im begging you. PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYONE!" 

He rolled his eyes and pulled her up.

"I get it. I get it. Theres no one to tell anyway so don't worry about it."


Her eyes lit up, "THANK YOU, MYUNGSOO!"

He scoffed and just then, the door bell rang and he handed her a towel.

"Wipe your face," he ordered.

She nodded and looked at herself in the mirror.

"God I look like a train wreck..."

She heard Myungsoo open the door and Myungsoo did not sound happy.


"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you."

Nami froze and bit on the towel. Her face twisted in shock when she recognized that deep, angry voice. She peeked out and saw Woohyun forcing himself inside Myungsoo's house.

She gasped and lightly closed the bathroom door.

"Get the out my house," Myungsoo snapped.

"I need to talk to you."

"The about?!"



Myungsoo froze and he rose his eyebrows. Nami bit her lip and stared at the two.

"You know her, right?" Woohyun asked.

"Uh yeah?"

"Does uncle give away the shampoo to other people? Has he met her or something? I mean he only gives that shampoo to your family, right? I know that smell from anywhere..She reeks of you and it pisses me off."


Myungsoo didn't respond. Nami bit her knuckles and wanted to slap herself. Of course she smelled like Myungsoo!

She practically lived here. But she didn't know the shampoo was actually some kind of special one their uncle made.

Woohyun glanced over at the table and his eyes widened. He grabbed Myungsoo by the collar and shook him.


"Why is her bag here?!"

Nami covered , "Oh ...."

Myungsoo smirked and heaved a sigh, "Guess we've been found out, huh."

Woohyun's eyes widened, "What.."


At that, Myungsoo dropped the bomb. He hated Woohyun so much that he said the words Nami wished Woohyun would never hear.

"We already slept together. Twice. You're out of the picture, . So leave."

Woohyun's jaw dropped and he was speechless. "You two...did what.."

Nami's eyes widened. 

Myungsoo, what the are you doing?!

The terrible knot that was in her stomach for the whole week finally snapped and it threw her into a silent panic.




Yeah, I know I changed the format of the chapter. Apparently, I read reviews that it was better this way instead of it all being double-spaced. What do you guys think? I MEAN IT'S NOT THAT IMPORTANT LOL, But i just wanna know. So anyways..comment, subscribe, whatever 

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Chapter 30: This is so unexpected. Awwww, myungsoo love at first sight
Chapter 30: wow, i stumbled over this fic and omg. myung ; ^ ; so sweet. her stepmom is despicable though, i mean seriously? threatening every of nami's clients?

hahah. but it was quite sad when she confessed her crimes though. the things you do for love. *^*

anyhooo! just dropping a comment to say how awesome this fic is! c:
Chapter 31: I want more!^^
I actually can't believe that this lovely story didn't even reach 100 subs :(
mimerzpham #5
Chapter 30: thank you for writing such an amazing story<3 it is seriously one of the best stories i have ever read! i hope you can continue writing more:) im still kind of confused with why the spy took pictures of all of nami's clients except for myungsoo? i hope you can clear that up for me xD
peachysmile #7
Chapter 29: Finished this story in a day! The plot is great although I'm a little against the idea of hostess. But since she had a reason, it's totally fine! Great story really!
Chapter 29: like half way through the story on chapter 29
"Nami grinned and everyone else in the van: Taeyeon, Seungyeol, Sunggyu, Key and Hoya along with Nami, ran out of the van." i don't think sunggyu was part of the story xD
and then 4 lines after it
"The six of them parted ways in pairs: Woohyun with Nami, Key with Taeyeon, and Sunggyu and Key." sunggyu's in there again and key was repeated twice

hope that helped u ^^