Camp Diamond: For Troubled Teens


Camp Diamond

Where the parents and guardians of South Korea's youth send their troubled charges to gain the help needed for them to live fulfilling lives... whether they want it or not. The camp is located on Jeju Island in the mountains, far from any outside disturbances. From April 1st to September 30, those forced to attend Camp Diamond live in nicely furnished cabins with other members of the camp of their own gender. Not that the members can spend much time in the cabins, to the upset of many of the more unsociable ones. Members must partake in various activities much like a regular summer camp, such as hiking, swimming, bonfires, horseback riding, and more. In addition, the camp offers various activities such as art, music, cooking, sewing, dancing, games, movie nights, and more. However, Camp Diamond is much different than your average summer camp, besides lasting longer. Each activity revolves around helping the members in some form or another to solve their problems. Despite the attempts of workers, though, not everything the members do can be controlled. With drama, romance, and too many opportunities to have unregulated fun comes a year the workers and members of Camp Diamond will never forget.


Rules and Information

1. Bash me, not the applicants! Does anybody ever do that? Feel free to give me constructive criticism, however.
2. I'm a college student with a job, so please don't demand updates from me. You can rush me nicely though.

3. Apply is CLOSED
4. Yes, I'll be in the story. No, my character won't dominate it. I'll try and give everyone equal exposure.
5. If you don't get chosen, there is a very good chance you'll show up as a minor character.
6. If you do get chosen, comment at least every other chapter with more than just a "good job!" or "update soon!" If you don't, you're character will be kicked out of the camp or something.
7. Going on hiatus and can't comment? TELL ME! and we'll be hunky-dory.

9. I like getting ideas and suggestions from people, so don't hesitate to give them!
10. There will be cursing, some ual scenes (not full though, don't worry), alcohol use, etc. Be warned.
11. All idols are normal people in the story.


Story: lookitskasper
Characters: Their creators
Poster: My wonderful sister Andrea, who has no AFF account
Text Graphics: megaru, queef, bittersweetworldxo, holxmarie, panic! its lauz, lastflighttolondon, flyawaywithme, and love like lisa?! @ Caution 2.0
Character Introduction Graphics: lookitskasper

Table of Contents
Chapter One | The Cast
Chapter Two | Tour of Camp Diamond
Chapter Three | Teaser One
Chapter Four | Teaser Two
Chapter Five | Teaser Three
Chapter Six | Chapter One: Part One
Chapter Seven | Chapter One: Part Two
Chapter Eight | Chapter Two
Chapter Nine | Chapter Three
Chapter Ten | Chapter Four
Chapter Eleven | Chapter Five

Chapter Twelve | Chapter Six


____kasper's korner

Hey there dudes and dudettes! My name's Kathy and this is my first apply story. I hope it's not a horrible idea. However, fear not! I have written before, back in the days of me being an avid rper on proboards.

I have absolutely no idea if anyone has never done this type of story before, either. If they have, it's just a coincidence and I'm sure our stories will come out differently.

If you have any questions, pm me or post on my wall.

Later gators!


July 3: So, did anyone catch the Shakespeare quote in Chapter Five? Treasure Hunt!


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Oh wow, I totally did not comment. I'm so sorry, I just realized that.
Anyways, the scavenger hunt idea was cool! I really liked reading how all the girls worked together, despite them all being so different.
I feel bad for not having much to say about it (Other than how much I loved it and how the scene when they were talking about the animal with no legs was cute).
Keep up the good work.
Happy Writing.
a-positive #2
FRIENDSHIP! it's very lovely to see the girls get along! Their different personalities make a good dynamics between them!
i absolutely adore DemixJihae friendship! oh, all of them actually! LOL, Jihae if you don't want Demi stop dragging you roughly, you should stop procrastinating hahaha
also glad seeing Jinju and Hyemi got along so well so far! The scene when Hyemi turned Jinju's arm to the correct direction is sooooooo cute xD
LOL when Heebon patted Kimchi's head and Dee got angry :p sister complex eh?
" I don’t know why but one of the chef’s has a bunch of penguin stuffed animals on the wall-shelves in the kitchens" HAHAHAHA who was that chef?? that was so random lol
Heebon eavesdropped the boys' talk :p
I wonder who said this “Has any of the horses had an amputation?” (LOOOOL),
and this “It better not be a bug or I’ll scream.” hahahaha, he's afraid of bugs! xD

great update, Kasper!
have fun at the shore and with the school :p
You have no idea how happy I am to see the girls actually working together!! The moments between Demi an JiHae were absolutely hilarious!! Hahaha I loved it when Demi put JiHae in a head lock. Too funny. XD
And seeing JinJu and HyeMi finally let go of their social awkwardness just for that small moment made me smile like an idiot.

“Has any of the horses had an amputation?”
Best line in the entire chapter!! XD
@baby_dragon: No you are not the only one laughing like an idiot at this scene. Well, at least I'm laughing like an idiot; you might just be laughing a lot.
Anyways, that scene was absolutely hilarious XD I'm still laughing at it btw.

I would personally like to see a few chapters like this every now and then. You know where they're arguing with each other one day and acting like friends the other.
Also wanted to add that the scavenger hunt idea = amazingness. ♥
And that I pissed myself laughing when the boys were trying to figure out the riddle. Who on earth suggested a horse, haha? You should post that scene again, and tell us who said what, because that was just too funny to pass up!
Dee casually entered the comments box, "Is was probably Mir that said a horse. ."
Kidding, kidding.
But it would still be funny if you make an extra chapter, revealing who said that! Am I the only one laughing at that scene so darn much?
*hides in embarrassment*

Anyway, without further to do, you Kathy have made my day by updating!
Whenever I see an update, I smile like a babo. This was amazing, as usual~ ♥
Wow. This chapter was just so wonderful! Do you know how much I smiled seeing the girls work together?
I absolutely loved Heebon in this chapter. She was so hilarious! I loved the part where Kimchi called her Heebonie, lol. Daehyun's response to her. Brb, I'm dying from laughter!
Ah, Jinhee, too, very funny. She's quite the diva. I couldn't contain my laughter when she walked in and Sungjong asked if she was looking for the life jacket thingy.
Changjo and Kimchi waving to each other~ So cute!
Basically, any Changjo and Kimchi scenes I read, I end up like that~ ^^
Hmmm, Dee, how is it you instantly spotted Mireu? Hmmm~ considering they were squinting to see them, Dee instantly spotted him. Haha, nice one, Dee!
Jinju is such a cutie! Her blankey, haha, Dee knows everything! But she's so sweet, and I love how she opened up a bit more. Still clinging to Hyemi a lot, but she's getting along with the others, too.
Demi, I love you. Seriously, her character had me on the floor dying from laughter. Her actions with Jihae. Gosh, I'm laughing so much! Haha, Himchan, "You know I love you, but this is ours."
Jihae stopping to talk with Yunho. Priceless. Stop slacking off, Jihae! Lol, when Demi grabbed her, she just began squirming. She's quite an interesting character, I mean, one second she's glaring at people, and the next she's completely different, like when she went to talk to Yunho!
Awwww, the Cas and Jongup scene~ He blushed, waah! "Fight, fight, fight!" Oh, you humorous girl. It's a good thing Cas used to live in America. Imagine if she didn't. No penny, more cleaning.
Hyemi is one of my favourites! She is really awesome, you know? Like, always managing to keep an expressionless face, knowing a lot (the book~), and more. She just gives off a cool and chill vibe. I love it!
This chapter was incredible, it was soo cute.
Jinhee, Jihae and Dee are really entertaining they never get along and are always arguing.
I agree with @jojobelle's description of Heebon, i think that she is an attention seeker too and she is a little too conceited, its good to have high self esteem but not too high. i like the fact that her and Cas are like besties and get along very well.
Demi and HimChan....what can I say about those two. They are the greasiest couple in the whole camp. I totally understand why some people are confused by their relationship, One minute Demi is all over him the next she can't stand him, its almost like a roller coaster....and I love roller coasters ^.^
I don't really get Cas and Jongup's relationship, they are very flirty but nothing is really happening, but i really like it because they are just too cute
Dee is so cruel to Mir. Sometimes I feel bad for him because she is always picking on him.
Jihae and Dongwoo are really cute. I like how he wanted to help her with her fear of big animals.
Hyemi and Seugnho are just perfect, but the perfection was ruined by Thunder...*sigh* it was a really nice scene with between those too.
The purple team is very interesting, they are all really funny, I feel like there is going to be alot of drama down the line, Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
a-positive #7
"he's cute and adorable, how can anyone be so mean to that face."
i can't agree more!!

lol, sorry for blabbering :p
Part 2

Well I really don't think I have anyone left to talk about other than Jinju!
GAHH! She's soooo cute. I didn't even realize I made her that cute. But it's perfect. I love how she just drags Changmin to sewing class, not giving him an option (I also loves how he just es about it too). It was adorable. I also like how Jieun is setting her up with Hyemi. She'll have more friend!

Please keep up the good work.
And have fun writing!