05. money, money baby

My BFF Key


There was a yawn from behind me. Damn, I had woken her up.

“Where are you going, unnie?” Sooyun asked with a long yawn and I could hear her rolling around on her bed.

“I’m going out, Sooyun. Just sleep, young one. Sleep.” I turned to my sister and flashed her a smile. I walked over and patted her on the shoulder in an attempt to comfort her to sleep.

But that didn’t really work as Sooyun moved around on the bed until she was facing me (strangely, she sleeps on her face for most of the time). “You’re wearing your work clothes.” She eyed me up and down.

“Yeah, you know what that means? I’m going to work!” I pulled on my blazer and straightened up my jacket in front of the mirror.

“Uh…” She yawned once again. I hoped that Sooyun would fall asleep and stop asking me questions so I can I leave safely. I had spoken too soon. “You want to tell me where you’re going?”

I stood at the doorway of our shared bedroom for a moment. Should I tell her what I’m doing? But I’m just going to work. Yes, that’s right. “What are you on about? I’m going to work? The people at work called me yesterday, so now I’m going to work.”

“Huh.” Sooyun looked like she didn’t believe me at all.

How was I supposed to get out of the house without telling Sooyun what I’m doing? Once she suspects you of something, you can’t keep things from her for long.

“Well… I’m just going out for awhile, I’ll be back tonight.”

“Sure, have fun.” She flapped her hand at me and flopped back down on her bed. I stood there for another minute but Sooyun didn’t reply. I decided that this would be a good time to leave.

“Oh wait! I want to ask you something. Yang Sooyun, do you still like Key?”

That seemed to wake her up, “Um.”

“Come on, I don’t have all day.” I folded my arms over my chest.

“It’s coming. I’m working out what to say!” Sooyun shouted and then started to think intently. “I like Karam, but I think I still do like Key…”

I nodded. “That’s all I wanted to know, I’ll see you later!”

When I was out of the vicinity, I pulled out my cell phone and answered the call on hold. “I’ve escaped Sooyun’s wrath. What’s this thing that’s so important that I can’t tell her about?”

‘Oh, Kyungmi. It’s horrible.’ Onew cried on the other line.

“What is?” I took a chunk out of the bun I found on the kitchen counter and walked towards the elevator.

‘He… Key’s gone crazy!’ He exclaimed.

“That’s nothing unusual. Wasn’t he always like that?” I strolled into the elevator.

I heard someone call for him on the phone and Onew let a long sigh, ‘No, we all know that he’s crazy to a certain extent. But, it’s different... Can you come over quickly?’

Knowing Key, the big problem would probably be Onew accidently changing the colour of his favourite shirt in the wash. He’s probably just kicking up a fuss with Onew to see who’s going to buy him a new shirt.

“Alright, I’m coming. But I can’t stay for too long.”


The first thing I thought I’d see was Key yelling at Onew about his beautiful shirt and waving the bright coloured piece of fabric in his face, but I was wrong. Actually I wasn’t even close.

Onew opened the door wearily. “Kyungmi…”

“Yes?” I walked into the apartment and scanned around the living room to see Key at the desk. He didn’t even turn to greet me. It’s Key so it’s understandable.

“Key… He’s…” Onew’s look quite tried with slightly dark bags under his eyes.

“Yah, Kim Kibum.” I tapped the said man on the head with considerable force. He didn’t respond at all and when I touch him he’d usually flip. Something was really wrong.

“Hey Kyungmi.” When Key turned around, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. He looked completely different. His hair wasn’t styled, not even brushed. His skin wasn’t its usual colour and his eyes were BAD – slightly red around the brim with dark, dark bags and no, it wasn’t because he was crying.

I stepped backwards in surprise. “Key, what happened to you?”

Key yawned and rubbed his eye that was so hideously different from usual, “What do you mean?” What do I mean? I mean you look like a zombie! Before him was the desktop computer and a laptop that were both switched on and running. I wasn’t sure, but that looked like that Korean Securities Exchange (KSX) website to me.

“Did you get Key addicted to stocks?” I eyed Onew that was on the couch hiding behind a cushion.

Onew felt my burning eyes and peeled the cushion away from him. “I didn’t mean to. He asked me how to make money quick and I said ‘stocks’. I also said that I tried it once and I earned double my investment plus extra. And then Key made me teach him how to work the stock market and he hasn’t slept in 3 days!”

From my data I’ve collected on Key, he wasn’t the type that spends too much cash and saved the excess money in a huge pile somewhere in his room. Sure, he liked his fancy clothes and his branded items but he was never in need of tons of money.

“Oh, Kyungmi! I have to tell you something. I’ve invested 1,000,000 won in the stock market.” Key said with a huge smile on his face that made me want to slap him.

“Omo, you invested 100,000 won? How much money have you lost?” I pushed him and his wheely chair aside so I could access the two computers.

On Key’s KSX profile, it appeared that he really had invested that 1,000,000 won in the stock market. He had bought quite a few shares from large corporations, three floats and about four random shares from unknown companies. Although going in the stock market was a bad idea, he had made fairly wise decisions. All his shares were rising and he hadn’t lost any money. Not yet, anyway.

“You’re doing pretty good.” I had accidently spoken out loud. No! Now Onew will think that I’m encouraging Key to invest.

“Yeah, I know.” Key proclaimed proudly. “By the end of the week I’ll have billions, no trillions of won and Sooyun will be all mine!” He cackled evilly.

“Quick, get him off the computer!” I commanded and Onew grabbed Key. Key flailed and struggle but he had a vice grip on him. Even though Onew hadn’t slept, he had eaten.

“B-but, I’m making money!” Key in his insomniac state tried to pull Onew off of him.

“No, Key. That’s not how you make money.” I said. “Let’s go, Onew. You hold onto Key, we’re going to the mall.” I picked up a random jumper off the sofa and chucked it at Key.

Onew was surprised and Key was appalled. Key stumbled and he suddenly regained full consciousness, “I’m not wearing that!” Key pointed at the piece of clothing with disgust.

“Go change then,” Onew frowned and pushed Key away from him.

Key shrugged and strutted to his bedroom. While he was in there, there was a scream that told me that Key had seen himself in the mirror. About half an hour later he returned and was back to his former glory.

Onew’s eyes lit up and he clasped his hands. “You’re back!”

“What? I was never gone.” Key twitched one eye and walked out of the apartment.


“So this is how the mall looks like in the morning.” Key looked up at the ceiling of the huge building. “I’ve never been here this early.”

“Of course you haven’t. You don’t work here.” Onew unpacked some boxes and removed the cloth off the top of the stall where he sells mobile phones and the like. Such a little cutie he was, in his casual tee and a pair of denim jeans.

Key looked me up and down. “Oh you’re looking reasonable – I mean – fancy today. What are you doing?”

“I’m going to work. In like, an hour.”

“I knew you had a job, but I didn’t know you had an office job! Look at that blazer and those shining shoes.” He said, grabbing the sleeve of my jacket.

“Where have you been for half your life, Key?” Onew commented, “Kyungmi works for LB. The one and only big name brand Louis B! It’s the mega-franchise with all those handbags and random expensive things. Isn’t it your favourite brand?”

Key looked at me in shock. “You work for LB, Kyungmi?” He gasped.

“Um, yeah.” Been working there since the start of the year. But I didn’t tell Key because I knew he’d ask me to get him discount products.

“You have to get me stuff from there with your special discount.” Key grinned. I was hoping to keep my job secret for as long as possible. “What are we going to do here anyway? Watch Onew set up for another long day at work?”

“Sort of, you’re going to observe today. Be a good boy to Onew, since I’m going to work now.” I waved at the two.

Onew waved with a huge smile but then froze. Was there something behind me? I turned around cautiously and saw a man across from us with another stall. This young man was clad in a hoodie and black denim slacks.

“You…” Onew pointed accusingly at this man.

“Good morning, Onew.” The man returned a smile.


Imagine Key, all ragged and looking like he hasn't slept in days... 
Haha, can't imagine that. He's too groomed for it! :D

Happy Valentines Day for yesterday, everyone! 

♥JSMPKK - 15/02/11

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Chapter 10: I finally finished reading it.. ohh... it's ended ...
wow, but it was really great story :)
Chapter 3: I guess Key is gonna really show her, he seems to be so determined ^^;
Chapter 1: I found it randomly, and I really liked it, I am gonna continue reading :)
Looks interesting :')
I'll keep reading and back with feedback :')
Finally 'My BFF Key' is completed!<br />
Thanks to everyone that has supported us till now~<br />
Please look forward to the sequel 'My Brother-in-Law Key'! :3
finally...<br />
finally..<br />
update soon I am so excited haha
wahh~ update soon please? <br />
xDDD<br />
i love Key <333333