03. the irresistible working man

My BFF Key


“If you’re always like that, why don’t we break up?”

“You’re finally saying something that I can agree with. Yeah, why don’t we break up? Then I’ll have you off my case.”

Key’s always making me upset yet he’s always making me happy. He can make me real happy at times and really mad at others because of his ignorance and his bluntness. That just makes me want to punch him in the face. But of course I can’t, he’s my baby after all.

Oh right. He’s not mine anymore. That’s right Key, you finally have me off your case I have you off mine!

“What’s wrong, Sooyun?” Karam’s face was above mine, the tips of his fringe brushing my forehead. He had a slightly worried expression. Must’ve heard me laughing mentally.

“Hello there, Karam.” I heaved a sigh. “I’m alright, just thinking about things…” I patted his cheek and manoeuvred my way until I could sit upright. Ah, baby soft skin just like my Key. Crap, am I thinking about him again?

Karam seated himself on the couch comfortably. “What are you thinking about? Me?” He raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“Haha… I always am, Karam.” Was he serious? What a cocky little… No, Karam’s such a darling; I would never say that about him.

“I knew it.” He laughed. There was a glint in his eyes that told me that he believed what I had said. Karam really needed to study up on sarcasm.

Even though it’s been two weeks since I broke up with Key and I rejected him, how come I’m not over him yet? It must’ve been our 9-month relationship that’s making me feel unsure. Yes, that’s right. I’m just finding it unusual that Karam’s in his place instead of him.

“Yeah, there’s nothing to worry about. I’ll forget about it soon enough!” I let out a hearty chuckle and folded my arms across my chest.

Karam looked at me strangely again. “You alright, babe?”

“Huh?” My bad, I was thinking out loud again. “Oh what? I’m fine! I think you’re just hearing things. B-babe…” I patted him on the back and lounged on the sofa.

This will take some time to get used to. I’ve never called Key any endearing nicknames; I just made fun of the names he called himself….

“I mean, don’t you notice your phone ringing? It’s kind of vibrating a lot…”

“W-what? Whoah!” Suddenly I felt the vibration and it seemed extreme. Karam watched in amusement and bewilderment as I struggled to retrieve my cell phone from my pants.

Without warning Karam slid his hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone with ease. He made it look the simplest task ever. He had a here-you-go smile on his face and offered me the panicking electronic. “Aren’t you going to pick up your phone?”

Now that was freaky. “T-thanks,” I tried to return a smile and had to use a third of my willpower to stop myself from pulling a ‘wtf’ expression.

‘Yobseyo? Sooyun?’

“Yeah? Who were you expecting to pick up the phone?” I replied even though I didn’t know who was on the other line since there was no Caller ID.

‘I’m calling to give you a warning message.’

I nodded and soon realised that I was talking to my sister. No wonder I thought I knew that voice! “What do you mean?”

‘I can’t say, but be careful okay? Don’t go anywhere by yourself and bring a torch light with you.’

“Is the torch light for self-defence? If so, why a torch light?”

‘Because it’s a common household tool! You weren’t expecting me to tell you to get some pepper spray? Be realistic, Sooyun. In an emergency would you have the time to go and buy some pepper spray? No you’d n-’

“Alright, I understand Kyungmi… There’s no need to blabber like the world’s going to end tomorrow.”

A gasp escaped from Kyungmi. ‘What if the world is going to end tomorrow?’ She questioned as if it was really going to happen.

Kyungmi could be real freaky sometimes. Almost as freaky as Karam was just seconds before. “Yeah, unnie… I’m going to hang up now, bye…”

‘Wait, Sooyun! Remember be careful and stay alert. Be sure to stick close to Karamma… I mean Karam.’ Then her volume suddenly increased and she shouted into my eardrums. I swore they were going to burst, 'Karam you take care of my sister! Or else I’ll hunt you down and you’ll lose something, really, really precious!’

Karam had heard Kyungmi’s death threat to his junior loud and clear. He appeared to be slightly alarmed. He nodded as if Kyungmi could see and if he didn’t agree she’d conjure out of nowhere and hook him in the face.

What a sweet, naïve little boy he was. Though I was pretty sure it was possible that Kyungmi could conjure out of nowhere.

As I was putting my phone back into my pocket there was loud knocking on the door. You could see the force of the thudding object against the door and it looked like it was going to burst open at any moment.

“W-what’s happening?” I clung onto Karam. Was this what Kyungmi was talking about?

“I dunno…” Karam was as unsure as I was. He shook his head and clasped onto my hand that wrapped around his arm.

I ran through the possibilities in my head to try and figure out who was outside the front door. Was Karam in mega-debt? Did he owe loan sharks billions of won? Was I going to get beat up along with Karam? Oh no, I couldn’t allow Karam to get beat up; he’s too beautiful!

“Open the door…” The voice sounded angry.

Karam and I just held each other in fear. I bet Karam was enjoying this close contact.

When the stranger outside heard no reply, it roared. “I said, open the door!”

As if on command, Karam rose from his seat and robotically walked over to the door. And on the day of my death I discovered that my boyfriend was a cyborg.

“Karam! What are you doing?” I hissed quietly. “Don’t open the doo-”

I braced for the sight of a large man (either extremely bulky or extremely fit) dressed in black with a sack in hand.

“Haha, I’ve found you Yang Sooyun!” It was the last person I expected to see at this time – Key. He stood at the doorway with the same pose and laugh he did when we announced our relationship to Kyungmi. Might I add, it was also one of his habits that I hated.

So this was what Kyungmi was trying to warn me about.

Karam snapped out of his hypnosis and did a double take at the sight of Key. “W-wah? How’d you get into my house?”

“You opened the door for him,” I eyed Karam. Did Key develop a new skill and become a professional hypnosis? For Key, that sounded like a plausible thought.

Karam laughed nervously. “Oh really?”

I gave Karam a blank look and averted my gaze towards Key. “Now back to you, what are you doing here?”

“I’m here for you, of course.” He smirked. “You’re my girlfriend right?”

“Ha, you mean EX-girlfriend.” Karam rebutted and took a step forward.

I think I saw Key’s eye twitch. “She’s my girlfriend…” Key muttered and obliged to Karam’s challenge and they started to approach each other with tough expressions.

I stood up, “We don’t need unnecessary fighting because we know who’d obviously win.” I purposely didn’t say a name to make them feel proud of themselves. But I was pretty sure that Key would lose. “Really, Key, what are you doing here?”

“Fine, you don’t have to leave here with me tonight. But I came to tell you that I’m going to become a man that you cannot, I mean, CANNOT resist.” Key proclaimed.

“Um yeah, well. You WERE a man that I couldn’t resist.” I shrugged. I couldn’t always be nice could I? “You don’t even have a job, Key. How can you become a man I can’t resist? You’re barely responsible enough to care for yourself – and I like men who know how to work – how are you going to make yourself irresistible?”

It was true. Key didn’t have a job. His parents sent him money from the country to pay for his housing and living expenses. And I really did like a workingman, since only working, wealthy men were able to lavish me to my standards. Electronic games didn’t come cheap, you know?

A flicker of anger and surprise crossed Key’s face and he composed himself. “I’ll start there then.” He sounded confident. “I’ll show you Yang Sooyun. How much of an irresistible workingman I can be!”

“Yeah, I’ll see what you can do. Then maybe I’ll get back together with you.” I smiled to seal the bet.

Karam had an innocent look on his face that read ‘what the hell is happening?’ but nobody seemed to notice. He tried to find a way to enter the conversation but was deemed unsuccessful.

“That’s right, you said so yourself! So you better remember that, and we have a witness here as well.” After Key had finished his announcement he pointed at Karam accusingly for a good two minutes before dashing out of the door.


Woo! Its the 3rd chapter of My BFF Key. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Hehe. 

There will be 3 POVs. Key, Kyungmi and Sooyun. Just so you know... 8D

♥JSMPKK - 20/01/11

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Chapter 10: I finally finished reading it.. ohh... it's ended ...
wow, but it was really great story :)
Chapter 3: I guess Key is gonna really show her, he seems to be so determined ^^;
Chapter 1: I found it randomly, and I really liked it, I am gonna continue reading :)
Looks interesting :')
I'll keep reading and back with feedback :')
Finally 'My BFF Key' is completed!<br />
Thanks to everyone that has supported us till now~<br />
Please look forward to the sequel 'My Brother-in-Law Key'! :3
finally...<br />
finally..<br />
update soon I am so excited haha
wahh~ update soon please? <br />
xDDD<br />
i love Key <333333