Chapter 71 : Improving The Turbidity In A Liaison

Love Can't Be Expected

Jaejoong POV'S

I saw the stiffness inside Jessica's body, frozen at the place where she was standing right now. 

The person who was standing accross her slowly making her move towards her, standing right in front of her, looking at her. "Soo-Yeon.... My little Soo-Yeon...." the person whispered, sounded crack. Her hand then slightly pulled over Jessica's body, hugging her with a breaming tears escaped from her eyes, crying silently. 

"Appa... Why's that woman cried at mommy??" Hyun Joon quietly asked me, looking at me with a confused eyes. 

My lips turned into a smile, lifting him up in my arms then. "Hyun Joon~aa... That woman was your grandmother, mother of your mommy... Our mommy..." I answered towards him, smiling at him then. Hyun Joon nodded then, looking at the both person who was still hugging towards each other. 

"Oh my Soo-Yeon.... My daughter.... Oh god, I missed you a lot honey... Ohhh, I can't believed it was you!!" the woman exclaimed, touching Jessica's face with her wrinkling fingers. Jessica still kept herself just liked a statue, not talking or even moving which making me a bit worried about herself. "Ohhh, you finally back my darling. I thought I couldn't meet you again, honey. Don't you miss me, darling?" her mother asked her, looking at her with a teary eyes. 

Jessica just pressed her lips together, not answering the question. 

Her hand then suddenly moved over her mother hands away from her, stepping a backwards step from her which made her surprised, shocked by the reaction of her own daughter. 

"Mianhae---...." she murmured quietly, sounded crack for me. 

She then walked passed me, moving away from the room leaving her mother, Hyun Joon and also myself. I looked at her mother who was looking somber, probably upset. "I'm sorry for her behalf, madam..." I said politely, letting Hyun Joon stood down with his own feet. Jessica's mother just smiling a bit although I knew deep inside her she was hurting and feeling upset right now. 

"Hyun Joon~aa... Go greet your grandmother, honey." I said towards Hyun Joon, assured her to get know with Mrs.Jung. Hyun Joon slightly followed my words, walking towards Mrs.Jung then. "Annyeong.... Hyun Joon imida! Why granny looked upset, appa?" Hyun Joon asked me then, flickered his eyes towards me. I smiled at him in return, patting his head. 

"This---.... is---...."

I nodded my head then, knowing what Mrs. Jung going to ask me. "Yes, ma'am. This is your grandchild. Your own little grandchild which the child of mine and also your daughter, Jung Soo-Yeon." I explained towards Mrs. Jung carefully. She looked a bit shocked on her face, looking at Hyun Joon who was smiling at her sweetly. "Aigoo~~ Ohhh, Hyun Joon~aa... My own little granchild, oh my darling..." Mrs. Jung hugged Hyun Joon then, kissing his cheek few times making Hyun Joon a bit airless with the situation. I smiled at both of them then. 

"Errrr, will you excuse me for a minute?" I asked politely. 

Mrs.Jung looked up at me then, smiled at me warmly, nodding her head then. I smiled at her in return, politely walking out from the room, going to search for her. I asked a few workers where she was, telling me that she was outside the house yard, probably in the small garden. 

I ran myself towards the garden, smiling on my face when I saw her sitting on the ground, wrapping her knees with her hands, putting her chin on her both knees. 

"Why you do this to me....??" her quiet voice asked me, not looking at me. 

I let out a small sigh then, walking towards her, sitting beside her then. "Jess... Look, I know you might be angry or mad at me at this time but... I want you to think it properly, love... Until when you want to behave liked this, avoiding your own mom?? Sooner or later, there's a time that you have to face all of this. And that time already came for you, love..." I softly told her, smoothly her brown dark hair. 

She sighed then. "Jae... You don't know what I'm feeling right now. If you were in my shoes, you will exactly knew what I'm feeling right now and why I'm behaving liked this!!" Jessica replied towards me, high voice. "Okay... I knew you were angry with me but, I want you to think that I'm doing this because of you. It's not liked I want to make you mad or something but I want you to have more happy life after this. A happy life without any guilty or a feelings that made you uncomfartable... Isn't that what you want? A happy living life?" I assured her. 

Her eyes turned to look at me then. "But, I'm already hapy with you by my side... I don't need anyone else except for you and also Hyun Joon." she murmured quietly, staring at my face. I smiled then, gladly to hear she said that. "What about your mom? Krystal? And people around you? Do you really want all of them to go away?" I prompted at her, raised one of my eyebrows. Jessica was a bit startled, pressing her lips together. 

My hand then hold to her face, staring at her flawless white face. "Jess, love... What the point I want to say here is that I want you to be in a happy life, a real happy life that you always admired before this. I don't want you to be upset anymore or anything that can make you feeling sad or something. Yes, I'm always going to be here also with Hyun Joon. But still, I'm also want anyone to be with you also, to support you when you needed for more than me... Just give yourself and your mom a chance. I knew you're not that a cold heart person. You're Jessica Jung, a girl who had a warm heart. I'm sure deep inside yourself, you still needed your mom right? It just that you didn't give a chance for yourself to grab that opportunity." I muttered at her long, carresed her cheek softly then. 

I planted a kiss on her forehead and both side of her cheek. 

"I'm always here for you. Don't you be afraid of that, kay?" I tried to persuade her, smiling sweetly. She smiled a bit at me, let out a sigh then before moving forward to hug me then. 


That Night 

Jessica POV'S

I let out a small deep sigh, staring at the ceiling of my room. It was quiet that time with all the people in this house already went to their dreamland, sleeping soundly...

Unliked me, I can't sleep at all... Although my body felt liked to sleep but my eyes seems not to be shut, fluttered open just liked I'm having right now. I flickered towards Jaejoong who already slept liked baby, facing at my side. Hyun Joon was asleep in a room just beside our room. 

I sighed again, sat up myself on the bed, leaning myself at the head of the bed, crossed my arms on my chest. Pursing my lips, I slowly climbed out from the bed, sneakily tip toed quietly out from the room, closing the door room behind me. The hallway was a bit dark only be lighted by the dim light from the small lamp at the wall of the hallway. 

I walked myself along the hallway, stopped my steps at a room, feeling hesitate. 

Trying to not making any noise, I quietly turned the door room knob, peaking inside the room. It was dark after all but still I can see the room view since the light ray coming from the window. I silently tip toed my feet, approaching the king size of bed inside that room, moving closer towards a person who was snoring softly on the bed, sleeping. 

I stood up myself at the edge of the bed, staring at the person who was sleeping not noticing about my presence at that time which brought me a bit relieved. I examined her face, a bit wrinkled had form on her old age face, looking still pretty although there were some wrinkle on her face. Her face looked a bit pale than before, the last time I've got to see her when my father death. That was the last time I'm seeing this person. A person in this world that I called her as my mom. My own beloved mother. 

I pressed my lips together, unknowingly that I've already sat on the side of the bed, studied my mother face. My lips turned into a small smile, feeling hesitate to touch her face which I'm hoping that I could touch it, hoping that it wasn't a dream after all. Just I want to touch my mom face, a voice sounded in my head... 

Why you want to touch her, Jessica?! Don't you remembered what she had done to you?! To Krystal?!

I shook my head, trying to ease that voice away. I snapped my hand away, stood up immediately then. The voice was right! Why should I kept myself liked this after what my own mother did towards me?! And now she just realized she had done something wrong towards her own child?! Her own daughter!! A low sigh escaped from my mouth then, pressing my lips together. I shouldn't do this... 

My foot then wanted to walk away, further from the bed before...

"Soo-Yeon?? Honey...? Is that you??" I stopped myself, widen eyes. "Soo-Yeon darling... Is that you my dear?" the voice kept asking me. I want to answer, to say yes but I couldn't speak! I can't find my courage to answer for that question. I can't find the voice to talk myself, to reply for that question. "My dear, come here.... Ohhh my child, please come to mom... I missed you my Soo-Yeon..." the voice kept asking for me, trembling voice. 

I hold myself, tried to be a courage person but----....

I knew that I can't... I'm not that strong enough to fight all of this. I can't fight off the tears that already rolling down to my cheek, crying for me, protecting me and my small heart which had been hurt! "Soo-Yeon... I'm sorry my dear, sorry that I'm always neglecting you before dear. I'm sorry darling..." the voice said then. 

Suddenly a pair of arms pulling my shoulder making me faced that person. A person that I'll loved in my entire life, a person that I needed for. A mother. 

"Don't cry my dear... I'm the one who should apologized to you. I'm the one who made you became cold towards me. It's all mom fault. Sorry Soo-Yeon~aa..." my mom said, touching the both side of my cheek. I didn't answered anything, can't find my voice at this time. 

Is this a dream or what?? Am I dreaming right now....

I didn't realized when the time I was in her hug, which she was hugging me, rubbing my back softly. It reminded me the time where my mom always rubbed my back when I cried at her when I was a little girl. Between me and my younger sister, I'm the one who always cried even though I'm the eldest one in our siblings. My little sister, she seems more strong enough than me even though she was even more younger than me. And in this family also, I'm the one who always want to be the attention one... I've once fought with Krystal because of the attention given to her because she's the youngest of all... And sometimes, I even sulk myself because of such a small things...

But still, my mom the one who always coax me when I'm sulking or crying.... She's the one who gave me courage, rubbing my back, kissed my forehead... Everything was sweet at that time till the time I've grown up, been a teenager. When I'm turning to 18, my parents seems didn't cared for me anymore. 

At first, I thought they just want to pamper Krystal by herself but I was wrong. Both of us been ignored just liked a rubbish by our own parents. They just neglected us liked that, hoping that the maids would took care for both of us. At that time, I just realized that our parents didn't loved us anymore, just focusing towards their work. Work, work, work and work!!!!! Nothing else!!!

Maybe that's why I'm became and turned out liked this... A cold heart person at outside but inside myself only I'm the one who felt it.... I'm just a small person who had already shattered heart, upset with my own parents who seems to love their work more than their own child... 

"My dear Soo-Yeon... Listen to mom kay? I'm sorry of what I've put you and Krystal in your life. I was wrong, dear. I was too focused on work and I didn't realized that I was hurting both of you especially you my Soo-Yeon... My pretty daughter... I'm so sorry, darling. Please forgive me, child..." my mom said, soaking with tears already. She was touching my face, my hair softly with her fingers. Her eyes was red, teary with tears rolling down. 

"M---oom-mo-m...." I stammered, trembling voice. 

My eyes flickered towards her. "I'm also want to say sorry for you, mom.... I knew that I've also hurt your feelings. I'm such ungratefull child towards you..." I murmured quietly, trying my hard to prevent my tears although sometimes it rolled down along my flawless redden cheek. "I didn't hate you mom, I'll loved you! I'll really loved you and missed you mom! Although I denied it but I wasn't... It's all lied... I'll loved you mom...." I said, trembling voice, sounded hoarse. 

My mom smiled happily at me, kissing my forehead then. I smiled then, hugging her tightly, crying on her shoulder. 

Jaejoong was right after all!!! If I learnt to forgive someone, all the pain and guilty feelings that I've had will slowly ease away, fading from my heart. I cried slightly on her shoulder while her hand was rubbing pleasantly on my back, calming me. "I'm so happy to see you back my Soo-Yeon... I missed my daughter so much..." she added then, touching my cheek which I was smiling and melting under her soft touch which I missed and admired the most of all. 

That night, I've requested to sleep with her, sleeping with her together inside her arms. I smiled in my sleeps, suddenly felt that I was feeling very heal right now liked there was nothing problem came towards me... Ohhhh, what a happy feelings I've had right now....

Ohhhh god, please let it always be liked this!! 


The Next Few Days 

No One POV'S

Jaejoong can sighed a relieved one right now, feeling happy that his plan was running out very~ smoothly... 

He was happy and can took a deep relieved seeing that Jessica and her mother getting along closely... At first Jaejoong was worried if his plan will make it turned to worst but instead of that both of them were now having a very close relationship which he's very hoped to turn liked that though! 

Hyun Joon also seems to get familiar with Mrs.Jung friendly. Maybe because they had chemistery connection so it won't a big deal for Hyun Joon to know his own grandmother right? 

Time was passing so quickly that they didn't realized they had already spend here almost to a week! Tomorrow night, three of them will taking the flight, going back to Los Angeles. Since today going to be their last day, Hyun Joon had already asking permission from Jessica to sleep with his grandma which he was excited since Jessica gave him to do that only if he behaved nicely! Hahhaha!!

Jessica just done cleaning herself, wearing a knee sleep gown that night. She then climbed towards the bed, went to Jaejoong side who was leaning against the head of the bed. 

Jaejoong was startled when suddenly Jessica laid her lips on his, kissing him with a quick time. 

"Gumawo~..." Jessica murmured then, smiling at Jaejoong sweetly. He chuckled then, looking at her. "For what?" he asked softly. "For making me realized what this life mean... You know what?" Jessica prompted, looking at Jaejoong smiling. 


She smiled, crawling towards Jaejoong, slightly sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulder. "For giving me such a very good advise... I don't know how to thank you, Jae... If it wasn't you maybe right now, I'm still liked before..." Jessica continued, smiling at him, rubbing her nose against his nose. 

Jaejoong smiled then, put his arms around her petite small waist. "Well, I'm glad... I thought that you will be mad at me for doing this..." he replied then. "Hurmmm, well at first I'm feeling a bit mad but then when I thought this thing back, I was supposed to be gratefull for you... If it wasn't you, just liked I said before maybe I'm still didn't get along with my mom. And all of this, thanks to you." Jessica said then, touching Jaejoong's tip of nose, smiled at him. 

"I'm happy that both of you could get along together friendly... Hyun Joon also seems to be familiar with your mom right now. Look at him, even wanted to sleep with her." Jaejoong said, smoothly flipped Jessica's hair to the back of her ear. Jessica chuckled then. "Let him be then... At least we're all alone right now..." Jessica murmured quietly, leaning her forehead against Jaejoong, rubbing her nose with him. 

"Hurmmmm.... I'll liked that~" 

Jaejoong's lips curved into a smile. Jessica smiled then, her index finger slowly trailed along Jaejoong's jaw line. She then slowly lower her head down, almost to kiss him then. Her lips then slowly laid against his lips, kissing him softly then, tasting his sweet taste. Jaejoong then kissed her back, nibling her lips, passionately giving her a sweet kiss. Jessica wrapped her arms around Jaejoong nape, depending on the kiss then. 

She didn't realized when the time Jaejoong had pushed her down to the bed, kissing her more passionately than before. His lips was nibling her lower lips, asking for a permission to enter . Jessica then parted her lips a bit, giving Jaejoong entrance to sneak into , kissing her passionately, her saliva, not giving up for a bit at all. Jessica's hand also had sneaked all way to Jaejoong upper chest, feeling his tone of abs, muscular chest. 

His hands also traveled all way around Jessica' body, wondering around over her body figure. 

As both of them were busying kissing to each other---.....

Tok tok tok!!!

Both of them froze. Jaejoong then parted his lips from her, sighed then. Jessica laughed quietly looking at Jaejoong face expression, looking a bit frust. Jaejoong then moved away from Jessica, walking towards the door then. He then slowly opened the door.

"Ohhhh, Hyun Joon~aa!" he said, surprised to see his son at the front door of the room. 

Hyun Joon smiled at Jaejoong then. "Appa, can I take my Bunny doll? I've forgot about it." he muttered, looking at him. Jaejoong chuckled then, nodding. 

After picking up his Bunny doll, Hyun Joon walked to the door then. "Sorry for disturbing you mommy, appa. Nite!" Hyun Joon said then, running liked a little child along the hallway. Jaejoong then closed the door, walking towards the bed again. "That was so close..." Jaejoong murmured. 

Jessica chuckled then. "No, it's okay... We continued later... Right now, I want to sleep with you!" Jessica muttered then, kissing Jaejoong's lips in a quick move, hidding her embarrassement actually! Jaejoong laughed quietly then, kissed her forehead then.

"Ohhhh, I forgot to tell you something!" Jaejoong exclaimed then.

Jessica flickered her eyes towards Jaejoong. "What is it....?" she mumbled, hugging Jaejoong, snuggling closer towards him then. "When we're back to LA tomorrow, I've had something special towards you!" Jaejoong whispered quietly at Jessica. Jessica smiled then. "Another surprise? What about this time...." Jessica said, teasing him.

Jaejoong just smiled. 

"Just wait for it.... I'm sure you will be happy knowing this surprise later!" he said kissing her head then. Jessica just smiled, put her arms around him then, tried to sleep then.... 





Mrs. Jung looked at Jessica, her daughter. "Take care of yourself, Soo-Yeon~aa..." she told her, hugging her then. Jessica smiled then, replied her mom hug back, tightly hugging her in her arms. She then released her mom, smiling at her warmly. 

Hyun Joon also hugged with his own grandma, feeling a bit sad since he's already had to be apart with Mrs. Jung. It seems that he still didn't get enough to be with his grandma, hahhahha!! 

All of them waved towards Mrs.Jung, entering the depart room then, ready to leave San Francisco, heading back to Los Angeles. 

"I'm going to miss her...." Jessica said, leaning her head on Jaejoong's shoulder, sighed then. 

Jaejoong just smiled. "Don't worry, we will meet your mom again at Krystal's engagement event, right?" he assured, remembering that Mrs.Jung also going to be there during Krystal's event. They arrived at Los Angeles almost nearly to dawn, dark and quiet that time.... 

Well, everyone still in their sleeping mode aren't they?? 

Hyun Joon had fallen asleep, been lifted by Jaejoong all the way until they reached their house. Jaejoong then put Hyun Joon on the bed, kissing his forehead then. He then switched off the lamp, closing the door then. He then went to his bedroom also, feeling to sleep after having a tired day and also exhausted feeling during the flight. 








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Chapter 1: I actually really liked this.

*glances over at chapters*

ameer_jsy18 #2
Chapter 9: Love this chapter because this story look alike twilight movie this make me excited to read this story
shyela #3
Chapter 79: Its great fanfiction...
Sorry i just comment in the last chapter
But realllllyyyyy your fanfiction is the best kkk
Thanks author for make kim family happy ending
Please write jaesica ff again! Im jaesica shipper forever hehe
Chapter 79: just finished reading this awesome story waahhh :) thank you for writing this story you're so amazing please continue to write more JaeSica stories :) I'm sure that I will read it :) thank you again :)
Vanessa18 #5
Chapter 2: Re-reading it again :)
And i feel like the beggining of the story is similar with Twilight :DD
Chapter 79: Just finished this amazing story and WOW! Thank you for writing this story. I can't wait to read more of your works.
Chapter 3: Jessica woke up early. Doubt it hehehehe
so curious with kim jeje
Chapter 1: Passing chapter 1, maybe I'll read slowly
New reader, horaaaay :)
cysransica #10
Chapter 79: TQ author for this great story..finally Kim family hv perfect happy ending!!