Tension Between the Gods

Battle of the Gods




“Where should we go now, boss?”


I raised an eyebrow at Kang, my crustacean-faced assistant, who was sitting at the driver’s seat and looking at me from the rearview mirror. What a stupid question. “Home,” I tersely replied. Sensing my irritation, he started the car and immediately drove away from the restaurant where I had the misfortune of finally talking with the dog named Dara Park.


Wasn’t that dog supposed to be sweet? How could her parents name her ‘Dara’ if she’s a bad-tempered dog?


It’s the first time someone stood up to me.


And it was a girl.


For the first time, a girl didn’t rush to squeeze the air out of me.


I’ve spent half of my teenage life getting mobbed by women and I always knew that it wasn’t because I have a great personality. All they wanted was power, money and the connections they’ll get once I favored them. Once or twice, someone has said that I was attractive as hell, and maybe it was also enough for all those high-pitched girls who used to camp out my homeroom back in high school.


If it was just up to me, I could have any of them.


There’s just something that made me refuse every single one of them.


I hate girls.


No, scratch that.


I despise them.


My blood curdles whenever I see them bat their eyelashes at me and call me Oppa with their sickening voices.


I have my reasons for hating them but only a few knew what those reasons are.




I glared at Lee, and my stares were like daggers that he gave a silent whimper. “What?” I growled at him. I made a mental note to replace them with smarter assistants. I have told them almost a hundred times not to interrupt when I’m thinking but like mindless gits, they keep on bugging me.


“We’re here.”


I glanced outside the window and like what he mumbled, I was home.


Our family home could be described in one word—humble.


It was just a villa situated on a three-hectare land, so nothing much besides the fact that my walk-in closet was by far roomier than Dara’s house.


Darn it! Stop thinking about her!


I returned to my foul mood when I realized that she was still in my system and I felt the urge to throw up.


Just wait til I get my hands on you…




A shrill voice broke the thoughts I was forming with regards to Dara’s punishment. I immediately went outside the car and flashed a smile at the person who made that voice I adore.


A young boy came out of the house, smiling widely, his gums and teeth all showing, and hugged my legs, because it was all he could reach. I carried him in my arms and tickled him until he was almost out of breath.


“Seungri!” I playfully growled as I put the kid down.


He hugged my leg again and giggled. “Hyung!”


“How’s my little brother?” I asked and ruffled his hair.


Yes, even a tough guy like me could become vulnerable when it comes to my oddly-looking kid brother.


Seungri and I look different, or maybe it’s because of the large between us, it’s hard to tell we’re actually brothers. He’s five and I’m already turning twenty-one. He has bushy eyebrows and deep-set eyes. He looks like a panda to me, but sometimes more like a puppy, especially with those misty eyes of his.


“Buy me ice cream,” he demanded and he started pulling my hand back in the car.


The stench of the soup coming from my clothes made its way to my nose and I said, “Hyung has to change first.” His eyes darted to the orange stain on my crisp white shirt and he frowned.


“You painted without me.”


Silly kid. He actually thought that I went finger painting all by myself. Before he could cry, I shook my head and said, “No, Seungri. This is soup. Hyung was not careful, that’s why the soup dribbled on my shirt. I’ll change first so we could buy your ice cream, okay?” He nodded and I entered the house. I heard him say to Kang and Lee, “I like soup.”

I ran to my room, changed into a white shirt and faded jeans, before sprinting back to the car. Seungri was already inside the car, playing with Kang, and I shook my head at the way my assistant looked more of a nanny instead of a ruthless gangster.


Looking at my kid brother, I sometimes wish I have a simple life like him. He has no idea that everyone who surrounds him are despised by most people. I know we’re not popular because we’re favorites. I was never that dense.


But for the sake of his innocent mind, we had to keep it a secret from him.


When the right time comes, we’d tell him what we really do.


After a long drive, we finally arrived at the mall, where Seungri’s favorite ice cream house is. He was all giddy at the idea of unlimited ice cream that I had to hold his hand, basically just to restrain him.




I looked at the kid who was holding my hand and he had that worried look at his face. His brows were scrunched up and he seemed like he smelled something funny. I lifted the collar of my shirt and sniffed if it was I who made my brother have that expression.




“Appa said you’re getting married soon.”


I rolled my eyes and suppressed a groan. I wasn’t exactly ready for a mature talk with my five-year old brother and the way he looked at me at that time was enough to shrink a full-grown man.


“Well…” I trailed off after the first sentence, and Seungri pursed his lips, waiting for the continuation. I had no choice but to point at the thing closest to me and said, “Look! Chocolate Ripple!”


It was a lame distraction, but Seungri being Seungri, he instantly bought it.


We had fun, or more likely, he had fun during our time in the store. I had a hard time coaxing him to go home and when he finally relented, we were already tired.


The car was parked across the street and while waiting for the pedestrian light to go green, I saw a tall guy with slightly long hair staring at us.


He was the biggest eyesore I ever saw.


[Jaejoong POV]


The day started very well for me.


Meeting a girl while I was on the elevator, meeting another while I was driving out of the building and on the way to meet another a friend already introduced a week ago.


Well, until I saw Seunghyun.


And as usual, he looked at me like I wasn’t suppose to be alive.


What the heck was his problem?


We used to be friends during elementary. We were really close or so I thought, because one day he just beat the crap out of me until I passed out. We drifted apart after that incident, and got to each other’s nerves since then. Seunghyun and I would fight each other every after class until our parents finally got the hint and transferred us to different schools. It didn’t stop there though. Our fight continued up to high school. It only stopped when I entered college. As far as I know, he never tried to take any entrance exams.


I don’t freaking care about his explanation. All I know was that he’s a moron who beats up his friends.


I had to fight the urge to hit him square on the face because he has a kid with him.


Instead, I turned my attention to the flickering red light, and counted how many times it blinked just to amuse myself.


“Who’s that?” I heard the kid Seunghyun was carrying say.


I glanced sideways at them as I waited for the to say who I was.


I was a friend he beat up when we were in elementary, kid. Stay away from him, I screamed in my mind. And then to my utmost chagrin, Seunghyun replied, “That’s the ’s bastard.”




I love Seungri here. :3

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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 3: jaedara vs tabisan :)
Chapter 3: New reader here ;) please update soon :)
Chapter 3: please more update soon :)
Interesting to see a baddy tabi and a little seungri to...
Rhavege #5
Chapter 3: Please update this story!!!
kwondarong #6
please update pelase
Chapter 3: i think i;m gonna love seunghyun and dara moments here. lol. I'm in love with bad boys characters :)
myjoyce1986 #8
please update soon please
Awww love ur stories plz update soon
dara_oneshots #10
Your stories are really fun to read Authornim.
I adore Seungri here, he's so cute.

And I love TOP's character.