Chapter 20 - Sticky Situation

Never Let You Go


No One POV

“JongHyun. Ready?” Onew asked as he leaned on the car door. JongHyun nodded slightly and looked at the streams of students flowing out.

“It should be easy. Blonde hair. Get it?” JongHyun reminded Onew as he scrutinized the crowd. When 15 minutes passed, he started frowning. The crowds were getting lesser.

“Sure she will come out from here?” Onew sighed, frustrated.

“Yes. Their car is right there.” JongHyun nodded as he pointed to the car. It was still there, the same spot where he saw it that morning.

“We have to get them before they get up the car.” Onew frowned as he scanned the crowds again. There was absolutely no sign of Tiffany and Jessica.

“Impossible.” JongHyun muttered as he scanned the crowds again. There were lesser students coming out now.

“If they are still in the school, it would be easier to see them coming out.” Onew replied as he turned to JongHyun.

“It’s impossible. At this time, they should be out of the campus already. Something is wrong.” JongHyun wrinkled his nose as he ran his fingers through his hair.


“Yuri!” Minho panted as he grabbed her wrists and pulled her along with him.

“What’s going on? Slow down!” Yuri yelled as she struggled to keep up with her athletic boyfriend.

“Where are they? Jessica and Tiffany. Onew and JongHyun are waiting for them.” Minho informed Yuri as he scanned the classrooms.

“What?” Yuri gasped in shock. She was no stranger to Onew’s obsession for Tiffany.

“I saw them before. They are at the backyard.” Yuri blurted out as she pulled Minho to a stop, before turning into the hallway that led to the backyard.

“Let’s go.” Minho nodded and both of them sprinted to the backyards.

“Quick. We can’t let them leave the school.” Yuri whimpered as she tried to breathe normally. Minho did not answer but continued dragging Yuri to the backyard. About 2 minutes later, they burst into the backyard, only to be welcomed by annoyed stares.

“Tiffany and Jessica, where are they?” Yuri rushed to Taeyeon and Seohyun.

“Both of them? They left just before both of you came in.” Taeyeon shrugged innocently.

“Where were they heading to?” Minho asked.

“There.” Seohyun pointed to the direction where she saw Tiffany and Jessica going to.

“.” Minho cursed as he grabbed Yuri’s wrist and sped off.

“Thanks!” Yuri yelled back as she tried her best to keep up. This wasn’t a joke to both of them. Tiffany and Jessica were headed to the main doors to get to the carpark. The main doors where Onew and JongHyun were at.

“Come on Yul.” Minho urged as he pulled Yuri along. Yuri panted heavily as they zoomed past students.

“There they are.” Yuri panted as she pointed to Jessica.

“.” Minho cursed again. 10 more steps to danger. He sped up again, with an exhausted Yuri at his heels.

“9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3…” Minho counted in his head as Tiffany and Jessica stepped forward. Just one last sprint.

“Ahhh!” Tiffany shrieked as Minho and Yuri pulled both of them to the side, where they were hidden by the doors.

“What’s going on here?” Jessica frowned as she turned to step out.

“Oh no you don’t.” Yuri regained her strength and pulled Jessica back in.

“Let’s get out of this place. As soon as possible.” Minho suggested as he caught sight of Onew and JongHyun walking back in.

“You don’t want to know what will happen if you girls stepped out.” Minho warned as he grabbed Yuri’s and Tiffany’s wrist, while Yuri grabbed Jessica’s. He pulled the three girls into an empty classroom, where he locked the doors almost immediately.

“Stay low.” He advised and brought the three girls to behind the teacher’s desk. Looking out at the window, Minho grinned in satisfaction as he spotted Onew and JongHyun walking past the classroom.

“Will you tell me what is going on?” Tiffany gritted her teeth as she brushed her outfit.

“Shh… Be quiet. Onew and JongHyun were waiting for you outside. One more step and both of you have officially entered the tiger’s den.” Minho grumbled as he pulled Yuri to her feet.

“And why is it a tiger’s den?” Jessica raised her eyebrows as she stood up.

“Tiffany, you have gotten some love letters recently right?” Minho asked, ignoring Jessica’s question.

“Yeah…” Tiffany replied cautiously.

“Don’t you feel uncomfortable reading it? Like you are being followed and harassed?” Minho leaned on the teacher’s desk.

“How do you know?” Tiffany glared at him.

“They were all from Onew. And Onew is the one who is waiting for you outside. And Jessica, you were ignoring JongHyun today right? You know him well. How would he react?” Minho snickered as he held Yuri’s hands tightly.

“No way…” Tiffany muttered.

“Thank you, anyway. So, how are we supposed to get out of this place?” Jessica sighed and crossed her arms.

“Simple. Get in your car and drive away. Don’t go back home. Stay somewhere else. Don’t come to school tomorrow. Jessica, break up with JongHyun.” Minho suggested.

“That sounds easy.” Jessica grumbled.

“Hide!” Yuri whispered and pulled Minho down with her. Tiffany and Jessica jumped in shock and immediately hid behind the teacher’s desk. Tiffany watched in fright as Onew and JongHyun stode past the classroom.

“Change of plans. Tiffany and Jessica, get someone to drive your car out of school and to the park. Then, get into my car and I will drive you guys out of school.” Minho mumbled as he held on tightly to Yuri’s hands.

“No problem. Just keep a lookout on Onew and JongHyun.” Jessica smiled slightly and pulling Tiffany behind her, they left the classroom swiftly.

“Minho…” Yuri whimpered as she buried her face in his chest.

“It’s okay, Yul. I will protect you forever.” Minho smiled as he hugged Yuri tightly.

“Onew…. He changed…. He isn’t the Lee JinKi I used to know.” Yuri sobbed.

“I know… Let’s go Yul. We need to get them out.” Minho smiled warmly, pulling Yuri up with him.


“Taeyeon ssi, Seohyun ssi!” Jessica called out.

“Oh, Jessica, Minho and Yuri were looking for you.” Seohyun informed them as she packed her things.

“Yes, we met each other already. Are you guys leaving now?” Tiffany smiled at them warmly.

“Yes, is there anything you need?” Taeyeon asked as she stood up, with her bag slung over her shoulder.

“Actually, we have a favor. You see, due to some problems, we have to leave the school inconspicuously. If it is okay, could both of us drive our cars out to the park? We will meet you guys there and send both of you home.” Tiffany replied sheepishly. Seohyun looked at Tiffany weirdly.

“Sure. Where is your car parked?” Taeyeon agreed as she reached her hands out for the car keys.

“Right in front. It’s pink and it’s parked right at the end. It’s the only pink car, to be honest. You should have no problem finding it.” Tiffany handed Taeyeon the car key as she flashed her eye smile.

“No problem. Let’s go Seohyunnie.” Taeyeon smiled and left, Seohyun right beside her.

“Problem solved. Let’s go.” Tiffany grinned as she turned back into the school, where they were going to meet Minho and Yuri.


“Unnie, both of them are being weird. Are you sure about this?” Seohyun whined as she tugged Taeyeon’s sleeve.

“If I’m not wrong, they are avoiding Onew and JongHyun.” Taeyeon whispered as they walked closer to both of them.

“There is something fishy going on, but Seohyun, we have to help them. Keep calm. Unnie will do the explanations.” Taeyeon assured Seohyun as they walked past Onew and JongHyun confidently.

“Click.” The car sounded as Taeyeon unlocked the car. Flinching, she climbed into the car quickly. After making sure Seohyun was in safely, she locked the doors.


“JongHyun, look.” Onew gasped as he pointed to Taeyeon and Seohyun getting into the car.

“This… It isn’t right.” JongHyun muttered as he sprinted to the pink car.

“Here goes.” Taeyeon bit her lips as she pretended to start up the engine. She knew she had to face a confrontation no matter what.

“Excuse me.” JongHyun knocked on the windows.

“Yes?” Taeyeon replied as she winded the windows down.

“Do you own this car?” Onew asked casually.

“Not exactly.” Taeyeon mumbled as she calmed herself down.

“To my knowledge, this car belongs to Tiffany Hwang. We could not have mistaken because this is the only pink car.” Onew replied.

“I borrowed it from her. To be exact, I rented it from her.” Taeyeon faked a smile as she stared innocently at Onew.

“From what I know, Tiffany doesn’t let just anyone drive her car.” Onew retaliated.

“Do you know who am I? If you don’t, I suggest you keep your hands to yourself and probably do some research on me.” Taeyeon shrugged. She had to act like a to get herself out of this sticky situation. Beside her, Seohyun just kept quiet and had her eyes close. Stealing a gaze at Seohyun, an idea formed in Taeyeon’s mind.

“Excuse me? Can I leave now? My best friend here is sick and I have to send her to the hospital. Or would you like to pay for her hospital bills when her fever fries her brains?” Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she tried to speak like a .

“I don’t really care, you know. What I want to know is why are you in Tiffany’s car.” JongHyun spoke up, glaring at Taeyeon. A big part of Taeyeon wanted to just start the engine and speed off, but she knew she would just blow her cover. They would be bound to follow her and everything would be futile.

“I told you, I rented it from her.” Taeyeon sighed, faking an exasperated look.

“I don’t believe you. Spit it out. Where are they?” JongHyun smirked as he leaned into the car. Taeyeon couldn’t believe it. How could she get out of this sticky situation?


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Chapter 25: I'm glad that I mange to help you. ^_^ reading this for the third time. ^_^
Angelboi #2
I love it! Great story :)
Krysia #3
its sad that it ended so early :'( a really great story :) i hope you write more Jaysica stories!
waahh!! i love it!!!
PJ-Yang #5
OMG; you updated it and finish it. I love the ending; they are so cute together!!!
KpopSnsdFxFan #6
Omgggggg Updateeeee :)
PJ-Yang #7
Hi. I'm a new reader of yours. It's getting so good and aww how I wish jaysica meet already.
awww, the story's ending soon :( will the next fanfic be about jaysica too? update soon btw :) luv ur story. :)
Krysia #9
Aigoooo.....jonghyuns sad past :(( but nice update :) let jay meet sica soon XD fighting!