Family Meetings, Out to the Plains!

Heroes of Korta

This is it. We arrived at Kangin hyung’s porch. His house is like a zoo itself. Horses roaming around his gardens, wolves that are loyal to him, and he even pet a dragon that he called Fjord, in his farm. He always said to me that once, he founded an odd egg when he was travelling to Shifuka. He took it and went home. After 3 weeks, the egg cracked and a baby dragon popped out. Kangin hyung nursed it until it grew up. Fjord had grown and became a loveable blue dragon. He won’t attack people unless they offend his master. The young blue dragon had been perching on Kangin hyung’s porch, looking at us suspiciously. Donghae was so scared that he hid behind Key’s back. I greeted the dragon warmly, since I used to pet it when I was younger, and knocked on Kangin’s door.

”Hyuung..!” I called knocking his door louder, ringing his bell.

“Coming!” A deep voice shouted from inside. The door swung open and a man with a fair stubble appeared. Kangin hyung had become 30 years old last year and he’s now a full-grown man.

“Wah…Jonghyun-ah! How have you been, Cousin?” He caught me and hugged me tight,” C…an’t b…rea..the hyung.” I gasped and he let go off me. Kangin hyung smiled and waved to Kibum.

” Hey Kibum-ah…you…” I cut him off, shushing him,” Hyung. Don’t call my brother a sissy boy. He’s a grown up man and he’s just as manly as I am. If you insult him, you insult me too.”

“Whatever you say, Jonghyunnie.” He nodded and invited us inside. I knew Kangin hyung wouldn’t dare to insult me because I’m actually his favorite cousin, since I can fight well and full of determination.

“Thanks hyung!” Key nudged me on the ribs, giving me a warm smile. I smiled back and went inside Kangin hyung’s house.


Kangin hyung’s house is very neat, adorned with many exotic swords and blades that can’t be found around the islands of Kraden. A cooking pot is boiling over a flaming fire pit, leaping out to the living room. Rabbits and frogs hung on his kitchen walls, ready to be harvested for dinner. Chests are placed neatly along the room’s wall, pictures of him and his family also posted along the walls. I looked around and remembered how his house used to be full of toys when we were smaller. I chuckled and sat down on the dining chair whilst observing the place,” Hyung. This place didn’t change a bit!” I grinned and glanced towards Kangin. He looked at me and smiled,” That’s because I never want to change this old place. It’s an inheritance along the Kim family passed from our ancestors. Later when I am gone, this place is going to be yours!” Kangin joked and ruffled my hair. But it is true. This house is so old and precious that we, the Kim, just need to repaint it over and over again. This house had stood in the same plot of land in Markrath for the last 100 years! I shook my head and looked over to Key and Donghae.

” Guys. We’ll rest here and tomorrow, early morning, we’ll travel to Oblivion, in search of survivors like us. They say that that city is infected recently and we need to help. We’ll borrow some horses from Kangin hyung. Is it okay hyung?” I asked cocking my head to my cousin who is quietly drinking a glass of ale in the corner of the room. He smiled,” Of course. Anything for my little cousin! I have the best-bred stallions in all Markrath! Feel free to eat dinner and tomorrow I’ll pack some delicious fresh baked goguma and milk honey for your journey.” I thanked him briefly and we all sat on the dining chairs, eating grilled rabbit legs with kimchi soup. Although it was only yesterday that I ate something, I still feel hungry. I grabbed the rabbit legs with my fingers and gobble them up hungrily, munching soundly on the soft flesh.


“Hyung. Eat with some manners!” Key scolded my behavior as he ate quietly beside me.

“But I’m hungryyy…” I whined desperately, pouting at the younger.

“Hyung. You ate a whole cow yesterday. How can you be famished today?” He rolled his eyes at me.


I lower my head and softly whisper a ‘sorry’ to my brother. He just smiled and continued eating. The dinner was full of silence and I looked outside of the window. The moon is up on the sky, shining the world below her. Suddenly, a huge ball of light came tumbling down in the dark sky, heading towards land. I had never seen anything like this. Not in my 17 years of living. I nudged Kangin hyung and asked about the huge ball of light. “It’s what you call a comet, Jonghyunnie. It only came once in a decade. Father used to tell me that you have to wish for something when the ball of light passes your window. It’s been a while since I saw a comet.” He smiled, looking at the window.

            We finished dinner and placed the plates in the sink. “Kangin-ssi. Let me help.” Donghae called and offered the older latter to wash the dishes. Kangin hyung smiled and let Donghae join him.

I sat outside the porch and looked through the horizon. Markrath is armed with many guards and the huge, thick walls protected the city from dangers outside. I sighed and rested my head on my hand. “Does anyone here even know anything about the Infection?” I asked myself, eyeing the people who are walking along the streets. They laughed as they walked along the sidewalk. I wonder why I never did laugh anymore since the day of the Infection started. “Hyung, can I sit with you?” I looked behind me and there was Key, smiling warmly.


“Hey, hyung?”

“Yeah, Key?”

He grinned and rubbed his neck,” Once again, I thank you for letting Kangin hyung acknowledge me. Thank you very much hyung. I owe you one.” I nodded and smiled at my little brother,” No problem. Besides, brothers are supposed to support one another, right?” He nodded and smiled,” Of course. The Kim brothers won’t let his other self down!” I chuckled.

“Hey hyung. Is there something wrong?” Key nudged me in the ribs, furrowing his eyebrows. I sighed and looked at the younger.

” Key…it’s just wrong to tell you this but…”

“But what hyung?”

I sighed and looked at him deeply in the eyes,” I think…I think I’m…in love with you.”

Key gave me a face and he shrieked,” What the flint hyung! Did you just say you’re in love with me? But that’s just wrong! I know we’re brothers and all but I never thought that you will fall in love with me. I mean…I know that I am hot and all but gosh hyung! You should’ve told me years ago so that I won’t be so shocked today!” He glared at me. I laughed. Whole-heartedly. Key gave me a confused look.

”Why the laugh?” I chuckled and grinned at him.

” Hey, bro. Happy October Fool’s day.”

Key gave me a weird look,” But tomorrow is October Fool’s. Not today.” I shrugged,” It’s midnight already my brother.” Key chuckled and circled his hand around my shoulder,” Hyung. You really are something aren’t you?” I ‘hmmed’ and let him snuggle on my chest. I never had so much fun and laughter until now. Even if Key and I didn’t come from the same mother, we had a fun time together for all of these 17 years. I looked down at my brother and smiled at him. He was my best friend and brother. I won’t let anything happen to him.


“Yeah hyung?”

“Let’s get inside. It’s cold out here.”

“Okay hyung.”

I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him into the house. Kangin hyung had slept, guessing by the sounds of his infamous loud “pig-like” snores. I shook my head and went to my room,” Night, bro.” Key called out to me. “Night Key.” I smiled and went to my bedroom. I rummaged through my satchel and found a pair of baggy pants and a shirt. I put it on and got under the covers,” Tomorrow will be awesome.” I smiled and slept through the night peacefully.



I woke up, my whole body shivering from the chilly air. I looked outside the window, brown leaves are scattered across the grassy plains around the Kim mansion. I guess fall is tagging along this time of the year. I walked outside my room, covering myself with my thick bed sheet. Don’t get me wrong. These bed sheets are awfully thick and warm. I walked down the staircase, smelling the sweet scent of baked goguma. I looked over the opened kitchen door and saw Kangin hyung packing up the sweet goguma and jars of honey with a blue cloth.

He noticed my presence and looked up,”Mornin’ Jjong. Here’s the goguma and honey I promised yesterday, “ Kangin smiled and handed me the heavy cloth,”use it wisely.” He patted me on the shoulder and left the room.

I smiled briefly at his disappearing figure and went to the kitchen cabinets, grabbing some tealeaves. Minutes later, I am sipping from a steaming mug of Jasmine tea, whilst looking out of the kitchen window. The brown leaves kept on falling without an end, causing the road to become a brown mess.

“Hyung? You awake?”

I glanced at the source of a sleepy voice. Key is leaning on the kitchen doorframe, looking at me sleepily. His hair is jumbled up everywhere and his clothes are shriveled. “Hey Key. Heh…yeah. I’m awake.” I smiled at him and patted a space next to my seat. He dragged himself to the spot I’m motioning him to go.

I looked at him briefly,” Hey man. Are you sick?”

He glanced sideways and shook his head sleepily,” No. I’m just not a morning person. Especially waking up to a cold morning.”

I chuckled softly and patted his head,” Hey…about yesterday…” I start to blush.

Key grinned,” No worries. It’s for today, right?”

I return the grin,” Of course. It’s too bad that Kangin and Donghae hyung didn’t get to enjoy it. I asked them about October Fool’s yesterday and they were like ‘Oh. That was old scool.’ or ‘We don’t think, play and do things like kids.’ “

We laughed together, enjoying the cold October morning. The laughter died slowly, coming to a silent end. It’s not awkward but it’s peaceful and calming. I looked out the window and out to the horizon. The sun is on its way up the sky, telling us it's around 9:00 in the morning. My eyes widened.

“ It’s time for us to leave Markrath. It’s around 9:00 already!” I talked, frustrated. “Eotokke? Eotokke?” I paced around the room.

Key grabbed my arm,” Relax hyung! We still can leave the city and arrive at Oblivion on time. We just need to wake Donghae hyung up.” He smiled and calmed me down.

I nodded and ran up the stairs, bursting into Donghae hyung’s room,” Hyung! Hyung! Wake up! We need to go!” I shouted right on his left ear. Donghae literally jumped out of his bed, his eyes almost popping out.

” DUDE! WHAT THE HELL?” he glared at me, his hair is tousled and sticking out everywhere. I bowed apologetically and calmed him down.

“Look. I’m sorry but we need to go as fast as we can. I don't want to arrive at Oblivion the day after tomorrow. It’s around 9:00 already and you better be packing up fast. I’m going to pack up too.” I left him standing in his bedroom, cursing at my wake up call.

I walked to my bedroom and found my leather satchel. I packed my clothes in, folding them neatly. I grabbed a loaf of bread from my satchel and ate it while changing into my everyday attire. A pair of black sleek skinny jeans, a red-checkered plait shirt, and a pair of blackish-red high tops. I ran down the stairs, finding Key already packed up and a fuming Donghae. I mouthed a brief sorry to him and walked out the door. The morning sun greeted us as I squinted to see a figure standing on the porch while feeding Fjord. Kangin hyung turned and smiled at us,” Time to go already? Aww…but it’s still in the morning.” He pouted playfully and hugged us. “Oh yeah. The horses are equipped and are strolling in the backyard. They can be tamed easily. So…relax.”

We nodded and walked to Kangin hyung’s backyard. The 3 chestnut colored horses are strolling around the grassy areas, looking at us with neutral eyes. We picked out each of our horses and went back to the waiting Kangin hyung, whilst riding on each of our horse’s backs. He looked at us all with warm eyes. “Look at you all. Saving the remaining humanity with your bare hands. Now that’s what I call men!”

We looked at each other and smiled,” We’re gonna miss you, hyung!”

He smiled and waved at us. I waved back and steer my horse’s reins towards the road. I glanced my head and looked at Key, who, I think, is currently filled with pride.

 I smirked,” Someone’s happy to finally be acknowledged as a man~”

 Key glared at me shouted shrilly,” Yah!”

Donghae hyung widened his eyes,” Dude! Key’s a gal?” he mouthed to me. I laughed uncontrollably and playfully mouthed back,” He was. But he’s changed into a man now. He’s indeed a manly man.”

Donghae shot me a weird look and continued trotting forward, a soft breeze following after him and his chestnut colored horse. I sighed contently and looked at the mighty iron bars of Markrath. How I wish Korta would have one of those things to protect it from dangers like bandit attacks or things like civil wars. It would be much more useful.

I glanced at my horse and patted him softly on the head,” From now on, you’re going to be called Reinhart.”

The timid horse neighed softly as if understanding my words. He enjoyed the touch on top of his head and continued trotting. Not long after that, we arrived in front of the large gate of Markrath and the guard noticed us quickly. He let the iron bars open and we galloped out into the open.

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