Chapter 14~~

Love Sick

Taecyeon POV

"I'm planning to change Jessica's decision by changing her mind." I said to Donghae.

"Okay. so what do you want me to do?"

"You don't need to do anything, you just need to protect Yoona." I said clearly.


"I need to go now." I said good bye to Donghae.

"Okay." He replied.

"I need to find Jessica before she do anything to Yoona." I said to myself.

I called her manager to find out where she is, but her manager say she went out.

Her manager doesn't know where she is.

I went to find her.

Jessica POV

"I need to warn Yoona not to go near Donghae first."I said in my mind.

But before i find Yoona , ineed to get myself s cup of coffee to drink first.

I went to my favourite coffee shop called "Star Coffee".

Just as i was about to went out of the shop....

Taecyeon POV

I found all the place that Jessica would often go to but there's one more place i didn't went.

I went to Star Coffee , the shop that Jessica would often went.

And i saw her walking out of the shop.

"Jessica!" I shouted her name and walked towards her.

"Taecyeon? When did youcome back to Korea?" she asked me.

"You don't need to know. I need to talk to you." I pulled her to a queiter place.

"What do you want Taecyeon?"

"You love Donghae?"


"You are lying!" I yelled at her.

"I'm not lying!"

"Yes you are! I admit that i like Yoona not love her. You lied to Donghae that Yoona and I are dating already because i broke up with you right?"

"No." She answered with a shaking tone.

"Do you know why i broke up with you?"

She shook her head.

"Because.." I told her the story that she doesn't care about me at all , Yoona was there for me that time when i needed her the most.


"Jessica, Donghae doesn't love you anymore. He loves Yoona now. Stop interrupting them."

"And Jessica, you know what? I still love you." I smiled to her.

She was shocked. When i was about to walk away, Jessica pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry when you need me and i'm not there for you." she cried.

I smiled at her and said "It' okay, it is the past.i have already forgiven you." i hugged back.

"Thanks Taecyeon." she smiled at me.


I have update it. Boring right? *sigh* I don't know what to write >< No ideas ><

But the next update will be YoonHae. :)

Super Junior From U Live performance -->

This is the performance i want Super Junior to do. But if they add SNSD inside , it would be perfect, but of course must have our YoonHae as pairing.

EunHae moment.

This is funny! Creepy Kyuyhyun.

And Yoona and Heechul went to JGS concert today. Why doesn't Donghae go too???

The perfect goddess for Lee Donghae :)

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
ILoveAnimeCouples #2
Chapter 15: Sadly, there is a kiss scene in Donghae's new drama ): BUT I IMAGINED IT TO BE YOONA HAHAHAA IM SO AWESOME
Yoonhae Way to go!
@blueyellowfish Thanks :)
OMG. Beautiful story! :')
YoonHae jjang !!! :)
mizalee #6
you are the best yoonhae shipper !
@Va_asianloverz updated :)
please update soon
@ilovehaee :)
Wooow, yoonhae moment next :)) can't wait =)))