chapter one { selected applicants }

Razer; new boy band { apply ; C L O S E D }

*continuation from previous chapter*

“..Let's start.

Jinho took the beige envelope from Mr. Kim's hands and opened it neatly. The trainees sat around nervously, mostly with nervous looks, a couple with excited faces, some who didn't care, and a few with confident faces. Jinho took out a cream coloured paper out of the envelope, unfolded it neatly and started.

Before he started, he cleared his throat and said, “If you don't make it, please don't be affected by it. We will put you under training and you might even be able to enter our next group. Good luck to all of you.Before reading out the names, he took a glance at the paper. He cleared his throat again.

“First member. He took another look at the paper to double-check and said, “Lee.. Jinsun.The people looked around to see who this 'Jinsun' was. Then there was a dragging sound from the back, only made by a chair in the building. Some of the boys arched their eyebrows as the black-haired boy got up and walked over to Jinho. As he walked, he knew a couple girls from another room who was staring at them were gonna faint. But he had no interest in them at all. He wasan't straight, anyway.

“Alright.. next..” Jinho took look at the paper. “Bang Tae Woon.” a boy with brownish hair from the back jumped up excitedly and made his way to the front. He suddenly gave Jinho a bear hug and shook his hand vigourously. “Thank you! Thank you!” he was so happy.  No one could blame him, anyway.

“Next, we have.. Dong Min. Choi Dong Min. Domonic Choi.” Jinho looked up from the paper just in time to see a boy with blonde hair and a rather attractive face stand up from the front and make his way to the front. He was rather tall. He smiled as he walked over next to Tae Woon. He had made a couple friends before the training, around two or three, names being Hyungah, Jinsun and Park Soo.

“Alright.. fourth member. We have Park Hyungah.” A boy with a very attractive face stood up from the right side of the room. A beanie was over his head and hands in the pockets of his hoodie. The boy felt eyes from the back staring at him because of his attractive face. Derp. 

“Fifth member. We have Hwang Park Soo, our rapper.” A male, a really, really tall male, got up from the front and walked over to Hyungah. The other trainees had to strain their necks just to look up at him. That was how tall he was. 

“Last but not least, we have Choi Seung Hwan.” The remaining trainees glared at Seung Hwan; mainly because he stole their spot; or from jealousy. The last male with brown-black hair stood up from the middle of the room and made his way to the front.

“That's it guys. That's all the members. But for the rest; don't be disheartened. You will be rewarded for this. You have come so far. It won't go down the drain.” Mr Kim announced to the rest of the people. He turned to Jinho. “Bring them to their dorm.” Jinho nodded. They went into a room to collect their personal belongings, their name marked on a cardboard box, indicating whose was whose. Then they boarded into a van spacious enough for all of them, and headed for the dorms.


member profiles










congrats to all selected members! but dont worry, those who didnt get selected, you will appear in the story, anyway. please comment, those who have gotten in, and those who have not! i want to see who still supports this. especially those who got selected. i worked hard on the profiles. im a photoshop noob.

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lovelikethis_ #1
Jinho definitely wins for being the most unique manager ever. xD

Jiro seems very enthusiastic. I feel I'll really like him as well. I can't wait to meet the vocal instructor.

Another couple. :D ...Actually does Jinsun and Tae Woon count as a couple? xD Either way I can't wait to see developments in both of their relationships. (Jinsun and Tae Woon and now Hyungah and Park Soo)
stolkholm #2
I found this chappy quite funny as well x)
LOL. THE TIED UP GUY. That must've been and sight C;
Jiro-- ....I can't even. He. Is. FUNNY. XDDDD.
Ohohohohohoho ;3
These boys....aish, their hormones must be as active as they are xD
But I like it, ALOT <3
And was Hyungah talking about Parksoo's at the end?
Meh gusta ;)
And Parksoo is tall, so that's why I'm assuming it's him. OuOb
the poor members have to train so hard!
Jiro is awesome XD
who was the guy in the room ?! was it -- Hyungah that had his way with him ?! haha . oooh , dirty guys , they are =)) .
the like "fortunately it wasn't too big" made me go "Bwoh" ?! haha . =)) good update . and don't worry , you take your time
lovelikethis_ #5
Jinsun and Tae Woon have gotten incredibly close in one day. xD
I can't wait to see how their relationship develops~

Also your is quite good. So I'm even happier about that.
You're a great author.
the was really good I must say!
this story is just awesome XDD
stolkholm #7
The ;////;
Thats hawttttt.
And lkjhgfdsa.
My feels.

<3 Once again, a very good chappy ^3^
haha . thisw chapter was good ! haha . I guess Jinsun couldn't hold it in any longer . hha . and now we see what both him and the maknae are up to ! =)) watch out other members . haha