Teen Top - L.Joe

K-pop iPod Shuffle Fanfic Challenge

Teen Top - L.Joe

L.Joe's girlfriend was one of the most hottest girls at T.O.P. High,one of the highclass prestigious high schools.
All guys would be jealous of L.Joe,but knew it would never happen with them and her since L.Joe and her were both Queenka/Kingka to begin with.
L.Joe and Haeri(His girlfriend) would always be lovey dovey(T-ARA :O~!...XD..) and do those couple things.
Sometimes they would do boyish stuff,and L.Joe would never be able to keep up with Haeri since some of those boyish stuff was running,playing sports,and video games and L.Joe being the short legged but handsome boy he was,
He could never run as fast as Haeri could.
L.Joe and Haeri could also never be seperated from each other.Whenever they are both at home,they would be either on FaceBook,MySpace,Twitter,Tumbler,or texting each other.
They both were the perfect couple.

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ElfAngelB2UTY #1
Hehe..Thanks X3~!