
It's Uncanny!

Xiumin's POV

As we approached the counter. "Hi, Ms. Sohee. You're looking lovely today." The cashier guy said. "Do you go here often?" I looked at her. She nodded. When we reached the table.

"The guy earlier cannot leave his eyes off of you."

She laughed. "He told me that I look lovely. If he knew about the 'incident' earlier, he wouldnt have said that."

Agree. Never going to listen to those guys again. "I'm sorry.." I bowed my head

"It's okay" She smiled. "So, this is your favorite place?"

"Yup. I always go here whenever something good or bad happens to me."

"I go here whenever I'm hungry" We laughed.


30 minutes have passed.

"I'm really going to miss this." I don't really care now about how she will react to it. I just want to say how I truly feel. But, of course. I'm still nervous.

" Same.." She was looking at the cake and playing with it. She looked so cute that I couldn't help myself..

"I like you a lot, Sohee." She dropped her fork and looked at me. No one said a word. we were just looking at each other. and then she smiled, picked up the other fork and gave it to me. I was satisfied with that simple act and to be honest, I've never been glad. I took the fork from her hand and we enjoyed eating what's left from the cake.


"How was your date?" Kris approached and sat beside me

I eyed him. "The kidnap scheme didn't work"

Luhan suddenly burst out of nowhere. "That thing always work. Don't blame the scheme."

"Actually, the plan ." Tao said as he went to the ref and grabbed a can of beer. 'Do you need this?"

"Hey, where did you get that? And no, I don't need it" I said tiredly. Oh, I will drink that later/p>

"Tell us what happened." Lay said as he grab the other chair and sat.

"Chen! Our loverboy is here!" Luhan shouted and Chen came running.


Sohee's POV

I rang the bell of our place even though I have the keys in my bag. A wide eye Lim welcomed me.

"S-Sohee's here! Run!!" Lim was screaming all over the place. I saw the members as they went back into their rooms and locked their doors. Of course, except our leader

"I would've run back to my room too but I'm more curious on what had happened between you two." She guided me to sit in our couch as she grabbed a drink from the kitchen and gave it to me.

"I had fun." I smiled to Sunye and she smiled back.

"Glad to hear that. He's a good guy. He cares about you."

My cheeks are on fire. "I dont even want to know how you guys all planned it." I closed my eyes. The truth is, I want to know all about it and how they came up with it. But I'm too scared, that it might be the reason for me to like him more.

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Chapter 9: Please update soon.. ^_^
Chapter 9: i hope you'll continue this :)
OMG, i love this <3
they are so cute.
Chapter 9: xiumin and sohee really look like each other..
hope they really do become close in real life :))
they're too cute :">
Chapter 9: ive been reading it again and again. hope you update soon. these two are so cute~
anaily709 #6
Chapter 9: OMG this fanfic is so cute~! Please update soon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!!!
richellee #7
Chapter 9: please update soon :3
richellee #8
Chapter 9: Ah! I'm so deeply in love with this pair. XiuHee <3
richellee #9
Chapter 9: Ah! I'm so deeply in love with this pair. XiuHee <3