Hidden Truths

Hidden Truths

A hand tapped Hyukjae’s shoulder lightly. He turned around to see the said hand owner, Leeteuk. The latter smiled at him.

“Hyung,” Hyukjae said, smiling. Leeteuk nodded.

“Can we talk for a while?” Leeteuk asked, looking at a group of angels before him. He acknowledged that they were Sungmin and Ryeowook. “Sure,” Hyukjae replied, lifting his feet off the ground before flying through the air to follow the older angel.

When they reached a secluded area that was far enough from the crowd, Leeteuk talked. “The Master has assigned you a task,” Leeteuk said calmly, earning Hyukjae nodding at him. “He’s sending you down there,” he continued, expecting the younger’s words.

Hyukjae gawped. He was not familiar with the world down there. He had never been there but he had heard few stories from his fellow angels who had been sent there. From it, being down there didn’t seem very favorable.

“Why am I chosen to be sent there?” Hyukjae asked, blinking a few times as his wings wiggled a little bit on his back. Leeteuk shrugged.

“It’s for your own good, they said. You can use this to gain experience being down there.”

Hyukjae thought for a second. Maybe it could be true. “If that is it, why not?”

Leeteuk smiled again as he inched forward a bit to hug the younger angel before him. His wings enveloped his and Hyukjae’s torsos, giving a warm hug to the younger. “You’ll be fine, Hyukjae.” He could feel the latter nodded in agreement.




“What’s wrong?” Sungmin asked when he saw Hyukjae fly towards them, landing down gracefully.

“Nothing much. The Master just wants me to be sent down there,” Hyukjae stated matter-of-factly, staring down at the thick clouds that separated his world and the world down there. Sungmin nodded while Ryeowook stared big-eyes at Hyukjae.

“Oh my god, really hyung?!” the youngest amongst the three shrieked his high pitched voice, successfully gaining attention from the passerby angels.

Hyukjae grinned, assuring the youngest. Ryeowook clasped his hand together while producing an ‘aww’ sound. “I’m going to miss you, hyung. When are you leaving?”

Sungmin clicked his fingers, nodding to Ryeowook. “..Is what I want to ask. Thanks Wookie,” Sungmin beamed cheerfully at the apprentice angel and was returned with a cheerful beam.


“It’s too early!!” the two angels screamed in unison. Hyukjae shrugged his shoulders as he observed the surrounding, looking at nothing in particular.




The temporary farewell was doom. The younger angels joined in to bid their older angel a goodbye, each of them saying same thing like, ‘take care’, ‘don’t forget us up here because humans down there are all good looking’. Hyukjae chuckled. The big hall abruptly was in a silence as The Master entered, guarded by lots of angels. Hyukjae stood still in the middle of the crowd when the rest angels made a way for The Master.

The Master placed his holy hand over Hyukjae’s halo, mumbling something. As if he understood, Hyukjae nodded his head. The Master smiled, showing off the deep and charming dimples of his.

“My dear Hyukjae, I am sending you down there without any means of harm or damage. We will always pray for your safety down there,” all angels in the hall nodded, hands clasping together, wings folded neatly behind their backs and eyes closing.

The Master leaned closer to whisper. “For now there is no particular mission for you. It will be some, later. Gain as much as you can.”

“Yes Dear Master.”

The Master stretched out his arms, indicating the other angels to gather closer. It’s like their ritual to do before an angel was being sent down. They hugged and closed their eyes as The Master muttered something they understood as magic spells, forming a huge bulk of hugging angel in the middle of the big hall.

The bright and striking light suddenly appeared in the middle of the formation. All angels shut open their eyes, smiling to each other.

Hyukjae was safely sent down there.




It was raining cats and dogs and here Donghae was, rolling back and forth of his bed. He sat up and tilted his head to look outside of the window but then fell back into the comforting bed.

But then suddenly, the rain seemed to pour down heavily in a go. Donghae abruptly sat up, staring at the grey sky. Everything; stars and moon were covered by the thick black clouds but there was something shining. Something was gleaming in the sinister sky.

Donghae immediately ran out of his house, not caring about the heavy rain hitting down on him. He stood there, eyes daggered straight towards the sky, following where the bright light was directed to.

It happened in a split second. The light was gone but Donghae was sure it was it.

“Yah Lee Donghae! Come back in! What are you doing in the rain?” his mom shouted from inside, waving her hands, motioning Donghae to get inside.

When he was in his room, Donghae rashly pulled out a box from under his bed. Opening the box carelessly, he saw the red light blinking rapidly.

Hewas here.




Groaning reluctantly, Donghae halfheartedly raised himself from the bed and dashed into the bathroom to take a quick bath. He put on the school uniform improperly, caring less what the teacher would say about it. He picked his steps downstairs and greeted his mom a good morning before going straight to his school.

Kicking the wet leaves that stuck on his shoes off, Donghae walked lazily down the road. Hissing annoyingly when the leaves still did not budge away from his shoes, Donghae bent down to take the wet leaves off.

A blonde suddenly bumped into Donghae, making Donghae to stumble a few inches away. Donghae gritted his teeth in anger. “Where the did you put your eyes at?! “

The blonde ducked his head down, not daring to look up at the fuming boy before him. He muttered a short ‘sorry’ before recklessly running away from Donghae. Little did he notice that he had dropped the entrance form for his school?

Quirking his eyebrows at the sight of the familiar school’s badge, his school’s badge, Donghae crouched down and picked up the paper. Scanning through the paper, he found out that the blonde was a new student at his school. According to age column, the birth year the blonde had written down was similar to what Donghae had once stated in his entrance form last months. They might be a classmate. Donghae shrugged his shoulder before picking up his stuffs and started walking to his school.


Donghae arrived at the school and went straight to the school office. The blonde was there. Donghae mentally gave his self a self pat on the back for guessing it right where the blonde would be at.

The blonde was scratching his head in disorganization. He rummaged through his bag. He was very sure that he put the paper into his bag before leaving the house.

Donghae tittered looking at the disorganized male before him. He sauntered near the blonde and held out the form right in front of the blonde’s face. “Looking for this?”

“Oh my gosh, thank you. Yes, please,” the blonde squeaked in delight when seeing the thing he had been looking for. Donghae waited near the door while waiting for the blonde to finish submitting his entrance form to the school management.

“Lee Eunhyuk,” Hyukjae said, sticking out his hand.

“Never tell the human your real name.” Leeteuk said during their last meet-up.

“Donghae. Lee Donghae. Are you new to this area ‘cause I haven’t seen you around before?” Hyukjae just nodded in reply.  The bell rang, indicating the starting of a new school day for the students. Donghae guided Hyukjae to their classroom (since Hyukjae happened to be placed in the same class as Donghae).

The teacher entered, shushing down the chaotic groups of chatting teens. The students greeted their teacher a good morning. The teacher, a bright young lady, briefed about the new student before calling out for Hyukjae to introduce himself.

The rest of the students just stared uninterestedly at the new student, Hyukjae, except for this certain someone who had had an eye for him since their first encounter.

“I suppose you’ve found your seatmate, Eunhyuk-ssi. Am I right, Lee Donghae-ssi?” the teacher said, hurling her head a bit towards Donghae’s direction. The brunette just nodded back.




First day of being a human went on well. Hyukjae thought and heaved out a relief sigh when walking out of the school area.

“Hey!” someone called out from back. Hyukjae spun on his heel to look at the caller. Donghae was running towards him.

“Do you mind if I join you walking home?” Donghae asked, wiping the sweats on his forehead. Hyukjae merely shrugged.

“Where are you from actually?” Donghae inquired, breaking the silence clouding them. Hyukjae didn’t answer straight. He thought for a while.

“Somewhere you wouldn’t know,” Donghae chuckled at the answer. “O-okay.”

They continued walking with Donghae asking this and that while Hyukjae just replied him short. They arrived at the junction that separated Donghae’s house and Hyukjae’s. Hyukjae bid a simple goodbye before going off, leaving Donghae.

“Lee Eunhyuk,” Donghae murmured, nodding his head.




It was weekend and Hyukjae had no plans at all. Furthermore, he just did not like to mingle around humans. He just rolled lazily on his bed, groaning sometimes when his back hit hard the mattress. He was staring straight to the sky outside the window while wondering what was happening up there when suddenly a sudden painful pain struck on his back. Hyukjae stood up and walked to the oval window he had in his room. He turned around a bit to look at his back.

“Dammit!” he cursed as he took off the clothes he was wearing. Hyukjae crouched down and sat on the floor. He felt something was making its way out from his shoulder blades that made him arch his body forward a little bit.

“God, this hurts!” his face cringed in pain as the pain was getting more and more, unbearable. Luckily, his family was out to attend an event somewhere that he was alone right now. If not, this would freak them out to see a pair of wings form on their son’s back.

That short period of time that seemed like forever to Hyukjae went on for a good amount of minutes before the wings were fully formed. Hyukjae was panting heavily, sweats bathing his body. He stretched the wings open. Hyukjae smiled seeing that his wings were still looking good even though those hadn’t been used for a long time.

The bell of the house suddenly rang. Hyukjae groaned in misery as he folded and hid his wings properly and did something before the wings miraculously disappeared. Assuming that that was the auntie next door who always delivered food to his family, Hyukjae walked down without caring to put on his shirt back, only a small towel dangling around his neck.

“Mom isn’t home, she went out,” Hyukjae said as he opened the door, not looking ahead.


Hyukjae harshly slammed the door close. Slapping his palm on his forehead, he screamed something sounded like ‘wait for a while, be right back!’ before running upstairs.

How the goddamn he could forget that he had promised Donghae to work on their project together at his house today. After putting back the clothes he had on before, Hyukjae sprinted down and opened the door.

“Sorry,” he said after inviting the guest inside. “I thought you were the auntie next door.” Scratching his head, he smiled idiotically at Donghae.

“It’s fine,” Donghae put the paper he had been holding down onto the small table. “So, where are we going to work at?” Donghae asked, looking at the blonde before him.

Hyukjae grinned, looking at his right and left to see if there was anything that could help him to just tell Donghae to stay down here because he hated having stranger in his room. Seemingly, there was nothing. “My room? Since everything that we need for the projects is in my room.”

Donghae raised his shoulder. “I’m okay, you?”

Hyukjae laughed awkwardly. “Why wouldn’t I?”

Hyukjae led Donghae upstairs and let Donghae in into his room. Donghae eyes roamed around Hyukjae’s room. “Your room is nice.”

Hyukjae turned around, arching his brows at the brunette. Donghae frantically waved his hands “I meant, it is neat, unlike the usual boys’ room, or let’s just say, unlike mine.”

Quirking more his brows, Hyukjae stared sternly at Donghae. “You’re saying that I’m a girl then?”

Donghae chuckled, waving his hands even more. “No, no it’s not what I meant,” he sighed, “let’s just get started, shall we?”

Hyukjae exhaled brutally, eyeing the classmate of his annoyingly before he took out the books that they would use later.

While Hyukjae was choosing and picking which books they would need, Donghae found something interesting.

“What is this? This looks like –“

“It’s nothing,” Hyukjae harshly pulled away the thing Donghae had in his hand, his feathers.

“Never,” Leeteuk stated sternly.” Never let humans see you your wings, even a feather.”

“Do you have a bird as your pet?” Donghae asked innocently. Hyukjae shook his head and stuffed the feathers into the bulk of clothes in his closet, slamming the door a little bit too harsh. Donghae jumped in shock. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Let’s just get started and get all these things finished fast.”

Smirking inside but nodding like a faithful kid, Donghae sat down near the study table and started working on their project. The session went on peacefully, Hyukjae not uttering a single word and Donghae silencing not wanting to annoy the blonde.




“Are you mad?”


Donghae asked Hyukjae while they were walking to their class.

“Why should I?”

Donghae scratched the back of his head. “About yesterday?”

Hyukjae chuckled. “Nah, it’s okay. I wasn’t feeling very well yesterday.” Donghae hummed in acknowledgment.

They strode to their class and reached on time when the bell rang. The other students were rushing to enter their classrooms.  The class started.

Donghae and Hyukjae fell into silence since both of them had no idea what to talk about until the last bell rang, signaling the school had ended for today.

“Can I come to your house later this evening?” Donghae asked, catching up with Hyukjae.

Hyukjae stopped abruptly. “For what? We’ve finished the project assigned to us, right?”

“Nothing. It’s just that my parents will be going out and I’ll be home alone and I’ll die of boredom by that time,” Donghae explained, gaining Hyukjae to raise his eyebrows.  “Read books or finish your homework to kill time,” Hyukjae stated nonchalantly.

Donghae sighed, letting his shoulders fall. “– but wait,” Donghae looked up to the blonde beside him.

“My parents said that they are going out later for some event,” Hyukjae tapped his chin, as if thinking thoroughly about something.

“You can come if you want and we can have a study group. Should we ask Kyuhyun to join us too?” Donghae’s eyes brightened up but then glowered secretly at the mention of the third party, Kyuhyun.

“He’s busy with Math Olympiad,” Donghae stated hesitantly, hoping that his reason would make sense to Hyukjae.

“Ah, that’s right. He told me in the class just now,” Hyukjae clicked his fingers. Donghae sighed in relief, going unnoticed by Hyukjae.

“So, see ya!” Hyukjae waved his hands to Donghae before he walked out of the school area.




Ding dong.The bell of Hyukjae’s house rang. Hyukjae ran downstairs to open the door, greeting Donghae with a smile, gums and all. “Come in,” he invited, taking a few books from Donghae as the latter seemed to struggle a bit holding them all.

“You’re early, though,” Hyukjae said, putting down the books on the table while helping Donghae too.

“Sorry,” muttered Donghae and Hyukjae just nodded. “Bored,” Donghae added and Hyukjae chuckled.

“If you want to drink something, just go into the kitchen. Make yourself at home. I’ll be going upstairs for a while. Be right back,” Hyukjae ran a little, skipping up the stairs. Donghae eyed him before silently following the blonde upstairs.

Hyukjae entered his room and headed to his study table to pick up his note book and his stationery. He jumped in shock when he heard the door of his room was suddenly slammed open and then harshly slammed back close. Hyukjae turned around only to see Donghae walking towards him.

“W-what are you doing here?” Hyukjae inquired, inching backwards timidly.

“Hyukjae,” Donghae said and Hyukjae flinched and gasped at the mention of his real name, the name he’s been using when he’s an angel. No one knew his real name down here. At the thought of that, Hyukjae shivered in terror.

“D-Donghae,” he stuttered, taking more steps backwards as the space behind him allowed him to. Donghae stared at him with the eyes that Hyukjae had once been told about when he was up there.

“If we happen to have something to be scared the most at; it is the devil,” Leeteuk told him, pointing at the picture of eyes in front of them. Hyukjae nodded, somehow shivering a bit as if the picture of a pair of eyes was boring a hole at him.

“Hyukjae,” Donghae mentioned his name again. Hyukjae was frightened. He tried to escape but the space left behind him betrayed him. He shifted to the closet beside the study table but Donghae was faster than him.

In no time, Hyukjae was pushed hard against the closet, his back hitting the wooden door of the closet as he groaned in pain. “D-Donghae, let me go,” he winced when Donghae gripped his wrist and held them above his head.

“D-Donghae, please,” he begged. “I’m not here to harm you,” Donghae just smirked at the words.

“An angel was begging to the devil? Wow,” Donghae laughed as he inched closer to Hyukjae, pressing the angel between his body and the closet. Hyukjae screamed but no words escaped his mouth as he felt as if his body was burning.

Donghae’s pupil turned fiery red, mirroring the image of a helpless angel in them. Hyukjae begged endlessly for Donghae to stop it but Donghae was the devil after all.

Donghae leaned closer to Hyukjae, nuzzling the blonde’s fair neck. He roamed there for a while, inhaling the angel’s scent.

“You really smell like it,” Donghae stated and Hyukjae gasped even more, tears were already strolling down his cheeks.

Donghae brought his face up to Hyukjae’s, staring deeply into the begging eyes of the poor angel before him. Donghae let go one of Hyukjae’s wrists. He guided his hand to touch the angel’s face, caressing it.

“You’re really an angel, Hyukjae.”

Hyukjae wanted to scream but he knew his try would be futile. Donghae covered Hyukjae’s lips with his and he could feel the angel writhing under his touch.



“Dear Master!” Leeteuk stormed into The Master’s room, panting heavily and eyes glowering with a pure anger. The three guard angels followed behind him. The Master nodded at them and the three angels went out.

“Yes Dear Leeteuk?” The Master asked so ever casually, resting down on his chair. The latter angel still had the daggers eyes, the eyes that would kill.

“Why are you doing this to Hyukjae?!!” Leeteuk asked, screaming. The Master just smiled.

“He’s no longer needed up here so what’s the use of keeping him?” The Master replied. Leeteuk was fuming. All this while, all of his respects that were on The Master; the heartless master started breaking into useless pieces.

“Send me down there!” Leeteuk screamed one more time yet The Master was still in his composed state.

“No one is going down there.”

Leeteuk fell on his knees, crying. Once the ing heartless Master said that, it meant a no to everything and Leeteuk did not know anything else to do but to cry. “I’m sorry, Hyukjae.”

“Hyung! Donghae was down there and he’s near to Hyukjae,” was all what it took Leeteuk to rush to The Master’s room.




“Donghae, no!” Hyukjae tried to push the devil away but he was too weak for that and Donghae was the opposite. The faint cries of Hyukjae’s could be heard, sounding too miserably as Donghae smirked even more.

Goodbye Hyukjae.”

Donghae took control of Hyukjae’s lips, them along with the soul of the angel. Hyukjae wanted to scream, to cry and to shout but he could not. The pain building up on Hyukjae was unbearable as the angel whimpered in anguish.

Donghae kept Hyukjae’s lips, soul. Smirking, he let go of the lifeless body in his grip. He watched the angel before him slid down onto the hard floor before the angel slowly disappeared into the air.

The black and scary wings formed on Donghae’s back. He headed towards the window and shut it open. The sky was dark, the sun was hiding. No birds chirping, no cars passing on the road. No, nothing.

Donghae flew out of the window and faded into the air before the heavy rains hit the Earth mercilessly.





A/N:The title makes no sense, WHY DID YOU GUYS READ THIS? The so ‘hidden truths’ that I tried to picture in this fic were Donghae (that Hyukjae believed that Donghae was just a normal human, so stupid lah Hyukjae >.>) and The Master (the head of angel who’s supposed to be very naiseuuu but not). OTL //digs grave for my own use. WTF am I talking about ==”

Anyhow, can you detect who the hell is the heartless Dear Master? He totally smells like a horse, you know  >:D

So, who is in the list ‘want to kill the author’? :D

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Thank you!
Find me on LJ; burntheazulsky


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.__________. my hyuk... n GAWD how could hae be a devil :O anw...
btw, are you Singaporean?
monkey_fishy #3
Did you just killed hyukjae here? Oh.

WAE YOU KILLED HIM?!?! Щ(º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀Щ) hyukjae why you so stupid to not realize that donghae is the devil -.- and you horsie siwon I believe is the so called "Dear Master" bleh.

But anyway, I love this. Nowadays I love twisted fic with twisted ending lol what's wrong with me.

Keep on writing! :D♥

Ps: I demand too much from you :p
Could you please make a sequel....
MintyCoffeeFTW_13 #5
The heck Hae?! I did think Hae was in hell at one point... SIWON?!?!?!?! Y U put our innocent, little Hyukkie in danger in the form of Lee Donghae!! >:O JK :D Is this really just a one shot? Could use a sequel tho... <3
lol what in the world are you rambling about in the author's note xD btw, where have u been hah? long time no see u :)

nice story, like seriously! your grammar is better than mine. ish. now i know that i so much lol. and why did hyukjae had to die akdhsjdlfhskf why don't that horse instead. warafak horse!?
... Well. Why do I feel like I have nothing to say except that
To say the least ?
phoenix_taemints #8
woah!!! im guessing that the master is siwon!!! hahaha!! am i right.? i love this! i just hope hyukkie didn't die... :(