#2 Right Decision

Hyung and I (2MIN one-shot collection)

This is the first time that I've been scared in my whole life.

Was this the result of my mysterious vision? Or is it about my constant worrying for my one and only special ... friend? I haven't been seeing Minho hyung for months and it was only today that I've known he's actually missing. There were no clues upon his whereabouts except one. An invitation to a certain place, which address was mischievous. From the appearance itself, everybody was terrified to go and I was the only one left to take the risk.

Because I have always knew these superstitions are always for me and me to endure.

Now here I am, entering the main entrance of this antique. I have seen multiple beings of mysterious living ever since I was young, people say it was because of my childish beliefs but I've always knew it was something deeper than that. What I see right now is what I usually see at horror movies, dusty windows that creek, spider webs being woven and broken plates being heard. As I walk with uneasiness, passing through every pest and dirt I see, I think about the outcomes. The excessive dark dimness of this mansion tells me that I should prepare myself for a ghostly ending, yet the small beam of light from the other side gives signs of retreat.

"Should I give up or go on?" One of the most life-changing questions of our lives.

Yet I keeping  forward, because it is him.

And I struggle throughout these obstacles this house gives me. More creatures are approaching and more delusions are trying to make me step back, but I passed through all of them. I think of them as illusions that this house is giving me, never will I be afraid again. I am used to all of these things, right?

But the big gap that just appeared in front of me tells me no.

I start to shiver as my bulging eyes replied this strange appearance, then closely peeked at was what below, an empty pit. Knowing that it is never-ending, I thought about going back again for if I tried to past this challenge, my life is over.

And I wouldn't see anyone, again.

But I didn't give up, I had great physical training, I can pass through this with ease. After I am done with this thing, I could see him.

I could see him yet again...

It was an attempt that I have never done before, but I feel confident. This is the moment of truth. I was at air for a long time and the edge of the other side is present, I...

Eventually regretted the worst thing that I had done with my life.

Without a delay I continuously fell in a fast motion, feeling the long grab of the gravity, pulling me to my end. I could see my own tears from above as I continuously accept the consequence with a lifeless emotion. 

A loud sound was eventually heard, I have reached the ground. I felt a large impact, but all I saw was red. A bright red tint of the place where I was right now. And a whisper which words were the last ones I have heard before my vision goes blank.

"...Taemin-ah ...Thank you ..."


another chapter for me~ I think this one was a bit dark though ^^

It was a challenge for me since I only wrote this at my iPod Touch, and I thought it looked really long ;w;

maybe i should go for another fluff next time... though I dont know if I should edit this or not.

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Second oneshot for the collection is finished XD


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update please!!! >.<
@MinCa18: San ku xD Oh ~ Hmm. maybe ;D Actually , ya just gave me an idea there >w<

@caline: Hehe, really? Thank ya ^^

@ChoiMinjung91: Woah! R-Really?
Y-You think so? Thank u very much ;D
Omg! The first paragraph sounds exactly like what I've gone through! :O
And awesome writing skills by the way ^^
Sounds so cute<33
MinCa18 #5
First comment! hehe

Would there be ????

just asking =]