I Fell In Love with a Gay Person

I Fell In Love with a Gay Person


Onew quickly went to his sister’s room and sat beside her. He patted her shoulder “Hey Kyung-ah, you need to wake up” he said

“5 more minutes Oppa…” she groans

“Come on or you’ll be late for your first day of high school”

“5 more minutes Oppa, I promise”

“But your twin is already up and eating” he whispered

Then Kyung sat up “I’m hungry, what’s for breakfast Oppa?” she asked

Onew chuckled and ruffled her hair “Pancakes” he said

“My favorite?!” she asked

“Neh… With chocolate chips”

She hugged Onew and rushed downstairs to the kitchen

When everyone was ready and they went inside the car

“I can’t wait to go to school!” Taemin said “I want to make a lot of friends!”

Kyung smiled and nodded at her twin

Onew laughed and focused his eyes on the road “You guys will but first you have to meet my friends” he said

“Ok” The twins said in unison

When they have arrived in the school, the twins quickly got out of the car

“Hurry Hyung~!!” Taemin shouted

Onew rolled his eyes and got out of the car “Why are you so excited?” he asked and locked the car

“Because we’re high school students now!” Taemin said

“Yah, just wait arasoh?” Onew said “My friends will come here soon and meet you”

They both nodded

Just then 4 cars came and parked near where their car is and all the drivers came out and headed to them

Kyung suddenly hugged Taemin’s arm

Taemin looked at her sister and held her close “Yah, don’t be scared. It’s Hyung’s friends” he whispered

Kyung nodded but held onto Taemin. Even though that she is the older of them two, she always thinks that she’s the youngest since what happened to her that day

“Hey guys” Onew greeted “Meet my brother and sister, Taemin and Kyung”

“Hi!” Taemin happily greeted while Kyung just waved at them

“Taemin, Kyung. Meet my friends Jonghyun, Minho and Key” Onew introduced

“Are they twins?” Jonghyun asked

“No Hyung, they’re not the twins that Onew Hyung always tells us about” Minho sarcastically said

Jonghyun shove him away

“They’re cute” Key smiled at them

“Thank you! We get that a lot. Mostly Kyung-ah” Taemin grinned

Kyung blushed and hides her face on Taemin’s arm “Yah…” she warned and pinch him

Taemin chuckles

“These two are smart. They might be one in your classes Key, Minho”

“Oh I want them to be in mine” Minho grinned

“Same here” Key smiled

“Come on let’s go to class now” Onew said and they all left

3 months have pass and they all got close to each other and Kyung discovered something interesting about one of them

“Kyungie~!!!” Someone called

Kyung closed her locker and looked at that person “Key Oppa” she greeted

He hugged her and smiled “I love it when you call me Oppa!” he said

She nodded and gave out a small smile

“Kyungie~ let’s eat together! I have something to tell you!” he said

“Alright… Just let me tell Taemin-ah that we’re going somewhere”

“Don’t worry… I told them already that we’re going somewhere”

She nodded

Key grinned and grabbed her hand. He then pulled her to the place where they always talk in private.

At the rooftop

They sat down where the plants are and took out their lunch

“So what do you want to talk about Oppa?” Kyung asked

Key scratches his head “It’s about Jonghyun”


“Jonghyun told me that he likes someone” he said

Kyung blinked when she saw Key’s eyes getting teary “Oppa…” she softly called out and reached out

Key jumped onto her arms and hugged her tightly “He said he’s going to ask her out Kyung-ah! And I thought we had something special!!” he cried onto her shoulder

She rubbed his back “Oppa, its ok… Just cry it out…” she said softly

Key was crying about 2 hours now and he fell asleep; his head resting on Kyung’s lap. Her hand rested on his chest and her other hand his hair.

For these few months Kyung already knew that Key was gay in day one. Seeing how Key looks at Jonghyun and how he acts around him, even though he hides it to everyone else.

How can she know?

It was that day when she saw Key running through the busy hallways and went up to the rooftop. She followed him there and saw him crying on the corner and calling out Jonghyun’s name

She walked towards him and offered a handkerchief to him and sat beside him

“Key Oppa… Don’t worry, its going to be alright” she said

Key looked at her “But- but”

“I know you love him that much” she nodded

“How did you know?” he sobbed

She smiled brightly at him “I just know…” she said

After that moment Key and Kyung became close to each other and every time Key has a problem with Jonghyun and she would be there to comfort him

Kyung looked at his face and smiled “Oppa… How can you be so beautiful than me?” she chuckled and caress his cheek “Don’t you see that I like you too? As a girl not as a sister or a friend” she said softly and sighed

Yes, she likes him too in day one when her brother Onew introduced them to each other but she never had the heart to tell him. She always tells herself that she never will tell him her feelings because of what she experience before; confessing to a person and getting rejected because of giving her the wrong expression.

When she heard the bell for the last subject she gently shook him and called his name

He opened up his swollen eyes slowly and looked up to her

“We need to go…” she said

He nodded and slowly sat up “Hey Kyungie” he called out


“Should I just turn straight again?” he suddenly asked

Kyung blinked “what?”

He looked at her “Because I keep getting hurt” he said and tears are threatening to fall again

She sighed and grabbed his hand “Oppa… I don’t know what to tell you because it’s your choice…” she said “Just remember that I’m just here to let you know that you’re not alone”

Key tear up again and hugged her “I know I can count on you Kyungie”

She patted his back “Stop it you pabo. You’re going to be an ugly panda if you continue crying”

She felt him nodded on her shoulder “Kyungie… You know what?” he said


“I know now why I’m always crying like this” he said and broke the hug “Because Jonghyun doesn’t know my feelings”

“You’re going to…?”

“… Tell him…”


“I’m going to tell him Kyungie~!” he said with determination


“I’m going to tell him tonight!” he continued “We have that party this evening at restaurant right? I can just confess to him there” he planned

Kyung looked at him *He looks so determined about this…* she thought sadly

“You’re going to come right?” he looked at her with hope in his eyes

She gulped and shook her head


“I have to study Oppa… I have an exam tomorrow” she said

Key pouted “Please Kyungie~ I need you there” he grabbed her shoulders

“I’m sorry Oppa…” she said

He sighed and let go of her shoulders “I understand” he said

She nodded “Thank you…” she said “And I’m really sorry about it Oppa”

Key shook his head and smiled “Don’t be. You done enough for me already”

Kyung nodded and smiled

It was evening already and Kyung was all alone in the house. Her brothers went to the party and she stayed behind to study for her science exam.

When she was about to write something, the door bell rang. She sighed and walked to the door. She opened it and her eyes widen

“Oppa?” she said

Key smiled weakly and hugged her

Kyung blinked and slowly wrapped her arms around him “What’s wrong?” she asked

Key broke the hug and looked at her in the eyes

“Key Oppa?”

He cupped her cheek “Kyung-ah…”

Then she felt a light pressure on her lips. Her eyes widen in shock and tried to push him away. Kyung then started to slap his chest when he walked inside the house and kicked the door close, not parting his lips from hers. She pushed him all her might and Key bang his back against the door

“Yah! What the heck is wrong with you?!!” Kyung angrily yelled at him

Key looked down and his bangs covering his eyes “Kyung-ah, me and Jonghyun can’t be together” he said softly

Her face softens and came closer to him. She gently grabbed him and hugged him “Oppa, I’m sorry…” she said

Then she felt his hugged tighten around her waist and she also felt his lips brushed against her neck “O-Oppa?” she pushed him a little

They looked at each other and he smiled at her

“What’s wrong with you?” she asked

“I’m just happy to see you…” he said

“What? Aren’t you sad that Jonghyun didn’t--?”

“I don’t care about that anymore” he said


“Remember what I asked you this afternoon?” he asked and tighten (If that’s possible) his hug to her

“That you’re going to tell Jonghyun your feelings?” she asked

“No… Not that one” he said and nuzzled his nose against her cheek

Kyung gulped “T-that you’re getting hurt?”

“Before that baby…” he said and kissed her cheek

She pushed him away “Ok, what’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing’s wrong…” he whispered

“Something is wrong with you. Did you drink?”

Key chuckled “Now, why would I do that?”

“I don’t know, what do you want anyway? Why are you here?” she asked

He stepped closer “I want…” he started

Kyung blinked and stepped back. He kept coming towards her and she kept moving back; they did this until she hit the wall and he trapped her between his arms


“… You” he smiled


 “How can I be so blind Kyung-ah?”

“Wha-what are you talking about?”

“All those time… The answer was right there at my face, slapping me…”

“What answer?”

“The answer to all my questions why I’m always being hurt… Why I’m always felt empty…” he looked at her eyes “Because you’re there”

Kyung frowned “I don’t know if you’re insulting me or what”

Key chuckled “Let me finish… I mean all this time you’re there with me… Every time when Jonghyun done something with a girl that will hurt me, you’re there for me… Every time we’re at the party and he was a girl with him, you’re there to keep me company; to distract me from him, to me away from him… You’re all I need Kyung-ah” he said and placed her hand on his chest “You’re all I want”

Kyung blinked a couple of times “Did you just—to me?”

He grinned and nodded

She laughed crazily and placed her forehead on his shoulder

Key frowned at her “Why are you laughing?” he asked

“Now I know you’re drunk” she laughed. She got down from his arm and walked away; laughing

“I’m not drunk…” he said and followed her

“Sure you’re not…” she waved it away

Key grabbed her arm and spun her around “I’m. Not. Drunk.” He glared at her

Kyung rolled her eyes “How can you like me if you’re gay?”

He grabbed both of her arms and pulled her close “I think this will clear that”

“What are you ta--- uhmp!”

Key roughly kissed her on the lips. She tried to pull away from him but he didn’t budge. He let go of her other arm and wraps his arm around her waist to make the kiss deeper.

Kyung tried to push him away from her freed hand *Gosh… How the heck he got strong as this point?!*

As she struggles to free herself, he her bottom lip. She knew what he was asking for, so she kept her lips closed.

Key smirked and pressed his fingers on to her side. She gasped and he took the chance to slip his tongue in and explore ever thing inside.

Moments later she stopped struggling and kissed him back. Slowly her eyes closed and her arms wrapped around his neck

He pulled away slowly and rested his forehead against hers “Do you believe me now?” he panted and looked at her closed eyes

Kyung slowly nodded and opened her eyes half way “But how?”

Key grinned “A little boy told me…”

“Aish… Taemin-ah…” she growled

He laughed and hugged her tightly “Taemin-ah didn’t told me anything… The chicken boy actually told me and gave me the sign to go for you…”

“BWOH?!” her eyes widen and looked at him

He shrugged “Thanks to him, my eyes are open now… And he cleared the fog over my eyes on the one I truly love”


“Corny is love, sweetheart”

“Who said that?” she raised an eyebrow

“Said me” he grinned

“Aish… You’re so gay…” she scoffed

“I was gay…” he poked her side

She jumped away from “Yah!!!” she screamed “Touch me again and I’ll kick you on the crotch…” she threaten

“Is that a threat or a promise?” he wiggles his eyebrows

She rolled her eyes and walk away

“Aww baby, you always threaten people who tickle you and you don’t even do it…” he went after her

“Go… Away.” She said

He smiled and grabbed her and spun her around

“Yah!” she yelled and she was about to slap him but he caught her wrist and mockingly smiled at her “Stop it” she said

“Stop what?”

“Just stop talking…” she frowns

“Ok then” he said and pulled her into another breath taking kiss

Kyung pulled away but Key grabbed her nape and kissed her again “I love you Park Kyung” he whispered

She sighed “I love you too” she wrapped her arms around his neck and laugh “Gosh… I fell in love with a gay person”




Hope you like it.. ^.^



DBSHINeelover aka. Dong.Bang.SHINee_lover

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awwww soooo sweeeeeeeet
i loved it :D:D:D
this. is, epic. XD
that's awesome. :D <br />
but really, Key liked blingy??? XD<br />
oh well, the ending's pretty cute!<br />
good job! ^^<br />
aww this is too cute! xD <br />
i never really read something like this, but i love it^^
awwwwwwwwwwwwww....so cute!!!!!!!!!!!
FairytalePerfection #6
B'daaaaaaw. I fell in love with a gay person. Awesome.
Queen_Bee #7
i Like thisss,,,, Onew are a reaLLy good brOther,,, ^^
I'll try making one for him... because I haven't done any love story of him before... but yeah I'll try to make one...