The Studio

The End And...

Boa slid back into her seat in the car, coffee in hand. She was glad for the caffeine as she quietly sipped it as the car began to move forward again. Half-way through its contents, she found her attention reverting back to the man at the coffee shop. But most of all, she simply couldn't forget those aquamarine eyes. They were just so... Enchanting.

"Ms. Kwon, Ms. Kwon? Boa? Boa?" the guard called, waving a hand in front of her to catch her attention.

"Yes?" she asked, her drink all finished.

"We're here," he said, opening the door even wider for her. 

True enough, they really were at the studio. Boa mentally berated herself for not paying attention, but her mind betrayed her. Those eyes...

She shook her head. No. She could not afford to be distracted, especially not by some random guy that she saw at a coffee shop who she would probably never see ever again. 

She got out of the car and thanked the drivier and the guard, who followed her into the building.

"There you are!" her language coach exclaimed, approaching her. "I wanted to run the lyrics by you before we begin recording. You know, just to make sure your diction is well."

"Of course, of course," she replied. Although correcting her accent and pronunciation was quite difficult, especially since it slipped out unconsciously, she was glad that her coach was patient and very encouraging. Frankly, she enjoyed it because she herself could hear her progress. 

Slowly, her words went from garbled and unintelligible to limited but intelligible. It was just a matter of time before she'd sound like a pro, and she sincerely wanted that day to come soon. She didn't want to face the audience with a limited vocabulary, unlike her hoobaes who seemed to be able to pull it off with a limited vocabulary. No, she wanted to be able to understand her fans well and reply to them on her own. She felt it her responsibility, and she felt she owed it to them.

Hours passed, and her coach finally gave her the go signal to record the song. The producer sighed in relief. Finally, they were going to get somewhere!

Boa got into the booth, pulled on the head set with the lyrics in hand. The producer gave her a few words of advice before they began which she bore in mind.

Recording songs would still be the same. The right pitch, the right notes and the right emotions were needed, and she could easily deliver. She's been in the music industry for years, if she still hasn't gotten the knack of it, there would be a question. But the thing is, will the audience be able to understand her words? Would they come out well or would they come out garbled?

She fidgeted, wringing her fingers together.

"Don't worry, Boa. You'll do well," the producer assured her. "And if it doesn't sound well enough for you, we can always do it again. But first, we have to try otherwise, how will you know what to improve on, right?"

Boa nodded. It was true. The first thing one needed to do to actually get anywhere was to try it. The next was to improve.

She took in a deep, calming breath before giving the producer the go signal. With a smile, he nodded and they began the recording process. 

It took a while, but soon, they finished recording their first song. Boa was relieved, at first, then when she remembered that she still had to listen to the final product, she tensed up again.

How ugly would it sound? she wondered. 

Her worries were dispelled, however, when she heard it. It might not have sounded as flawless as a native speaker, but it sure sounded nice, well enough to be understood. A small bud of joy sprouted in her heart. Maybe she could do this after all.

"Great job, Boa. Tomorrow again, okay? Hopefully tomorrow, you're less tense!" the producer exclaimed happily. 

"I'll do my best," she replied with vigour. 

"See you tomorrow then. Bright and early!"

She nodded before leaving with her coach. She passed by one of the rooms and heard a soft melody coming from it. It was a familiar melody, but before she could trace it down, it stopped, leaving her as enchanted to it as she had first heard it. 




Hey, all! :) Ang here. I hope you're all wondering, "Who? Who is singing?! Just tell me already! Rawr!" lol. But even if you're not wondering as violently, I hope you enjoyed that.^^

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random thought but: anyone like the poster?


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wow, that's an interesting tidbit about dean that i didn't know 0.0 poor guy...and poor you losing your chapters ><
aww he accepted her apology ♥
sorry my comment's coming late >< aish...looking at his phone...poor boa...and poor dean :(
oh poor dean :( i hope he'll trust boa more~
i didn't expect him to be so blunt >< update!
:3 so cute~ and it's true...they DO point at their noses XD like a manga character
XD ♥♥♥
LMFAO Stephanie Meyer's almost true 0.0 XD
this story is gonna be sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute X3 ♥♥