A Walk in the Park

The End And...

Boa asked permission from her manager, who agreed as long as one of the guards stayed with her, to go out and get a breath of fresh air. This was a rare favour. Boa hardly ever asked for these things, preferring to stay comfortable in her house for a bit of well-deserved rest and relaxation from another day's worth of hard work. Her manager didn't see anything wrong with it. She had yet to debut in the States, few people would probably recognize her, but he asked her to keep a low profile just in case.

With a guard trailing behind her inconspicuously (as inconspicuously as a seven foot tall man in a suit and wearing sunglasses at night could), she walked to the closest park, enjoying the cool, evening breeze. Her hair gently flew around her. For the first time in days, she didn't feel like tying her hair up, enjoying the feeling of the air whip through every lock.

Hands in her pocket, she took a seat on one of the swings, patting the other one to ask her guard to have a seat beside her. The guard shifted uncomfortably, not sure how to fit his frame into the swing. He decided against it, and simply sat on a a nearby bench. Boa let out a soft laugh, breaking the silence.

"How are you feeling?" he asked quietly. He wasn't sure if she could really understand him because he'd asked in English. He didn't want to bring her excess stress, but the company had asked him to speak to her in English so she could practice.

"A bit better," she replied. "The air is nice."

"Yes, it is," he replied. His voice was a bit low, but it was more comforting than scary. "You know, you can tell me if you need me to switch to Korean so you can understand me. I can, just so you know. But it's not perfect."

"I need the help," she replied.

Yes, she definitely needed the help. Her accent was still a bit off and there were times her pronunciations lapsed back to Korean, but she had a decent enough vocabulary. 

"You know, music and TV help a lot with language acquisition," he said, then Boa gave him a confused look. "Learning a new language."

Boa nodded in understanding.

"My sister has a few DVDs of popular American TV series. Do you know Gossip Girl?"

"I like that," she replied with a smile.

"I could lend them to you. She doesn't really mind, as long as they come back safe. Besides, she's probably watched them a dozen times," he shrugged.

"Okay, thank you," she replied.

A comfortable silence enveloped them soon after.

Boa closed her eyes and took a deep breath to clear the nervousness that had begun to bubble up again. She listened to the wind; a soft melody drifted to her ears. Soon, a soft voice sang along with it accompanied by the slow strumming of a guitar. Before she could get up and look for the source, however, the guard's phone rang. The manager needed them to head back. She reluctantly got up to follow him. She still wanted to listen to the voice. It calmed her troubled soul.



Ang you're meant to comment so that the readers know who wrote what. LOL anyway... Hope everyone liked this chapter too - E

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random thought but: anyone like the poster?


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wow, that's an interesting tidbit about dean that i didn't know 0.0 poor guy...and poor you losing your chapters ><
aww he accepted her apology ♥
sorry my comment's coming late >< aish...looking at his phone...poor boa...and poor dean :(
oh poor dean :( i hope he'll trust boa more~
i didn't expect him to be so blunt >< update!
:3 so cute~ and it's true...they DO point at their noses XD like a manga character
XD ♥♥♥
LMFAO Stephanie Meyer syndrome...it's almost true 0.0 XD
this story is gonna be sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute X3 ♥♥