For her it was separation, for him it was waiting.

For her it was separation, for him it was waiting. - Song inspiration while writing. hehe <3


Jessica's mind was in somewhere else as she sat next to the window of the coffee shop and listened to the sound of the rain falling.

She was alone, as usual. Days like this reminded her of the past and how everything has changed since they debuted. The seven years of training seemed like yesterday. She wondered what would've been the Jessica now if she didn't give up everything.



Jessica's eyes widened as she saw this guy with pale colored skin and black hair in front of her table. It's been two years. Two years since they last saw each other. 

"Jessica, it is you!" He smiled.

Hundreds of people smile at Jessica in one day but none of them compare to the smile he gave to her in one minute. She was speechless. She didn't know what to say.

"Jae...Jaejoong oppa..."

She looks at him with that unexplainable look in his eyes. Suddenly, all the memories in the past came rushing back to her head. When they used to hang out every after practice and have secret meetings without even caring about what the staffs of the company might think. That time when he went back to Seoul all the way from Japan just to celebrate her birthday. The time when he confessed to her at the rooftop of their company on how much he loved her.

He would secretly give her the flowers that were given by his fans to him during their encore on music stations and she would give them back knowing that the fans would notice. He would carefully stand next to her during concert endings and she would pretend that she didn't notice him. And that painful day when she decided to end it all. She feels the pain taking over her heart again and all she sees in him is a smile.

"Ya! How are you? You look thinner, aren't you taking care of yourself? Look at those dark circles in your eyes. Sica, you've been missing a lot of sleep! How have you been?" He laughed as he .

But deep inside there was pain inside him. He did miss her, he missed her as much as he missed s. And his heart aches because he's unsure of what are her feelings towards him now, all those lonely nights of having trouble sleeping, thinking what would’ve happened if they fought for their feelings, if she did not break up with him, if he did not separate from the company.

For him, Jessica was the one. He may had have relationships after her but she was always the one. She was his first love, his first kiss, his muse in all of his songs. But it had to end for reasons that he couldn’t understand. Until now, he couldn’t understand why.  It was the most painful goodbye he had experienced, the one that was never said and never explained.  ‘It's better to quietly miss someone rather than to let them know and get no response’, he thought.

For her, he was just a little crush that grew into something more. ‘The ice couple’ as Hyunjoong oppa would say. She wasn’t sure of what he was to her but she was happy when she was with him.

There was a moment of silence. Suddenly, tears fell out of her eyes.

“You…you never called. Not even a text. You never showed up! Am I that easy to forget?”

Again, there was silence.

“You’re not very easy to forget. I never stopped thinking about you Sica, even though you stopped thinking about me. I missed you.” He finally said the words he has been keeping all this years.

 “You tell me that you miss me but you never did anything about it.”

“I was there for you, please remember that. I didn't walk away, you let me go.”

“I wish I was braver and stronger than what I am right now.”

“If you had a choice would it ever be me? Would you have fought for our feelings? I did. You don't know how it feels when the person you have fought the hardest for gives you up without a fight.”

“But I didn’t have a choice.”

“We all have a choice.”

He was right, she thought. She was pressured by the company. She thought that letting him go was for the better.

There was silence. For the first time, they were finally able to say the thoughts unsaid and the feelings they failed to express. 

She faked a smile, wiped her tears. “Look at us now. Sometimes, even if you have a good reason to hold on, you realize that it would much better if you let go. I’ve given up so many things to be where I am right now. I know what I said, but it was a long time ago and things change.”

She gave him a smile but he did not smile back. She knew he was angry. She could feel it when she looked deep into his eyes, she broke him.

“I have to go.” She said as she stood up from her chair, grabbed her bag.

You can’t deny your feelings forever, Jessica.” He said before she could walk away.

It took her a few seconds to reply.

“It’s time to leave those feelings behind.” She opened the door and walked fast towards her car that was parked in front of the coffee shop. She did not care if she was soaking wet in the rain, for her it was better that way, because tears were overflowing. 




This is just some random fanfic about the post-glory days of Jessica and Jaejoong. Haha. I was inspired to write it after I saw that jaesica moment when Jaejoong gave his flowers to Jessica during their encore performance of Mirotic. Lol. And after that, I was inspired a bit of jessica’s version of ‘Almost’. So there.

Sorry if there are a lot of grammatical errors in this fic. I’m not that good in English lol. Like I said in my previous fic, English is not my first language. Hihi. Feel free to pm if you spot the errors so that I could correct them. :))))) 

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lovexxanny #1
Update!! :))
Updateee please
Kris-C25 #3
OK I CAME BACK.. only to let my heart be drenched by tons of tears >_< {T~T}
Kris-C25 #4
GAH.. I don't know why but my heart's piercing esp. I read this while listening to the background song.. GAH.. *wipes away the tears* .. gah .. hope u can update soon.. I don't want it to end like this. Gahh!! Jaejoong don't just stand there! Don't let Jessica go!
naydsbeb #5
jaesica fighting!
Jiyeon_chan #6
"You can’t deny your feelings
forever, Jessica."
i like this words >.<

love this story :)
update soon~
thelostwishes #7
._. i hope she get back to him ._.v
Can you put jaesica hastag?

Js shipper will notice ur ff ... :D

Nice story of jaesica, im looking forward to the next chapter...
Ppali for update ne..
화이팅!!!! (ง'̀д'́)ง
i love the way you write "Jaejoong of JYJ/DB5K"
update soon