
House of Instincts

OK, I basically just took actors and actresses from TVB and put them here. Since like...really. I don't watch Korean dramas with old people in it. So my sister (MurderousIntent) just told me to use TVB people since we watch their dramas. Uh, more like my parents do but ok. Since my twin sister and I like to sit on our beds and go on our laptops all day. *shrug* Lol whatever. So yeah, if you guys are wondering, these people are from TVB and half of them are probably over 30.




Jinkyo sighed as she glanced at her schedule. 

"Room 1C..." 

(Short description of homerooms. They are split into 3 categories. 1 for the newcomers. 2 for the ones who've been there for a year. 3 for the ones leaving that year. Those are also split again into 5 rooms. A, B, C, D, E. Each room will have a number and a letter. If this confuses you, feel free to ask me and I'll try to explain better. c:)

She looked up at the sign at the door and took a deep breath and walked in...only to have to dodge something coming to her face. She yelped, obviously shocked. 


She looked up to see the teacher running towards her. He furrowed his eyebrows worriedly.

"Did it hurt you? I was testing out something."

"Mr. Liu! You should watch out for that kind of stuff more!"

One of his students scolded and he laughed, rubbing the nape of his neck nervously. "Mianhe, mianhe...Ah! New student." He smiled and held out his hand.

"My name is Mr. Liu. I help out kids who can't speak Korean, and I am also the science teacher." 

Jinkyo shook his hand hesitantly. "...Are all the teachers here that carefree?"

Darius Liu

X and Angel parted ways and X sighed as he looked at the small slip of paper he got from the office.


He walked in to an extremely loud room and his eye twitched as he plugged in his headphones. His teacher was reading a book with her high heels beneath her desk, feet completely bare as she kicked them into the air.

"Your name is Xiu Lin, is it not?"

He turned his gaze from the class to her young features. She smiled as he bowed respectively.

"I'm Ms. Kim. I am the history teacher here...CLASS SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO THE NEW STUDENT'S INTRODUCTION!"

Her soft, quiet voice immediately turned loud and demanding as the class immediately turned to look at their teacher with innocent faces. X nervously looked at his homeroom teacher.

"What is with this school?"

Kim Jiyeon

Angel poked her head into the door of room 1E with a few mutters of 'not wanting to be here'.

"Ahaha! New student~"

She turned to glare at the teacher who grinned and winked at her. 

"Hey cutie. I'm Mr. Kang. I teach language arts. I suspect that you're Xiao Yin?"

She growled and he laughed. "Too cute~!"

Students behind them groaned at their creepy teacher who loved his female students a bit too much.

She would obviously have to avoid him if she wanted to not get hit on.

Kang Jordan

Violet quietly walked into her new homeroom. 1B.

"Can you guys just shut your mouths for 5 flipping minutes?! God damn!"

Her jaw dropped as she looked at her teacher. Weren't they supposed to be role models?

...Maybe scratch out the role part. He looked exactly like someone who would be in a magazine teenage girls read and giggled over.

"Hey, Hayeon right?"

She snapped out of her thoughts to see him towering over her.

"Mr. Park." He shoved his hands into his pockets as she gulped and nodded. 

"I'm the math teacher. I won't treat you nicely just because you're a new student."

Violet was starting to question where Daewoon hired his teachers from.

Park Hyunwoo 

AAANNDDD I'm done. Basically, this is an introduction to a few of the teachers at the school. :D They're all attractive, no? Look forward to more updates! c:

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I'm dead from school. I probably won't update until like, a break because I'm too lazy.


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I like Ms.Kim!! I hope I have her!!! These teachers are somethin else.....really funny!!
xaverri #2
haha, the teachers are ...
the math teacher was especially funny.
The teachers seem... really interesting. Lol XD
Anyways, this was a great chapter, as usual ^^ I love all the characters' personalities :D
asdfghjkl; You updated yay!
Anyways~ Well, look at the teachers XD
Ah, I'd like to have teachers like that~
LOL at the dog in Daewoon's pic XD
Ah~ They're so adorable~

LOLOOL i used to watch tvb.
Matthew and Ron <333 omg im starting to like them again in this story. can't wait for more updates :D
Hi :D
Update soon~~ :D
Whoop whoop! Update soon. c:
xaverri #9
it's starting cc;
they're alllll coming in...
haha fist pump! daewoon's little signature thing?
ooh, I can translate so you can put actual chinese for the chinese parts in. but then that might not be useful anyway. XD
wooh, exciting c:
Woah~ This is gonna be good since there's like this wide range of personalities that are in the story. I'm really interested in how they're gonna interact with each other~

And of course there's DaeWoon who is always the awesome principal~
Woot! Fighting~