First School Day

House of Instincts

Angel stuck to X like a puppy following it's mother. X chuckled as he went to hold her hand. She backed up and he blinked, remembering the consequences. He looked at her apologetically and she shook her head, telling him silently it was ok. Someone who dared to bump into her went flying across the sidewalk. She gaped and turned to look at X. X's eyes widened.

"What are you waiting for? Run! Before we get in trouble!"

Angel took his advice and ran into the school with him on her trail.

Oh god, this 'reject' power was horrible.

Mason sighed as he bit his lower lip.







Oh jeez.

All these moods were messing up his concentration. He shook his head and looked bravely to the school. He nodded to himself and walked in with confidence.

Ace casually walked into the front doors, and was stopped by the office lady.

"Name, please."

She gave her a cold look and sighed.

"Ace. Lau Ace."

The lady looked at the list, pushed up her glasses and looked back up at her. She smiled kindly and held out her hand, saying in perfect English,
"Hi, I'm Lee DaSoon. I work at the office in this school. I understand you don't speak Korean. If you need any help, you can ask your fellow students, or even your teachers. Even so, we hope you feel welcomed here. Have a nice day!"
She checked off Ace's name and moved on to the next student. Ace blinked.

"...What just happened."

"Ow! Watch where you're going!"

Min turned her gaze to the person glaring at her. She snorted and shook her head.

"You were the one who bumped into me."

And with that, she walked to her dorm with the map in her hands, leaving the person shocked.


"Watch your language!"

She sighed and shook her head, looking around to try and find the dorm.

"People these days."

"Seriously, what's the point of yelling at me when you're the obvious one at fault?"

Shin sighed as the girl glared up at him.

"Because YOU were the one who purposely tried to hit me!"

"You were the one who clung onto me like a hook. So it's not my problem that I hit you."

He didn't listen to her annoying screams as he blew his fringe out of his face and walked towards his room, looking at his schedule.

"I really hope not every girl in my dorm is like that..."

Yu sighed as the girl sitting next to her droned on and on...something about her hair and how she did it? Well, not like she really cared. She walked away to choose a different seat, leaving the girl still talking. She chuckled. Oblivious much?

And that was when the principal started his speech.

"Hey guys! Welcome back to our academy~! Unless you are a new student, then welcome to the House of Instincts. I know some of you are feeling uncomfortable, it's understandable. But this is a home for you guys. Be happy! Let yourself be free! Be who you really are! Fist pump!"
Daewoon laughed as half of the school cheered and fist pumped.

"We're a family! See ya!" He winked playfully and some girls swooned at his good looks. Some snorted. And some guys muffled laughers. Maybe their principal was a e.

But that's not important.

Because this was the start of a new school year.

YEAAAAAAAHH. Ok. I finally wrote the first chapter.

I actually wrote it at...10 on a school night so I'm sorry if its not really that good? c: 

The very beginning~!

(Red is Chinese)

"May the odds be ever in your favor."

The Hunger Games

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I'm dead from school. I probably won't update until like, a break because I'm too lazy.


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I like Ms.Kim!! I hope I have her!!! These teachers are somethin else.....really funny!!
xaverri #2
haha, the teachers are ...
the math teacher was especially funny.
The teachers seem... really interesting. Lol XD
Anyways, this was a great chapter, as usual ^^ I love all the characters' personalities :D
asdfghjkl; You updated yay!
Anyways~ Well, look at the teachers XD
Ah, I'd like to have teachers like that~
LOL at the dog in Daewoon's pic XD
Ah~ They're so adorable~

LOLOOL i used to watch tvb.
Matthew and Ron <333 omg im starting to like them again in this story. can't wait for more updates :D
Hi :D
Update soon~~ :D
Whoop whoop! Update soon. c:
xaverri #9
it's starting cc;
they're alllll coming in...
haha fist pump! daewoon's little signature thing?
ooh, I can translate so you can put actual chinese for the chinese parts in. but then that might not be useful anyway. XD
wooh, exciting c:
Woah~ This is gonna be good since there's like this wide range of personalities that are in the story. I'm really interested in how they're gonna interact with each other~

And of course there's DaeWoon who is always the awesome principal~
Woot! Fighting~