
i ll let u run once, but not twice

what should i do...? should i ask him...? but .. she is always with him when she s back here in Korea.... is she s telling the truth after all?? i walked to the room... Yunho still sleeping.... deeply.... so no... what should i do??

when he wake up... it s already near noon.... he still look sleepy....

"Jae... morning..."

"it is near noon... "

"Yuri, she still here?"

"no... she left already"   after she gave me a warning about ur engagement

"why u look so depressed? something wrong?"


"mmm.... "

"Yunho... "


"that girl..... what kind of relations u have with her?"

"why u ask? she said something to u?"

"she said she is ur fiance"

"mmm... "


"are u jealous?"

"it is not like that... i.."

"i told u already... she is family s friend.. my childhood friend... yes, there are talk about the engagement between the family, but we both didnt agree to it"

"what do u mean by that?"

"she is like a sister to me... i explained it to her... and she understand it... she had her own lover already"

"but yunho... that s not what she said to me"

"Jae.. she is  a very considerate person.... dont make fake stories.... why would she talk about it to u, she didnt even recognize who u are"

"i didnt make story..... she said it herself"

"Jae.. she is someone who is totally ignore the entertainment world... she live in her own world.... and she didnt care much about others.. "

"then why everytime she s around u asked me to leave?"

"because i dont want my parent know anything about us yet, i want to tell them myself.. "

"so that s mean now she is ur fiance?!"

"how many time i wanna say... she  just like a sister to me.... i didnt her jae, she is not a "

"i didnt say she is, i said she is determine to marry u"

"that is ur own assumption.... when i said that i have someone else that i love... she said she understand... we are acting in front of the family"

"but yunho she is not acting!!"

"u dont know her... how could u say something like that about her!!!"

"because she said so, she tell me to go away from u when she marry u"

"jae... u are just jealous... i can understand that... i love u... i married to u...,but dont badmouth her... she didnt have intention to marry me and knows nothing about us... she is innocent... so calm down ok..."

"u dont believe me didnt u?"

"this is not about believe or not... i know her all my life... she is so into her research... didnt have time for anything else, and we have talk about that stupid engagement long ago... we are just acting in front of family"

"jae.. dont do this... i really love u..."

"then if i ask u not to meet her again what would u say?"

"she is no one... she just a friend, why u feel so threaten by her"

"if she is just a friend.. why u totally ignore me when she is around"

"i am not ignoring u.... i just want to protect our relationship... she cannot know about us, if she know my parent will know"

"so what??? if ur parent know... u didnt want them to know?

"it takes time jae... not everyone can accept that their son is gay"

"so... are u saying i ll be invisible forever?"

"i will tell them... but not now... "

"if they want u to marry her, what will happen?"

"she will decline it... she said she will"

"she lied to u"

"oh jae..... stop this... i dont wanna fight with u.."

i cannot talk to him anymore.... why he didnt believe me???  he tried to comfort me... saying i just jealous of Yuri.... he said if i felt that way... he will not let me meet yuri again... never brought her to the house again...

i dont want to have a big fight with him either.... he believe her as his childhood friend.... he love me as his partner.... and i am hurt like crazy.....

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Chapter 47: Hhhmmmm i wish the last part should be written a little longer i mean....its a good thing yunjae is back together but it doesnt make happen so fast...i love the whole story its just that the endind lacks for me......but thank you so much for sharing though
Chapter 45: You deserve that tsk....what the ......
Chapter 44: I wanna burn that alive this time
Chapter 42: Oh no...all of a sudden i feel like crying now....
Chapter 41: Its crazy....its deja vu..once yunho trap jae before and it look like what he had done the repeat it to him and ended up yunho....i wanna kill this
Chapter 40: Oh my....why it turn out this way....its not funny yunho
Chapter 37: Inluenza? That virus is deadly, how come yunho is still alive??? Bwoo?
Chapter 33: Hyun joong mentioned about suicide? Did jae try to do that? This chapter confuse me
Chapter 32: Of course jae will think about running away, yunho you failed to protect dissappointed you know you do much effort to get him and then whe you got jae you will just leave him just like that because of a damn ...seriously yunho tsk
Chapter 29: Oh my....What happen???? who is that guy?