
i ll let u run once, but not twice

He text me... the next  day...

-  "Jae.. come here.. i need to see u"

huh!!!  i will never go... never!!!!.... he is bluffing.... if  he released the video... his face will be in the paper also... he cannot use that to chain me...

next message...

-  "Jae i really mean it... i want to see u"

i will not go..... i dont even reply the message

- "Jae this is the 3rd time... i want u here come!!"

he pissed off..... and i dont care... how come he tricked me and blackmailed me like that!!!!

- "if u dont come... u will regret!!!"

do what u want... i wanna see... what u can do..


after that he is quiet.... silent... 2 days later....

"Jae... did u see it?"


"yoochun said he spot something in the newspaper this morning.. so i surf the net.... "

"and what junsu... i am sleeping... this is early morning... "

"ur pictures with Yunho at Hainan island ... on the front page!!"

"WHAT!!!??????  what did u say?!! .."

"just look at today s paper.. u ll know it.."


what did that ert do? did he released the videos ????   no... no... i ran to my front door and grab todays paper delivered, i open it....

"YUNJEA is back?? "

what is this.... he posted this... crazy  guy... in the paper, there are pictures of us in hainan... but none are explicit... just 2 best friend vacation.... phew!!!!  wait.... why he is doing this... mmm ... so he didnt care if his company will be mad or not anymore... and why i felt so uneasy....

i text him... "i want to meet u"

no response

again  "where are u? "

no response

again "u ert i said i want to see u!!!!!!"

no response

again "i am MAD!!!! where the hell are u!!!!!!"

no response

he just totally ignored me.... why he is doing this?????? i am so piss off.... what he will do next... that guy is crazy....


my phone .... vibrating ...

"come to this address ............................."

why he want me to go to a private property??? this place is in the city.. but heavily guarded... ?? did he want to kill me or what...


i press the bell... the house door is opened... i walk in... there is no one in the big house...

"Yunho... i m here... "

"ah... so........... what should i do with u??"

"i am mad!!! why u posted the pictures??!!! what u want from me??!!!"

"wrong questions... u wanna ask what i am going to do next.... "

"mm sort of.. " he smirked at me.... asking me to sit down..and pour me wine..

"well... let see... if u still ignore my warning... the next headline of the paper may be  "the XXX videos leaked".... or may be i just posted ur ... it enough already..."

"crazy ert!!!.. "

"that s why i said... dont make me mad.... Jae... u should be very careful next time... " he sit near me... caressing my hand...

"i..i... me.... "  i dont know what to say... so i just drank all the wine...

"slow down.... Jae... u drink ... a.. lot.. " he is smiling at me....

"just say it what u want from me??!!"

"u already know what i want from u"

"i dont know"

"ah!! really.... i thought u know..... i want ur body.... next to mine... mmm... need to explain more?? "

"i dont want that!!... dont u just have enough of it already"

"the problem is... i  never had enough... ever... come.. "

"where??!!   i need to go home... u said i need to come so i come... "

"u will not going home tonight, u ll sleep here... "

"u cannot ordered me to do anything... this is really childish Yunho.. "

"but i like this... "

we arrive at a bedroom... it has been decorated like a wedding bedroom... flowers and candle....

"w...w..w....what .. "

he put me on the bed... then he start to start to undress..

"Yunho!!!!  are u crazy... what are u d..d..doing??"

"dont say u dont want it..... u came here knowing that i want it"

"no i dont want it!!!!! never!!!!!"

he stare at me... look like he is mad... at me?..


he stop what he is doing... then walking to the chair... next to him... sitting in the chair.... and looking at me....

"u know Jae... sometimes u really like to make me force u ... isnt it?"

"thats not what i want... yunho are we going to debates about that boring things again??? ... i really had enough.... u dont owned me... can we just be friend"

"ah.... friend.. and then u will say.. friend dont do this... u are really slick.. "

he annoyed by me... he is pouring another glass of wine... sitting at the edge of the bed, looking at me.... this is really awkward...

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Chapter 47: Hhhmmmm i wish the last part should be written a little longer i mean....its a good thing yunjae is back together but it doesnt make happen so fast...i love the whole story its just that the endind lacks for me......but thank you so much for sharing though
Chapter 45: You deserve that tsk....what the ......
Chapter 44: I wanna burn that alive this time
Chapter 42: Oh no...all of a sudden i feel like crying now....
Chapter 41: Its crazy....its deja vu..once yunho trap jae before and it look like what he had done the repeat it to him and ended up yunho....i wanna kill this
Chapter 40: Oh my....why it turn out this way....its not funny yunho
Chapter 37: Inluenza? That virus is deadly, how come yunho is still alive??? Bwoo?
Chapter 33: Hyun joong mentioned about suicide? Did jae try to do that? This chapter confuse me
Chapter 32: Of course jae will think about running away, yunho you failed to protect dissappointed you know you do much effort to get him and then whe you got jae you will just leave him just like that because of a damn ...seriously yunho tsk
Chapter 29: Oh my....What happen???? who is that guy?